What does Sup Forums think about my trappy legs?

What does Sup Forums think about my trappy legs?

They belong to a trap


Your legs are ugly.
Your arms are ugly.
You are ugly!



So, are you a trap, Op? Because if you aren't, do reconsider

show us your dick

Write a timestamp on one of those legs with a heart drawn on the other one

>what does Sup Forums think about my knobby kneed obvious man legs?

Traps should be 2D only.




I'm liking those legs, how about you show off that butt

probably would fuck/10

yes uwu

Nice. Now show me your rosebud

Dell U2414H?


Stop Posting your gay shit here

U2515H the 1440p version

nobody cares, fag
you got man legs and no hair doesn't make them girly. You have a male bone structure, fuck off.

Can i get a rate?

i like them, but maybe i'm just a faggot

man booty/10
fucking faggot

How did you have a butt like that? That's hot

no shit user

Thanks to around 10 years of the gayest sport ever
Figure Skating


Show bare front pls

sorry only butt >.


You got kik? I wanna see your butt more

Last one



More please