This is a dubs thread. Only post if you have dubs or better. Praise be

This is a dubs thread. Only post if you have dubs or better. Praise be

praise kek

Praise be to kek

Grant me dubs Lord kek


Hail kek
For glory!

Ahhhbrrr re roll

All this blasphemy

Fuk dis sheet nigga


For honour and glory
praise be brothers

Check em'

You guys are sperglords who can't get dubs for shit.

And not a single dub was given on this day.

dubs incoming

This is just embarrassing guys

Here you go

Not a single fucking pair of dubs. You disappoint Kek.

bow for my dubs


kek is a false god.

Worst get thread I have ever seen. You guys are fags.

Check 'em




Art thou feeling it now, Mr Krabs?

Prophet Dimmadome concurs

Praise kek


Not dubs


>tfw even the plebs cant even sheckem


praise almighty john cena

I don't, fuck off

Fucking one off. I will avenge you user!


Check them

You are not our Lord Savior Kek.

praise our almighty savior, kek

glory to his name

Trust in the Heart of the Cards

checking 144





Am i the chosen two?



Praise be kek
Let good fortune come to all who post in this thread


PEK will do too

i dont want a lighter load i want stronger gets

why do you test me like this lord

your ways are strange

get that garbage out of my field of vision

