Sup Forums, is there any way to be a fat slob without being miserable?

Sup Forums, is there any way to be a fat slob without being miserable?

here's the situation. "eat to live, not live to eat": fuck that, i live to eat. i love overeating more than anything. i love it so much that nothing else is worth doing. life is boring. people are boring, exercising is boring, going outside once in awhile for fresh air is boring and stupid. relationships are boring, sex sure as hell feels good but aside from the sensation it's pretty fucking boring. honestly even coming here to bitch and whine is boring but i do it anyway because it's the least drab use i can think of for my time. eating is fucking amazing and if i had to restrict myself to only doing it as necessary then i'd just go ahead and kill myself instead because it's the only interesting thing there is for me here.

so yeah, as long as i keep my fat greasy face gorged, i'm usually happy, because i love eating. but you know what i don't love about eating so damn much?
* the cost, but what are you gonna do
* hating myself
* living waist high in trash because i'm too fat and lazy to clean up

don't get me wrong, i don't want to be skinny. i love gorging myself unnecessarily and i love what it does to my body. i just wish, that at the same time as being a fatty who eats all the time, i could also be clean, neat, and self accepting.

is there any way to be a glutton and treat yourself to an easy life without also feeling like a piece of shit? because if not, i'm out, fuck living in a world where i can't comfortably be a pig.

>i love it so much that nothing else is worth doing.
There's your problem.

Usually fatties are stupid and don't realize they need to stop being fat slobs before they can stop being miserable. I think you're like that, except backwards. You seem like the rare kind of landwhale who needs to stop being miserable before you can stop being a fat slob.

See therapist

>You seem like the rare kind of landwhale who needs to stop being miserable before you can stop being a fat slob.
don't give him false pride, that kind of landwhale doesn't exist


fucking dumbass you know its a fucking retarded idea there's no way you couldn't hate yourself if you trough like a disgusting sow

Just stop giving a fuck, if you hate life and love food do something in your life that surrounds you with food. Why don't you aspire to be a chef? They're fat but seem to be some of the few people that can get away with it.

Ask yourself what the food might represent to you? Why do you feel the need to be a glutton.
There is always an underlying reason for behaviour, acceptance of something that goes against your own ideology is impossible.

You know what I'm sick of? The conversation about obesity always winds up being reduced to this individualistic thing that it's really not. The question is always, why are you still fat, don't you think being skinny will make YOU happier. You know, as if it's all about YOU, and YOUR happiness. As if there isn't even a very real and disturbing question of whether it's MORALLY acceptable to be a fatty, whether we even have a RIGHT to be overweight. As if fat people are still people, and not something we should regard as monsters for all the atrocities they've committed against humanity; as if those atrocities just never even happened.

There are children starving around the world, you selfish sack of garbage. You wanna kill yourself so bad, fucking go for it, you deserve it.

>Preaching morality while telling someone to commit suicide


sure just throw in weight lifting. Make sure you drink lots of water and take your vitamins

kek that dude on the left

There is one solution, but it might push you either way, there's no guarantee you'll be less miserable versus more.

Pic related: the solution in question

epic zozzle m7

u can lose weight faggot, it's not like its even that hard if you just sit down and drink water, play video games, cus portion sizes. Were talking months if you're not 300 pounds.

losing weight is easy. just don't eat. fast during daylight hours. eventually your stomach shrinks and u get full easier.

its all about stomach size. I can lose 25-30 pounds easy in a few weeks without even exercising.

1) i'm not OP ya dingus, i'm happy with my weight i'm practically skin and bones and it looks fucking beautiful
2) read the top again -- the evil fatty OP doesn't even want to lose weight, that's how much of a pig he is
3) look at that hideous abomination against humanity, it's easily 400lbs

who you calling dingus m8. i'll fuck you up irl

we are both skeletons bra, i inclined fatty to become a chef so he loses the issues in relation to his self-deprecating outlook. Because i lost like 160 pounds i feel sorry for them, rather than hating. Because its not even that fucking hard.

If you get enough exercise you can eat whatever you want.

user from here and holy shit can anyone in this thread even read

save your breath he's beyond redemption, any fatty who genuinely doesn't want to lose weight and would prefer to stay fat and find new ways to make it feel better to do so has crossed beyond a certain moral horizon, this is no longer a person it's a pig now

The fat acceptance movement is bullshit, its responsible for people like this chunky cunt thinking it's okay to stuff their face all day. I'm all for a fatty genocide. They are a drain on our healthcare system.

this guy gets it

>1) i'm not OP ya dingus, i'm happy with my weight i'm practically skin and bones and it looks fucking beautiful
>skin and bones
>and it looks fucking beautiful

well i mean that's all its own kind of fucked up

do you not realize how hypocritical it is for a complacent abomination of flesh to tell a different kind of complacent abomination of flesh that he's a complacent abomination of flesh

well excuse you, at least my kind of fucked up is virtuous

bet you think you're so fucking perfect because you're fit and at a normal weight with a body composition neither disgusting nor excessively impressive

meanwhile you probably maintain all that healthy mass by eating lean MEAT

fucking animal hating prick

I eat loads too. I just occasionally work out, and when I do I do it to the point where I feel sick I've done so much. This keeps me fairly fit, and also the exercise motivates you and makes you feel like you're doing something worthwhile too.

oh i get it now, you're one of THOSE people

sorry for the mistake ma'am, please carry right on ahead with your insane self righteous vegan ramblings

if you need me i'll just be over here waiting for you to run out of breath

This gets suggested a lot on here, but in this case, I absolutely mean it. OP, kill yourself.

>mfw all yall fallin this hard for this weak ass b8

holy shit you retards do you even lurk fadgets

pic is really him but he's lying about how he got that fat, this autistic faglord supposedly went through some fucked up garbage involving child rape and shit, stuffs his face as a coping mechanism, comes around here about twice a month posting his gross fat mug and making up retarded stories that use his weight as leverage to paint him as a lot worse of a person than he actually is, so we'll all insult him for being a fatty and feed his weird self sustaining raped-as-a-baby self-fat-shaming complex

best thing to do is walk away, if you talk to crazy people you get sucked into their fucked up world, hard enough to escape the gravitational pull of a massive object as it is if you know what i mean


yw lardass mcdiddlydad

what the fuck
>childhood involved rape
>developed unhealthy and addictive coping mechanism
>hates self
>no social skills
>mentally unstable
>quite fat but also seems to have some upper body strength
>thick brown hair, heavy brows, sunken eyes, about a month's worth of no shaving on face

OP I have two questions for you:
>do you live in Olathe, Kansas
>is your name Brad Armstrong

