Black Girls THREAD

Black Girls THREAD






Looks Spanish



your mom looks Spanish

Whats the obsession with black women?

Are you fucking? Dating? Or Marrying?

I'd fuck if it was good date if it was great marry and sire nonstop!!

What you doing anons??!!?

I'm married to a black woman

old fuck buddy



I wish you would stop spamming her. She's remarkably ugly


Engaged to two at separate times currently dating fucked a million.

Was gonna fuck my first white girl in six years the other day

This thread is gross




Oh my holy god....

my ex's friend and the reason she's my ex







I don't really have an obsession, I just like whatever it is that I find attractive. I don't discriminate on race, but physical features.

That being said I couldn't see myself marrying a black woman because the idea of my kid being half black is something I'm not interested in. Not cause of his color, but more so the culture that he will automatically be subjected to. I don't want a kid that will be acting a damn fool. It's just the culture that I'm not into. You all know what I mean.

There is nothing hotter than having chocolate lips wrapped around my white cock.


Not all black people subscribe to ghetto/progressive culture. Your kids, regardless of their skin color will likely take after the example you set for them.

she's hot


Whoa she's my type! Post some more

>implying wiggers aren't a thing.
>implying there aren't plenty of white washed black people out there like the Obamas
>implyong black culture is enharent to race instead of poor parenting and a refusal to move to locations with better socioeconomic prospects.

You're not wrong, but I don't know it's some sort of mental block. Maybe it's some innate racism I have. I really don't care about a person's skin color, but maybe I do just a little bit when regarding my kids. I feel weird even saying that cause I don't have a problem with any race



Beastiality is illegal




It's odd that you keep saying that you don't have an issue with skin color. One has to wonder, if you are trying to convince us or yourself?

Fucking nice, here's mine

I'm saying when it's about people that aren't my own children, I couldn't care less. It's about character. When it comes to my kids I have this idea of what they're supposed to look like and it doesn't involve them being black. Fuck it, I'm racist I guess


Love me some black girls



Listen I'm black and I don't think that makes you racist. I don't care what you want your kids to look like. However I dont want you or anyone else thinking that all black people act a certain way. Black people aren't a monolith, just like white people. Good luck with your Aryan Nation kids BTW kek















Yes yes feed it well


I only fuck black women. As a white guy I'd never sully my dick with a white woman.




Black girls don't fuck white bois, so have fun being a virgin.

name! PLEASE! omg

That's awesome

They might not fuck you, but some of us can get a black goddess.


No white boys fuck black girls tho

Idk tho I did get pegged a few times by one




Oh look! The high schoolers have just finished their after school snack and have logged in






slam piggy




saved...thanks user.



got nothing else. it's the first nigger i find good looking



