I couldn't get with women

>i couldn't get with women
>decided to become one
>now i have a husband and act like an entitled city cunt
>used to be a red neck driving a truck and jumping motorcycles
>now teach math courses at a community college and drive a Mercedes
>used to get elbow deep in grease working on cars
>now get my nails done every 2 weeks and get facials at a spa
>used to listen to thrash metal and now its Taylor Swift and Katy Perry and Rihanna
What the fuck have i done to myself?

Timestamp on stomach if real, I doubt it is, just more bait on Sup Forums

Im dead serious but too tired to take more pics. You think i look like a girl? I feel like a lumberjack

Post a pic of yourself with a timestamp, or this is just bait

Its not bait though lol
Why do yoi think its bait?

Timestamp faggot

No, i don't have makeup on rn

Because you won't post a timestamp, if you did we would be talking

I prefer a girl without makeup

>>now teach math courses at a community college and drive a Mercedes

>teaching at a community college
>can afford a Mercedes

Ugh men are all the same

That wasn't that hard to do, I'm liking what I see babe, I would enjoy sucking on those nipples, show me more of that hot body

Hold that timestamp in your teeth naughty girl

You done good.

Shouldn't i be ashamed of being a tranny?

No, just be yourself sweetheart, no shame in trying to be happy

But i bought into feminism hard and i feel like im misappropriating femininity

Do you give good head?

do u even like men?

You're not, post a pic with that cute top of yours off while you hold that timestamp between your teeth hottie


hi kayla



you better show your dick if you actually want to prove it

So is Kayla posting or are these old pics?

this has kayla written allllllll over it


Go back to mtfg and let me troll

Keep posting Kayla, I want to see that sexy body without clothes

tell us the story about your dad's rough skinned man hands feeling you up.


it bait nigguh


Can't hurt to ask though

I had a similar transition by going from a fedora to a spiritualist.

Also, post dick.


No one owns femininity. Can't steal an idea. Establish your own views on shit, don't blindly follow.

Since this is a Kayla thread, anyone have more pics of her?


also requesting



post that pic where she's crying and she rips her favorite dress


Fucking creep those pics are pre hormones


Is this Kayla?


3 year old pic

Does your husband know you're a dude? Are you gay?

If you are Kayla post a topless pic giving the finger



You're a man too, stupid faggot. Get down on your knees and take pics of that boipussy


hes so ugly and manly
fucking fat shit

why the fuck did you buy a monster energy drink hat?

you liked monster energy drink SO MUCH you wanted to put that shit on your forehead?


i actually wonder where people get so much monster branded shit, i worked for a distributor and we didnt have anything branded from monster coming in.

Why are you posting this, we want to see you either taking the dick or sucking the dick.


you know what, im straight but id fuck you for funsies. would try anything at least once.

boner killer would be if you dont sound like a girl

Because you're 12.

I read that as day before hat/1 year on hat lol

> act like an entitled city cunt
> Ugh men are all the same

confirmed. but other than that: do what makes you happy and be who you want to be

You're a girl. Prove me right by showing us your spread vagina.


You disgusting filthy excuse for a human! What sort of shit-eating dickead are you? From metal to Rihanna? Are you for real?
pls post tits

You're gay. Go suck a dick homo.

If Kayla is in here she's too much a chicken to post a topless pic with a heart drawn above her bellybutton, too afraid of anons hating on her

you sound homophobic, are you not secure in who you are user?

your dick gets hard for whatever you get attracted to, if he is hot looks like a woman sounds like a woman and regardless of still having a dick or not, if mine gets hard I may just consider dropping a load.

And if the sex is good, i would even consider going further.

But I have done things I thought would work out ok but felt like shit afterwards to, so I can't say for sure. It could be that it would actually bother me after cumming or during. It bothered me when I cheated on my gf with my ex and I didn't think it would have.

post more like this, with cum would be good.


what he said
