Ladyboys r qts

Ladyboys r qts

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Exactly my reaction. Hollywood fucking hates asian men.

he means asian men get cucked by Chad Thundercocks all the time in American media.

And the one time Jet Li was supposed to get some prime black pussy he got a hug at the end instead.

most asian men are submissive bitches

>most asian men are submissive bitches

Look at that face though. It's the face of every Asian man - low test and feminine.

I know we're supposed to believe asian men are seen as effette little queermos because muh representation, but they really are just not manly at all.

It's just pandering.

Sulu is a cool character. He doesn't need to be gay to be cool.

George Takei is a cool actor. He doesn't need his characters to be the same orientation as him.

It's so fucking dumb that they made Sulu gay. There was no fucking point. Not even Takei wanted this shit.
This is my favorite Sup Forums meme.

Nice evidence. I'm very convinced.

mine too


Did you actually watch this movie?

>i'm just googling
>you had to find and collect them




>Asian """""""masculinity""""""

literally the fault of white women, is what this tells me

>data n/a

Yeah it is!

Or white men are willing so cucked that they are less likely to leave

yeah and the rate of divorce between white couples are already fucking high

>implying that isnt a representation of all women

Why do Asian """""""men"""'""" even bother?

You look so girly naturally you make the best looking transvestites

Might as well just start popping estrogen and try to find yourself a nice white man before your women take them all tbqh

spics, towelheads, etc.

Not really, at least they try to pretend when they're with a rich white guy.

She knows that little bitchboy twink asian will never tell her no or cut her off no matter how hard she recoils or how repulsed she looks in their photos, so why bother.

>try hard bait

1/10 see me after class

Why would you encourage miscegenation? Are you Jewish by "chance"?

is that girl audrey madison?

i have to know


>The lovely Nia, everybody!

nia episodes are the best debate me

>another repulsed looking whore who can't even be bothered to pretend that shes remotely sexually attracted to low T panface megagook next to her

Well done redditmasculity poster well done HOWEVER

Note the body language and expression in this pic: when an Asian girl sinks her claws into a white man. They always look excited to be there and like they never want to let their hunky chunk of white meat go.

dark woman seem to make the best waifus


SJWs turned on him when he suggested making Sulu gay might be dumb so he's immediately gone into damage control and pulled the race card to deflect their attention.

wtf, i thought they got married in the end or some shit? never finished the movie btw but since the title was "romeo must die" i thought it would end up with them together
so it was just the typical jackie chan action movie when the protag get a kiss on the cheek or hug at the end? top kek

Americans just can't stop paying attention to race wherever they go. They also come to weird and stupid conclusions. Nothing new here.

>yet another woman leaning away from the gook with uninterested body language
Do you have at least one picture where the girl is happy to be there, manlet cuckboy?

No, niggers got triggered that a sista was kissing a chick so they changed it.

> Jackie Chan and what's-his-face -- the name is Chow Yun-Fat (no, it's not a Hunan dish) -- don't count. They're from Hong Kong.

Harold got that hot Maria pussy while Kumar got fat. He needs to shut the fuck up and get on that 4th movie.

No, the people who bring this up are, by their own admission, Asians, men, women, black, etcetera. They don't care about being American. They don't put their country first. They would happily leave and form their own nations full of people with specific skin color, or gender, or God knows what else. They have no allegiance to this country.

>it's another thread made by that same fucking retard on Sup Forums
do we even have a name for that faggot?

Agreed. Consistently good.


Maybe if you didn't treat them like subhumans, they'd be more loyal?


It's not one person

It's an entire reddit board called rasianmasculinity

They just raid and shitpost on other websites all day because women aren't attractive to their 5'4 120 lb frames

>giving anyone special treatment
well that would be counter-intuitive to ignoring race now, wouldn't it?

Many Americans are modern immigrants.

If you dont want feminine Asian men, cast Rick Yune

He's like 6'2" and solid muscle and has a really masculine aura to him

I'd let him fuck me

he got a fucking hug.

after saving the day and preventing a god damned race war.

>you just killed my dad
>let's fuck

Yeah, okay.

bretty gud in that netflix show about the guy who founded china

TORETTO! TORETTO! SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family

marco polo?

Dude is literally holding a handbag

I thought he killed the Asians

yeah genghis khan... what an 11/10 guy

The only way that white men can deal with being cucked by niggers is to cuck chinamen out of their women.

She looks more like she's showing off her trophy.

It's like meeting a celebrity and taking a picture to brag about to your friends.

How can gooks compete?

it is a cuck eat cuck world, dawg

hollywood and liberals only care about blacks, not asians

>pref nihonese
this gotta be some fucking joke post

user, blue board

it has to be but proves a point about weebs

The cuck is the one holding the camera.

Either way at least she's happy to be seen with him, unlike every picture of a Chinese millionaire with his Russian mail order bride.

How about that Wolverine movie where he goes to Japan, and 1 of the girls is his sidekick, he fucks the other, and literally every male jap is evil.

Wasn't there a James Bond where where the north Korean changes himself into a white guy

It's actually white women who are getting cucked, along with the men of literally every other face.

White men date outside of their race more than any other racial/sex demographic

White men are the #1 partner preference choice of pretty much every race's women as well

The white man's burden.

>tfw white and dating an Asian girl

>this is what white bois tell themselves

No the beta friendzoned archer was a Japanese good guy.

Also the only white women in the movie (Phoenix/Jean Grey and the Viper scientist women) were evil as well.


>and yet they are go on Sup Forums and complaining about niggers fucking their women every fucking day

really make you think if you have all that different kind of pussies available for you
are white men cucks?

The longer answer? Yes

It's statistical fact Jamal
White women are also the least likely to date outside their race
Doesn't really matter though since white men don't even really want them anymore

yeah but he was 'bad' until the end and then he get s cucked and killed off with no one giving a shit

>Doesn't really matter though since white men don't even really want them anymore

There's too much sperging for this to be remotely true

>this joke about a stereotype proves something about real people
how did you come to this conclusion?

He isn't wrong in which ever way he looks at it. Asian dudes in hollywood are shit on, plus making Sulu gay did nothing but pander to the 'progressive' masses.

Literally had an expression like she's taking a picture with her brother.

The bed death in these AMWF couples must be terrible.


>it's a butthurt asian spams pictures of east asian millionaires with their russian mail order brides thread

You're dedicated, I'll give you that. Nearly five years now you've been doing this

There's sperging about it here because stormfront sends their shills over here to promote it.

From my generation of high school, the only ones who ended up with white American girls were dudes who knocked them up.

All the rich and successful ones either went asian, latina, or russian/slavic

>she's taking a picture with her brother.
only in Arkansas

hope for the future renewed

Haha xD!

Fuck off back to China then Wang, where marrying 1st cousins isn't even taboo.

>honorable jester

nah mayne that one looks pretty legit

this argument is retarded. yellow fever is a real thing for women too (they also tend to grow out of it, too)

I'm not a gook, I assume it's not taboo because they all look the same relative or not.

I wish there was some way to revoke whiteness for Sup Forums children that start acting like niggers at the slightest chance.

Jesus this thread is an embarrassment.

but muh dick!

was this yellow fever?

even kids shows smfh

I have no idea famlan. Is this pic supposed to steer me towards one answer over the other?

>what did he mean by this
that it's really unfotunate

