Hey /b look after my daughter for a bit please. She has the babysitting money

Hey /b look after my daughter for a bit please. She has the babysitting money.

Were going to get ice cream with that money, then using the rest for tendies

she does anything for icecream

your daddy went out to buy smokes and is never coming back....want a hand full of granola?

So it'd cost me ten bucks, huh? Okay

she looks like she wants " icecream " in that mouth.

That means she behaves. Good. Makes my job easier.

ten bucks and you have to do whatever she wants, she is demanding

I wonder if you could afford a copy of Photoshop with that money.

If I were to be looking at pizza on my computer, would a singular police officer come to my house and knock the next day, or would a whole party van of the fbi come over?

For how long? $10 gets you a half hour

Does she like magic tricks? All I need is a lollipop and a blindfold and I could show her a trick I like to call the ol' switcharoo

CS3 is free

the party van would come but good job there is no cheese pizza here

Just asking cause my neighbor told me that a police officer came over to my house yesterday and knocked while I wasnt there

i'm basing this on personal experience. you get no warning just a bunch of guys in unmarked cars knocked at the door. about 8 of them

easy.....take her her to watch Frozen, snow white and the like all those put together works out about 8hours the $10 can be used for candy (the red ones) to remind you not to do it often

>Pfff that's you in the Pic OP, don't lie.

Shhhhhh don't tell no one

Fuck good, I've been paranoid all day thinking the officer would come back today

i wouldn't worry one officer wouldn't come for you. they have no idea how you might react. must have been something unrelated not to do with you

Was your personal experience crazy? Like did they scavenge your whole house

The fuck is this pedo thread?

yeah took the lot. it's been 2years since it happened and my life still suuucks takes forever to recover if it ever will