Trump is right, we have to get rid of the drug lords and go after the gangsters...

Trump is right, we have to get rid of the drug lords and go after the gangsters. Why is that such a problem with you little retards? He's just doing what every president was afraid to do. Stop and frisk is a must, if you walk and talk like you're going to do bad shit, you deserve to be checked.

Other urls found in this thread:

>arguing legal theory on Sup Forums
where do i sign up for shilling, user?


think Prohibition taught America all it needs to know on this front.

>You can't end demand.
>You can't totally eliminate supply.

legalize, federally monitor consumption, and reap the tax rewards.
industrialize illicit drug production

People support stop and frisk because they think it will only be used on black people and Latino gangsters. I believed that for a while, too. But it is already being used on you, my alt-right friend.

My wife and I are as white and WASPy as the day is long. Last time we went back to the US to visit her mother, we were asked by the TSA for our social media account names. Other passengers were being asked for their freaking phone logins. This is now considered normal.

I'm writing this in the same week that spyware developed by the West to hack things like the Iranian nuclear program has now been found in private corporate hands, being used to spy on and harass people campaigning to levy a sugar tax on soda to protect children from diabetes and obesity.

Do you remember a time when the US wasn't at all like some weird not-quite-believable futuristic dystopia?

What is stopping cops from harassing people who don't walk and talk like they are going to do bad shit?

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.

Benjamin Franklin

SHill bitch ass faggot go fuck yourself

Actually, crime and addiction rates fell to all-time lows during prohibition. A few high-profile characters caught the public imagination, but overall it worked very well.

We have powers of surveillance now that didn't exist in the 30s. We can do this.

(Pic unrelated, but isn't she pretty?)

>Last time we went back to the US to visit her mother, we were asked by the TSA for our social media account names.

That's the TSA. That's also the least egregious thing they've ever done, and they've been doing it since 9/12 2001.

I don't know who you have been talking to, but the facts of the Drug War are massive incarceration, racial profiling, and lost tax revenue from those incarcerated.

We jail more people for drug possession than all other crimes combined

>believe my unsourced untrue conjectures
>look at the pretty woman
>just tell me im right, pls?

So you're saying America would be better off if we turned loose the addicts and let them run wild?

Sometimes it's not hard to spot the druggie in the thread.

Read a book, dumbass. If you're looking for arguments with footnotes, you're on the wrong web page.

I don't do drugs, especially in my line of work

Make drugs a medical issue. Treat addiction.
Only jail violent offenders.

By the way, I know mothers who took meth almost their entire pregnancy who did not get put in prison forever. THAT should change.

wrong. kill the competition by offering lower prices via government services. bankrupt the drug lords. legalize and tax consumption, institutionalize the penniless addicts

this nigga gets it. i mean, the economic impact alone ... i don't know how the right hasn't gotten on this bandwagon

Hey, OP, how about we punish people when they actually do something wrong........

Crazy concept, I know. But you know, maybe the whole thing about freedom is you leave people the fuck alone unless they are doing something to you.

How are you both browsing Sup Forums AND advocating for less freedom?

the right seems to consider it an ethics/responsibility issue and continues to try to legislate morality.

People like pick on the perceived weakness of others like those in prison by instituting harsher penalties for crimes that they themselves commit.

no one ever thinks they will be put in prison.
everyone is the hero of their own story

fucking idiots

Yet, they won't consider the gun deaths in this country a moral issue?
They fight tooth and nail over abortion, but not gun deaths.
Hell, they will strip low income mother entitlement programs, but god forbid those mothers not want to be on wellfare

I know exactly why the right hasn't gotten on that bandwagon: It won't make money for them, at least not without them having to compromise their persona.

The right has been saying no to drugs forever, and it's still one of the key parts of their platform...that they're the side for decency, sobriety and family values. And it just wouldn't do for that bunch to make a huge profit off of narcotics. They could no longer claim that moral high ground.

It just baffles me that some heads of treatment facilities wouldn't promote their own candidates to be the next Planned Parenthood for Drug Treatment.
The amount of money in federal funding ... fuck me ...

Just legalize drugs. Problem solved, and instead of costing us money it makes us money.

Didn't the war on drugs just make everything worse?

You sound like a young teenage kid who knows nothing about the world. I was once like you.

With prison you go to prison over drugs from day one till release day you will be thinking of drugs...
What about Portugal's policy:
Decriminalize drug possession charges to a hefty fine and rehabilitation. Hefty fine used to pay for rehabilitation services. If violent crime is also involved, you do not qualify for this.

Of course this would still be less desirable to a billionaire, who has a good chunk of a private prison in his hat. Addiction is some rough shit man. I don't believe it's a choice for many, at least it stops becoming a choice at a certain point. I have met people that have sold their only vehicle to get a couple grams of dope. Fuck my job and getting there tomorrow I need to score. No job, no transportation, better sell my house 3 grand, no questions asked... Here's the paper work. Now homeless. Never done anything hard personally, but it's all over around me. Dealers need no parole possibilities. Fuckers are killing at least one person per weekend to prove that their shit is the best. One person drops dead and the city flocks over to the dealer. Disgusting.

Op here, I wasn't saying make Drugs illegal, I beleive legalizing drugs would stop a lot of the drug lords from profiting.

True. I say legalize and tax everything. It will defeat Mexico issue in a few months and crime rate would fall overall.

Violent crimes do not qualify related to drug usage.

If there wasn't an easy way to arrest low income "gangsters" for holding grams of narcotics, there wouldn't be a need for Stop and Frisk

i disagree. Why not destroy the traffic of drugs. People dont need it and financially speaking it would be better for families.

Sure the price would skyrocket, but this will stop millions of buyers.

Stopping the production would bankrupt many crime groups like cartels, gangs, and mafias. Why not stop these idiots from selling it buy taking away the production.

War on drugs should be a bigger concern than war on terrorism. Drugs fund terrorism, illegal gun sales, 80% of crimes, and teenage pregnacies.

News Flash! you can stop the traffic of drugs.
they haven't been able to do for near half a century

Just read about the actual statistics, testimonials from judges, cops, and historians about the Drug War.

It was always about politics, that's it

thats because they seem to think that morality is like the little law, if you're doing unmoral things then you deserve whatever punishment the law can do to you.

i know that. drug traffic can be easily stopped. I was hoping Trump's administration will stand against this. I believe they are starting with immigration. That's why sanctuary cities are starting up. To protect their local drug sales.

murder is immoral. Pedophillia is immoral. Incest is immoral. Stealing is immoral.

Those who buy recreational drugs often have damaged homes. Why even explain why financial issues rise from these things? You'll just scream CHRISTIAN or something and let everyone stay depressed.

We could put depression down if people attempted to help society rather than make it politically correct and legalize drugs.

I need source on this video. That looks like somebody I know and I want to fap to it.

how hard is that to understand?
also, only 20% of immigrants even come over via the border
everyone else overstays travel visas.

morality is inherently a subjective issue.
humans used to bury children in post holes in buildings to stop spirits from entering the building

financial issues arise when a guy gets busted for a ball of heroin has to do mandatory 10 years in prison.
those guys will never live down that prison sentence.

it costs some 90 billion a year to keep these people in prison. THATS a financial issue

>mfw narco barons' #1 priority is now whacking Trump

you think Trump wants to legalize drugs?
when did he say this?
i mean, that doesn't really mean anything anyway

Mommy said I could.

>Trump is right
stopped reading right there

you're a moron