Alright Sup Forumsros. Give me some super alpha pickup lines

Alright Sup Forumsros. Give me some super alpha pickup lines.

> Coffee or wine?
And then you go out for that and invite her back to yours

"I'll rip off your head and shit down your neck"


Five Ways I Can Rape You. Number 3 Will Shock You. Click here!

Im like a squirrel because i want to bury my nuts in you.

Im a raptor, suck my nuts

Skreeeeeeee skreeeeeeeee

squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok squok

Bloop bloop

Let me fuck you the right way.

I am Moot

50$ for your used underwear. Here and now.

"Why not Zoidberg ?"

100% guaranteed to work.

I'm feeling pumped by these alpha as fuck lines.


>i would berry my dick

It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress

>Be user
>be out, bar, concert whatever
>focus girl.jpg
>buy a drink
>girl slithly interested
>user:"So are we going to make out tonight?"
Girl will be completely perplexed or stunned. If she says no, just say you will ask her in an hour again. If she says yes, you know the drill. Works in 2 out of 3 cases



apocalypse now


>Needs pickup lines

If she says wine do i take her to a bar?

You put on your fedora mate

Before of after the bar? And if I put on my gold brimmed fadora, will I look like im trying to hard?

get to the choppa

or i will rape

Not necessarily for Tinder. However, I'm in the South and Tinder game does seem kinda dry around here.

tell us moar about the south