What does Sup Forums think of Aesop Rock?

What does Sup Forums think of Aesop Rock?

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I love him.
He doesn't make Ironic trap or shitpost on Twitter so Sup Forums never talk about him.

Impossible Kid was one of the best last year.
The shining continuous music video was cool too


rap for racists

I've been listening to him for years and literally just learned that he grew up like one town away from me. But yeah, he's one of very few rappers I can tolerate, and his lyrics are excellent.

Haven't listened to him since Bazooka Tooth, not a fan tbqh.


the mac demarco of rap

my favorite rapper of all time

If it's because you don't like the fanbases you're retarded.


explain yourself now bitch

Do these sound like real Aes lyrics? I just made them up :D

Skip past the artificial block of etch-a-sketch etchings of fragility
Hope I don't trade a cigarette box car for a shot at stability


i think you'd have to shorten them a bit but bretty gud user.

2 amateurish.
He'd rarely use fragility at an end, let alone end rhyme with stability with nothing else.


>*breathes in*
>*leans back*

jeez oh man...

I just listened to Impossible Kid and Labor Days, I like him but he's obviously going to have the lyrical miracle spiritual meme attached to him

jimmy fallon lookin ass nigga.

That being said possible the greatest raw lyricist of all time. Sometimes makes some corny hooks and his content is a bit too dense, to the point where it just sounds like rambling unless you are reading the lyrics simultaneously

I was getting ready to throw some meme arrows your way but holy shit they do look alike.

I'm ESL and I don't understand 90 % of what he says even when I'm reading the lyrics.

He's been around so long and produced so many consistent projects that he earned alot of respect despite being white, kinda like El-P

he's breddy gud but a bit too cryptic for me, to the point it sound like he's being 'poetic' and just putting his initial message through a make-it-sound-deep machine

but this guy's right

He is great when it comes to what he is actually saying, but sometimes it doesn't sound that good. I find it also very exhausting to hear, but I think the dude's a fucking genius.

suburban hip hop
has never said anything important
just a big ego masturbating session

Honestly I'd say give his newer stuff a try, he made quite a big change with None Shall Pass.
I'd also say that Bazooka Tooth is my least favourite album of his.