What do you think of nuggets Sup Forums

what do you think of nuggets Sup Forums

'murican highest kind of gastronomy

theyre great
like driving a honda prelude

i know right
but i bought one with 2 cd's in the tray

Tendies forever
Nuggies never!



>what do you think of nuggets Sup Forums



It's like my family

pink slime? gross.
Rather eat chicken breast tenders, dude..

yes, 100% chicken breast

>pink slime? gross.
Choice cut beef looks like that, too, if you grind it up enough.

This user knows the deal.


makes me want to buy 20 of them and four packs of sweet and sour

but choice ground beef isn't 50 percent arterties/cartilage and 2 percent bone is it faggot? and 30 percent fat.
fuck off that shit is disgusting.

My friend orders 50 and eats them all. I'm overweight and eat too much but that's fucking insane, right?


People will eat anything if you deep fry it and serve it with a "sauce" that's really just ketchup and a fuck ton of sugar.

The Cadillac of tendies.