Capeshit Makes You Stupid

The tremendous acceleration and subsequent supersonic speed that Quicksilver causes, would cause a disturbance in air-pressure of such magnitude, that any object nearby would become a lethal weapon and any person nearby would feel as though they were caught in an F5 tornado. Or worse.

Mutant or non-mutant, a nearby person's organs would be devastatingly battered from side to side inside one's body from the shock waves, and that's even BEFORE seemingly-harmless items such as coffee cups and pens penetrate them from all angles at extraordinarily-high speeds. Death would be near-instantaneous.

And yet you still watch this shit.

>inb4 "hurr magnetic field"
>inb4 "hurr it's just a movie bro, pop your collar and turn your brain off"
>inb4 "hurr pictures of unattractive men tipping old-fashioned hats as my 'witty reply', I am literally a 13-year-old memester with no imagination"

That sounds like a pretty cool superpower to me.

Speed force.

dude, anyone using their superpower in xmen would fucking ignite just from all the heat as a by product of whatever means of their mutation that is happening.

He is obviously altering physics went he goes fast.

>its an autist doesnt understand the concept of fiction episode

Caring this much about quicksilver

Why do you waste your time trying to convince people that the thing they like, and you don't like, is shit.

>bitching about the realism of a series based on people who can shoot lasers from their eyes and transform into giant firebirds

wait are you saying it's not real then?

Actually, as it turns out, critiquing the scientific merit of capeshit makes you stupid.

user... I...

Yeah, isn't there one scene where he's playing Pong really fast and the only way he could have done that is by somehow messing with the programming with his powers?

Your thinking too hard about a fictional universe.

I feel like he's one of those people that watches Game Theory for educational purposes.

What about Quicksilver being able to run so fast? You can't run that fast!

>fantastic made-up powers don't correspond to real-life physics
holy shit

[insert something about friction here that no one actually cares about]

I could never get over the fact that iron man's brain should be mush.

wtf I hate movies now

Also Newton's first law says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction so when he touches a dudes face and said dude goes flying, his finger would also feel that pressure and probably break instantly

There is

A large portion of superheroes would have developed brain disorders by the amount of head trauma they undergo every fight.