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you again

Maybe because theists can't define theism either?

but you can,its not having a belief in a higher being,thats it.

well what do you mean, agnostic atheism or gnostic atheism

I came here just for this

define?? dude atheism literally means not believing in god

Trips checked

Explain this



The tail on that succubus or whatever is coming out of her asshole; it looks like she is shitting her tail. Succubus tails should extend from the base of the spine, not come out of her butthole.
Pic related.

Atheist: someone who doesn't believe in god.
God: ???

Your move christfag.

thats mercy, and im assuming that its supposed to be a vibrator in her ass, note that it has some lights on it

armando's pencil stuff is wayy better.

Atheism is believing in one god less than catholicism


why do some christianfags always want to prove that you MUST believe in god or your a piece of shit? if i were christian, i wouldn't give a fuck about what other people thought, and just keep doing my thing which i would think is the right thing

fuck beliefs, i want proof nigga

Because they can. Atheism is the rejection of claims made by theists (regarding theism, not preferen pizza toppings) as said claims are invalid.
For example: "but how can you be moral without God?"
This is not an argument. Ethics is a subject of great importance but one cannot assume morality does not exist without religion nor can one assume that morality is valid because of it.

"But who created the universe?"
I dont know. And my lack of knowledge grants the theist no proof of their claims.

"But you don't know their isn't a god"

I'm not even sure what "god" is at this point. No, I can't prove it doesn't exist. But I can sit here all day and come up with concepts that you can't prove don't exist. Agnosticism is a bullshit position. Am I agnostic about leprechauns? Am I agnostic about the tooth fairy? Am I agnostic about Hubbajawubba the creator of all things except jello?

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods . . .

. . . Defined

Atheism: Not believing in fairytale bullshit.

Next question please.

I liked the part when the odd clothed retard tried to talk to invisible cloud people.