Can we talk about the album that will define our generation

can we talk about the album that will define our generation

When it doesn't come out since it doesn't exist I wonder if this will turn into the MGSV Chapter 3 of Sup Forums.

Im still waiting


10:45pm PDT

rap & mgs coming together

this place knows me too well...

>People were so disappointed with DAMN they thought another album would be released 2 days later

This will come in easter next year, Kendrick will pull a surprise release, screencap this post


lol i remember the same thing happened here with The King of Limbs

this lol. I kind of feel sorry for kendrick. Releases an album and the first reaction is that this is so bad it cannot possibly be what we've been waiting for and there simply must be another one coming. How embarassing.

Is it really that bad? In the few hours since it was first released, people were absolutely jizzing themselves over it. I wasn't taken by it at all but am willing to give it a few more spins

Muh "newspaper album"

Nah. It isn't THAT bad. But i think kendrick had alot more in him than this. I can see myself keeping like 2-3 songs in still in rotation a week from now.

you mean the numale generation

its like a 3/10 album. only 2 good songs. HUMBLE. and DNA. the rest dont bang

If this doesn't happen is Kenny telling us that the world is damned?

>Implying PRIDE. isn't the best song on the album

You're all overlooking the possibility that if a second album does exist then it might just be terrible

Kendrick is telling us that Jesus never came back



he can't release two terrible albums in a row.
c-can he?

Kendrick believes in the day of judgement, when Jesus is going to come back and do dat rapture shit.

Damn.Nation > something apocalypse related

Anyone else think whatever "NATION" is supposed to be might be related to his coachella performance later today??


>On 2Pacalypse Now and Strictly 4 My Niggaz, 2Pac was political
>On Me Against the World and All Eyez on Me, 2Pac was a thug
>All eyez on Me is a double album
>2Pac changed his name to Makaveli
>2Pac died

>On Section.80 and good kid, m.A.A.d city, Kendrick raps over typical rap beats
>On To Pimp a Butterfly and DAMN., Kendrick raps over experimental beats
>If .NATION is released, then the final product will be a double album called DAMN.NATION
>Kendrick mentions Kung Fu Kenny on DAMN., hinting that he may change his name to that
>Kendrick has talked about depression in the past, and depressed people kill themselves

Kendrick's career has just been a giant cry for help

Kendrick confirmed to be a shekel-stacking Schalom??

I find the possibility of a series of diss tracks released today more possible than a whole other album. maybe the J Cole collab?

Damnnation ewewww



>The meal is so unsatisfying that the diners thought it was the appetizer.

