Last Friday, my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend was paroled

Last Friday, my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend was paroled.

The night before, my girlfriend asked me if it would be alright for him to crash at our place. I objected of course, but then she got really upset and started crying because I wasn't being supportive. They have a child together and she wanted her son to be able to spend some time with his father. I felt really conflicted because I have been filling in as the boys father for the past 3 years. I've taken him shopping for school clothes, I take him to school every morning and I've spent hundreds of hours helping him with his homework.

She went to go pick him up @ 7am. I called her around 12pm to ask her if she wanted to have lunch with me and it quickly became apparent that she was in the act of having sex while talking to me on the phone. I called her out for it and she didn't deny it. It sounded like she just dropped the phone on the floor. I listened to her get railed for as long as I could take it, but I eventually broke down in tears and hung up the phone.

Before I got off of work Friday afternoon, my girlfriend sent me this snapchat.

Of course, I'm furious about it. I've never been this angry. I went home to confront the man in my house and as soon as I saw him he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me into the corner of my foyer. He made it very clear that he was physically stronger than me, but he didn't strike me. He told me to go get him a beer. I looked at my girlfriend and she wouldn't make eye contact with me. After I got his beer and gave it to him, I spent all weekend listening to them fuck in my bedroom. They never stopped. Three whole days of fucking non stop and she was extremely loud.

I think he's dealing drugs out of my house, now. If I call the cops, I could be charged with maintaining a dwelling for the distribution of narcotics and my house could be seized and auctioned. I inherited it from my late mother and it's paid for.
How do I get this guy out of my house?

Wow. He shaved his balls in jail?

Cool story bro.

very hot story.
got more pics of her?

and after all that, beat this fucker nad your gf up

Let's see more of your girl OP!

Old pasta but good pasta

>all prisoners have beards.

Ok but let's see more of them titties

Your clearly a bitch. LoL

What a coincidence. The exact same thing happened to me two weeks ago.



ftfy you stupid nigger

shoot the cunt and her fuck friend in the scull

I would call the cops and tell them this story
And man the fuck up bro.

This whole cuck thing is so 2016, it's time to move on.

Maybe a submitting job applications fetish.

"Last Friday, my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend was paroled."
>currently Tuesday

The man would have had at least 3 days to shave his balls...

You too bro?

You're a fucking ameritard. Get a gun and blow his brains out you cuck.

>picture was taken the afternoon he got out of jail dummy

Agreed. Someone dug deep for this one. Haven't seen it in a while.

pls be b8, no ones this much of a cuck

No, she didn't.

It didn't happen, it's just another sperg venting their sexual frustrations in a "totally non-homoerotic" fashion.

Was waiting for this post. Cool story though OP.

Barge in and fuck him in the ass right NAO! Let him know who's boss

(Yeah, I know it's pasta)

This thread

It was posted yesterday too

It's fucking pasta, bro-sephine. You have to be on an ascended level of cuck for this story to be true

This is when you buy a fucking gun and shoot the asshole. I swear the fact that you're taking this at all is bullshit. Dump the broad dump the kid and mice the fuck on. Go talk to the police at the station.

>story posted only once, it's true
>if someone re-posts it, it magically becomes false

call the cops and explain the situation
break up with girlfriends because fuck her, she doesn't understand how the world works

I love copypasta.

The reason I love copypasta is because posting it makes you mad. You. Yeah, that's right. You. You're my target. Your rage fulfils me. Yes, I've posted this before, and I'm going to post it again. And there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Not only am I going to post this over and over and over again, but other anons, seeing the rage posting this produces, are also going to post this. Especially our newfriends. Right now, newfriends are realizing that this actually does make you angry. They realize, like I do, that you think of Sup Forums as your own private little utopia that gets ruined when the common class stumbles upon it like oblivious tourists.

Well it isn't, you pretentious fucks. This forum is open to the public. It isn't yours. You're nothing special for frequently visiting this place. No one gives a shit that you've seen this before and in fact, they laugh at your grandiose opinion of what this place is. It's just a stupid imageboard. It's not even the first. After frequently visiting Something Awful, Chris Poole consciously decided to make an English Futaba Channel without any thought of how original it might be. So basically, this entire image board is copypasta and you're just a whiny little faggot fuckwit for actually getting angry at complete strangers for failing to entertain you. Go fuck yourself. No, really. Grab a poison-tipped cactus and go fuck yourself. Then go give your mom another hug to compensate for her fat ass not getting any. It's the only way you know how to pay rent.

If I were you, I'd be furious over the stupid cunt using "your" to say "you're". What a retard.

pasta is per definitionem a false story that gets reposted because it is creating good responses everytime.

Classic copypasta

raising someone else's kid. Dude, you're already a cuck.

No, pasta is per definition a story that gets re-posted regardless of whether or not it was originally a true story.

character count, dumbass. You're wouldn't fit.

>only fake stories that are reposted are pasta
So, if I repost a true story, it's not pasta?

Nah, raising someone else's kid makes you more of a good father than a cuck.

>he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me into the corner

If this is true, his parole is over. Same goes for his drug dealing in your house.

Turn the bitch in for taking part in it.


Cool story, illiterate fuck.

Jesus christ, you got cuckolded in your own fucking house. How the hell did you let this happen betafag?

Assuming this is true..
Call his fucking parole officer and tattle on him. Problem solved fuckstick.

Hey op, nice spaghetti dude

These threads are such a joke
>1/10 for me replying

you're definitely a cuck for doing that

Lol no she didnt
No he didn't
No you didn't

>w-why am i single? i just dont get it!

This is a decent copypasta. Not sure why everyone is shitting on it

Brooo i would beat his ass.Dont just stand take a stick or something beat the shit out of that skinny asshole.And step on his throat!!!

omg wtf kill

kill do it

Alpha maled him np

my brain not my own is this a joke caus i would nom

the fact you know the name off the bat means you need to get some goddamn help

id fuck em both an kill

CLEARLY A CUCK FANTASY, otherwise you would have just shot the nigga.


congrats on Stoya being your gf

wantg atention

yawn yawn

wat kek mean
