Game of thrones is now officially a normie show:

Game of thrones is now officially a normie show:

I don't have anything against Samuel L Jackson, but do they really need to dumb the show down this much? It's fucking cringe-worthy.

>normie show
>just now

its been one since after season 1 or two

Did GRRM anticipate his work being normie as fuck? I know I didn't.

do people actually start watch a tv show without watching the previous seasons?

Really made me think

>"beginner's guide"
>ignores any plot that isn't Jon or Dany, skips details and character motivation because don't worry, there is dragons
Fuck plot you stupid idiots watch the next season of our epic show.

>Game of thrones is now officially a normie show:

it's pretty funny that someone who wrote these books and was probably ridiculed for being into fantasy shit like this his entire life is now banking hard off the same normies that would have ridiculed him before the GoT tv show started

Is this what literal autism looks like or what?

I still ridicule him and think he is a faggot


are you retarted? this show has been normie bait since the start

>are you retarted?
He asks, while misspelling the word "Retarded"

not the guy you replied to and I don't disagree, but the first 2-4 episodes are notoriously hard for normies to sit through.

it's like 5 different locations and 50 characters

It is and always was a normie show, deal with it.



>Slow, deliberate pace
>A vast array of characters and locations
>Set in a fantasy world, one of the least accessible settings there is (at the time)
>Non-tropey, kills of many characters and breaking the mold for fantasy stories with no clear-cut "main character"
>Panders to a book audience which was fairly small
>Provocative, gruesome and exhibits a setting which is sexist and racist
>Still normie, somehow
What's some good examples of non-normie shows if I may ask?

Its always been normie, nobody is going to make a big budget show to appeal to a niche audience

The book is the same, its literally entry level fantasy.

>Panders to the book audience

lmao have you even watched beyond season 3?
Its literally fan fiction now

I'm talking about the earlier seasons

the only real normie bait in the first season was (is) the constant sex scenes and sexpositions.

they knew you wouldn't give two fucks about a little girl you never heard of getting married to the leader of some tribe you never heard of while babbling about muh lost kingdom. so they gave her a full frontal scene.

This is for cool grandparents who haven't seen the show yet, user.

4 legs and 2 wings is retarded tho
I know it's fantasy and all but wyverns make more sense

You know, I really don't care as long as all the budget doesn't go to how they look onscreen.