Bringing back some old ylyl

Bringing back some old ylyl

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That movie was great tho









ur a cheeky lil cunt ill give u that m8

>50 dollar bill in Atheist
>pocket change and a single in Christian
Seems about right.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.....





A personal favourite





Fake and gay


I remember my first time on the internet too














lmao took me a minute





That's all I have for now b/tards, so long

bless you


awwwww thats actually sad

id date her

>weed smokers


On this week's episode of things that never happened...

this is why people banana fag... this shit is so old



shut the fuck up and produce oc

I'd fuck it



no. sorry, not shitting bricks just for a one negro.

from a few days ago on Sup Forums

> he hasn't found the other one

Pic literally just happened

opposite of these captchas exists as well

Ahh, WTF?






thats sad though


I love it when you can tell it's the same person posting in their own not funny thread.

uncut. gross.


>not mutilated = gross

Jew logic right there

I must be really high I lost my ass off on this one


I'm talking about the Ainsley Harriott shitty smile.

they really do add a shit ton of dye to beef

People don't think it be,
But it do.

because your equally as desperate


Maybe in America

can you give me a quick rundown?

This still fucking gets me. I don't know why, but it fucking does.

old ylyl

Where are you seeing a $50 you braindead fucktard? And there's more in the Christian jar than a single and pocket change you fucking asswipe.


yep. it's a standard marketing procedure. spaying liquid colour or if we are talking about fish like the salmon they feed the fish with synthetic coloured food.

the internet is a series of tubes, didn't you know?

not only in USA, but everywhere these days

this is depressing as fuck i feel bad

dude is ugly but that ain't his fault - I only pick on people for shit that they can control

not funny - just sad


But the Christian jar is full of money only offered out of fear of eternal punishment or hope of eternal reward, ala fake empathy.

yeah, i wash my steaks and dry them before giving them a salt bath. they go from near grey to a pretty good color, i only let it sit for 30 minutes though


Area 100 went over my head.

Pic literally just happened, again.