I need to know if my bf is cheating on me, please Sup Forums help, his kik is mjones9990

I need to know if my bf is cheating on me, please Sup Forums help, his kik is mjones9990
pic related thats me

catfish him yourself, cunt

Tits or gtfo!

I don't want to accidentally give myself away, please

I will post when everything is done don't want to rn in case you guys show him, please!

>sad attempt from a guy trying to get women to send him nudes

Not your personal army, dipshit. You know the rules. Tits or GTFO. Timestamped.

Any infos on him?
Btw.: nice body and cute smile

I don't want you guys to end up showing me and then he dumps me for that c'mon please!

Yeah user he likes moonga from Japan those comic strips, and faps to Wozniak

what do you mean and ty

We could easily just screen cap this thread and show him that, so what's the difference, unless....are you fake?!?!?

Bc I have deniability right now can just tell him it wasn't me but if I give you guys a personalized one he'll know it was really me

You are welcome. Got more pics non naked?

That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. You clearly claim to be his girlfriend, giving out personal information that only someone close to him would know, and for an accusation that sounds like only a hot dog of a girlfriend would make.

I do, but is anyone talking to my bf? anything?

A lot of people have his kik and that is a public picture of me so I can say that some pervert did it

Especially adding this part in there you just keep incriminating yourself, which I don't want to believe anyone is that dumb, but some trolling tips for the future so your thread doesn't get saged, follow or don't either way Fuck off and sage



lol no you wont

either false flag
or bait
either way this thread needs more spodermun

Take your pants off show your ass and post a timestamp

Nah, women are the cheating cunts. Its more likely you're just mental like all women.

if we wanted to fuck your life up, we could already. only reason we havent is cuz op pic is promising.

tits and timestamp or gtfo.

It says skip if there aren't any, retard.

nu uh
I'm lookin at the picture right now, where does it say it?

Bump for ops tits!

double dubs ve spoken. delivar!



OP is a faggot

>if there are
did you sit there retrying captchas until you could find one that proved this stupid point?
if so you are autismo
could have just asked nicely for the original


>captcha asked me to find all the juice
>immediately check'd the attic

and what's your kik?

He's no longer online.
>post tits
