Can Sup Forums recommend me some good psychological / deep movies?

Can Sup Forums recommend me some good psychological / deep movies?

Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mindfrigg mystery movie

Shutter island

Donny Darko
Dark city
Moon,Sam Rockwell

The Room

Waking life

Old boy
Session 9
The sixth sense

What Dreams May Come

Orginal old boy, not the American shitstain one

beautiful american



decent for horror movie and it always keeps you guessing

Mysterious Skin

It's a slow emotional mindfuck.

Mystic River is another one.

The Machinist. You can find it on netflix US

zodiac is the best crime film ever, in terms of your criteria. in fact anything by fincher. don't be a fan of films, be a fan of filmaking, that'll refine your taste. also, pick a director and just examine their whole body of work. start with fincher in your case. that'll refine you more. take care. (because honestly, you shouldn't have to ask, just be a fan of filmmaking, and see what directors have mastered their craft. starting with butterfly effect as a 'good pschological/deep moive, that's objectively possible as both of those, but rightly about a hundred ranks down from some truly good films out there that match those criteria. you don't need suggestions for another film, you need to spend a LOT of time finding out what YOU like after educating yourself). all the best i guess

Parent trap
The animal
Hot chick
Freaky friday
50 first dates

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out.


Who's seen this?

I've seen it really cool movie too.

Damn right. Btw, here's the plot, explained with an infographic

fuck, forgot pic


Naked Lunch
Dead Ringers

Pic is not related, you basic bitch

severely underated film, pic related

please vaguely explain, it looks like the dumbest movie ever made

you do not deserve to see good movies if you judge things like that
fuck right off
i'm not even the guy who posted that


I've seen it but I didn't manage to fully understand it. Shit's too vague.


Nightcrawler w/ Jake Gyllenhaal

just watch Eraserhead OP

Primer is amazing. Watch again and figure more out, I like the fact they don't spoon feed you in that movie




Fight club!!
The machinist!!
Usual suspect
I love psycho movie !

Nightcrawler was nice.

>mulholland drive



That movie was fucking trash

Thought it was shit

The End of Evangelion

Probably one of the best movies ever made


a true mindfuck

the button

>Mysterious Skin
I can't eat Fruity Pebbles anymore without thinking of that scene

This. Fincher is a genius filmmaker.

Best mind fuck ever.

The English civil war on shrooms and Ben Wheatlys fucking evil genius mind

you just made it seem even dumber, you could have at least linked to a preview so i could see for myself.

sorry i don't want to waste money on something that looks retarded

man dies and tries to make sense of the after life.

wife then kills self and he goes on a Dantean journey to save her soul

you wont give it a chance but you think Butterfly Effect is some great film?

The Grifter.

If you dare.

You mean that 2 minute video from youtube?

Nah, thats a fake.

That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Total predictable garbage, made me cringe and facepalm all the way.

Finally someone called out OP's shit taste

>spending money to watch movies
wtf is this 1998?

So where's the real one?

Session 9 is shit, tho...

thank you for the explanation, it still sounds retarded. butterfly effect is an actual psychological movie. movies about the afterlife are not psychological because when you die your brain is dead so you don't even need to worry about that part. psychological deals with the living and the myriad of fucked up things that might happen to us at any given moment.

lol somehow this movie is even worse than the Inferno movies with Tom Hawks, but somehow it's more popular

Have a psychological comedy for flavor.

The Wedding Bride

dude seriously just leave. come back and ask for good movies when your older than 18

There used to be a torrent floating about, but it's been pretty hard to find since all the suicides.

no it's 2017 idiot nobody just watches movies anymore. you experience it

too bad

you think what dreams may come is a good movie and you're telling me i have bad taste in movies lol. i'm not even OP.

i'll tell you what dreams are coming right now, dreams of you fucking off

The Jacket

12 Monkeys

In the Mouth of Madness


if you watch movies like what dreams may come you obviously don't value the immersive experience of a good film

Not him and i cant argue against the unspeakable crappiness of what dreams may come but stop talking gay crap about immersive movies its just a film it means fuck all

Number 23, good movie.

>stop talking gay crap about immersive movies
>in a thread to recommend psychological movies that basically immerse your brain into the psyche


>sci-fi psych. thriller about going crazy in space

Fight Club

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

No film can do that read a book

Coherence 2013
Multiple universe theme

can't relate

>Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99 (Video) (video "Bad Girl")

i may have to watch this again but I thought it sucked, maybe i missed something

you're nice
luv yu

I watched the original Swedish "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movies. Worth it.

looks like a sequel of Valhalla Rising, i'm so out.

yer just dumb, no need to waste time watching it again

As far as time travel movies go, Primer does a good job of being consistent and "consistent". Yeah, like
said, they don't spoon feed you. But, they don't outright close doors on you, either. You just have to pay attention to those moments in the film where they take extra time to focus on what seems mundane.

Like when they test the machine with the stopwatches.

shit movie for shit people

you can look up how the plot is structured, makes the second watch a lot more understandable.

I don't know what your definition of 'deep' is, OP, but I found these titles to be better than average in terms of depth.
1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
2. Dr. Strangelove (or how I fell in love with the bomb)

3. Strange Days
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey
5. Arrival

i'm none of the other niggers you were speaking with, but seriously. you should problably fuck off and kys.

The Cube
Circle (2015)

say no more, hombre

Nah not even close its basically trippy as fuck and you have to drag up the devil yourself with a rope

Source Code

one of my favourite films, seen it so many times


moon ftw.