Hi Sup Forums I have recently started the gym, but I have no idea what to do...

Hi Sup Forums I have recently started the gym, but I have no idea what to do. My goal is to be lean but my main focus is to lose body fat. I am 19yo, 5ft10 (1.77m) and weigh 82.4KG (13 Stone). Any gym or food tips or plans will help greatly!

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get lean and lose fat

Man your weight is literally perfect, just bulk for some months and then cut back to 82 kilos, doing so you will gain muscles and lose fat

But what's the best way? I want to see results as fast as possible just because I'm impatient

Fuck nigga you on the wrong board go to /fit/ and get reading

Get a private teacher or whatever if you want tips, it'll know what to do.

Sup Forums is my only home :(

I don't have much money, can only just afford the gym membership

If you just try to lose fat and you want some muscles on you shoul first train and gain some weight, then just starting losing fat, so you wont become a skeleton

>measures height in feet
>measures weight in kilograms
the fuck is wrong with you?

and don't be one of those b/etards who forget to read the sticky


Lean = Low Body Fat %

>you have two of the same goal

Calories In < Calories Out... and you are literally guaranteed to achieve both of them by the laws of thermodynamics.

better start counting those calories nigger. it's more important than any exercise you could possibly do.

as for actual exercises, follow a program.

Eat less, move more, got it! Where can I find a program? And a good one at that?


Your only home while you still using smileys, don't think so you fag

Im oldfag enough to never use smileys
but I'm too much of newfag to know why not

Yeah but here's the thing: People going for a skinny look *almost always* also want a look that can't be had without at least little more muscle.

Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym, but odds are if you have a goal in mind you won't be able to get there without at least a little bulking.

Can't pretend to be an oldfag enough then

Also depends on your workout schedule you know

stronglifts.com/5x5/ (Lifting)

shape.com/fitness/workouts/interval-training-short-workouts-really-pay (Cardio)

Go with a 16/8 intermittent fasting 16 hr fast 8 hr eating window.

I'm free every day
I'm only I'm uni until 6 on Monday and Tuesdays

it's not like they told me why in 2011...

inb4 I wasn't here before I was 20 and I think it was quite good for my psychological develloppement.

The only way to lose weight is to count your calories and eat less than your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). I highly suggest going to /fit/ and reading the sticky if your serious.

But your not, so you won't

Yeah I'm going tomorrow

Running on an empty stomach for 30 mins in the morning works best for me.

I've read about that and apparently it's a myth. I don't eat breakfast anyway and I do cardio at the gym before my lunch


I am serious, I'm seriously serious. I'm on clover and can't find the sticky

You know it, I'm so serious it's hard not to be serious

The sticky is the first article

going to the gym is a hobby you enjoy. it takes 1 to 2 hrs at the gym. you work on different muscle groups every other day. chest tricep, back bicep, legs, abs shoulder. do 10 to 20 min of cardio. eat right and have one cheat day, a day you can have a fat cheeseburger. dont forget to squat and deadlift. dont break your back either.

Got it

Do a Push/Pull/Legs routine with 2 or 3 days inbetween doing only the basic exercises Bench press, deadlift. squats and military press. If you like cardio you can put some some cardio in there as well, but it's not necessary.

For diet you should aim for 2 gram of protein per kg. And the only supplements you need is whey protein powder. Everything else is totally useless, except creatine (which you don't need as a beginner and you don't want if you have balding in your family).

Okay thanks, I probably won't have a cheat day, but if I do I would probably have one once every two weeks, I'm serious about this. I want to better myself and my goal is to look better for my first holiday in July

Some good advice? OK go to

What should I eat for meals? I love chicken and other meat but can't eat vegetables but I can eat any fruit. I also have a nutribullet.

Iv just started at the gym have not been for years work used to keep me fit. I'm after buying an app with routines on but all it says is that that 3 times a week. Needed the app to show me how to use the machines and not look like a right dick. The app is called workout.

Why can't you eat vegetable? I used to hate broccoli but I always have a side plate filled with it when I eat dinner. Great protein source.

youtube.com/user/elliottsaidwhat (older videos)