Cat hate thread

Cat hate thread

Ok I'll start: I hate cats because I can't resist cuddling with them after seeing a cat

nigger fuck you

I hate not having a lovey cat to call me Meow.




I don'T hate em, i just like to see them dead



Why so bitter? Just cuddle with her and be surprized.

Who could resist that face.

Fuck off you bellend, Sup Forums loves cats and always has done

Not me, gorgeous

Just look at those perfect eyes. They're like jewels.



Sup Forums has always loved cats. I wish I still got that post where some idiot posted a cat's torture video here and soon the police arrested him. Newfags of course dont remember.

wasted trips

Did your parents beat you as a child so you enjoy seeing cute, innocent creatures harmed, or are you just born fucked?

Prolly this.

Rule 0

You don't belong here

go for the dead cat

i fucking hate cats.

hahaha, you're right, they don't.
Don't like cats? well fuck you son, this little cutie can cheer me up no matter how bad life feels.


My cat, Mr. Pedo

I'll bet you get funny looks when you call him in for his supper







