Ya hanging in there Sup Forums?

Ya hanging in there Sup Forums?

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you hangin in there Sup Forums?

I'm 18. Im depressed because all I do is jerk off and eat every single day and watch movies. My parents don't care what I do as long as I start going to college. I wish I had a job and knew how to drive but I'm too lazy to do these things. It'd probably help for me to go to a job everyday, so I'll finally start feeling like I'm useful.

Do some work around the house to start feeling at least a little productive. Something as simple as cleaning the kitchen/bathroom, mopping, vacuuming. Weed the garden or clean out some gutters.

Your parents will appreciate it and you will feel better.

Yeah things are ticking along...only Just.

There is no use working when your taxes will be stolen and given to niggers and jihadist. If Trump doesn't win then don't even bother

That's not a bad idea. I heard that it's good to treat yourself like you're living on your own even when you're not, so that way it'll prepare for adult life. Cleaning the dishes, laundry, etc.


you're so lucky, you have so much time to turn things around

lol I really should feel more lucky. It's stressful to know I'll have to start making big decisions in college soon, but I do want to be adventurous as well.

Are you going to Uni or CC?


I'm 24 in 2 days. I'm a Sophomore in college and starting to fail fast (Physics major). I've tried hard as fuck to pass a certain class (twice) but I just can't seem to get the swing of it. I don't know what else I would change my major to, and my GI bill won't end up covering all of my school costs. I don't have a job since I was trying to focus on school. If I have to pick up a job and balance school at the same time I might lose my fucking mind. I get 2-3 hours of sleep a night as is, and post on Sup Forums in the early hours (like right now).

I've never had a GF. None of the girls at my school seem interested in me or claim to already be dating. I don't know if it's because I'm generally anywhere from 4-6 years older than them or what.

Basically I get on social media and see people my age starting their lives. Buying houses, starting careers, thinking about marriage. And here I am. Failing. Jobless. And shitposting on Sup Forums like I have for the past 10 years of my life.

CC, then transferring to Uni after two years probably

Got painful indigestion from my alcoholism. Haven't drank today but it's still persisting from the bottle of Vodka I drank last night. I'm hungry but don't know what to order for dinner.

I think im finally an alcoholic

i used to enjoy beer, i could buy a 12 pack and it last me the weekend, now i go through full 12 daly. Im now sleeping in weird sessions so i can drink/smoke 6-8 hours while consuming media/shitposting, then sleeping for 4 hours, then doing it again.
money wil run out soon, so theres that, but might jsut switch to hard stuff to make it cheaper.
god damnit. im an alchy.

This was me 4 years ago, this is me now
Don't be like us user

What degree are you going for? If you just want a job look into trade schools

Oh, I might add that my body is starting to fucking fall apart. I'm a combat vet. My back hurts all day, every day and my knees have recently started to go. So when I finally get to the VA after months of them being backed up, they take X-rays and tell me that they don't see anything. So I shamble on back to the goddamn hovel I'm renting. Eating garbage and stiff-legging it up stairs because putting pressure on my bent knee is like getting stabbed.

>Parents think I'm an alcoholic

Could be better. Gonna watch Brazil later with a friend so that should cheer me up.

>Tfw nobody cared enough to tell me not to drink, smoke, or do drugs


what class are you failing?

I've gone through 2 semesters and fucked them both up, but managed to get them wiped for mental health shit
whenever I think about going back, I burst out laughing because of how fucked the idea of doing the same shit for the third time is, but like you I can't imagine changing majors


Did you get injured? Do you get disability? What was your job in the armed forces? I'm thinking of enlisting in the Navy and either doing full career or learn welding/electrician so I can have a good job when I get out

i actually went to film school and graduated 3 years ago and ive pretty much been picking up garbage at construction sites sense. Im still living at home and all i do is smoke weed and watch movies and tv shows because i no longer want friends. but i'll be writing for tv and movies some day, he he. probably not. i even stopped writing and gotta start again

Well my dad wants me to be successful and wants me to get a associates degree and masters degree and all that. I'd like to go, but I honestly have a very vague idea of what I want. I'd like to be a filmmaker, or a screenwriter, and he says I should study business too because it's a good thing to know. So I'll do that as well. I do want to go to college, I just wish I could dedicate my time to researching shit. I honestly have no ambition though. Maybe my porn addiction has sapped me of all my creativity or something.


God dammit normie

If i end myself would anyone be interested if i stream it?

Probably but don't do it.

Nigger get a job in the industry already