So Sup Forums, I work at a spa...

So Sup Forums, I work at a spa, I have access to employees credit card information as well as the rest of the info needed to do some harm. How do I go about doing this? Also, how can I fund my urge to stalk and spy on sexy clients for the enjoyment of my Sup Forumsros?

give us the information so we can buy bitcoins

buy a spy camera, little keychain camera that you can hide

As much as I would love to share this information with you all. I want to test it for myself before I start doing that.

That's what I was considering. Can I make money off of this somehow?


you can, but it's better if you share for free, add me on kik and we could trade some if you want

Of course Sup Forums would get it for free. But, what about the rest of the knuckle heads out there who are desperate for a quick voyager pic.

I can't talk for them, but if you have vids of tits, you can have money. Do you have a kik? I would love to stay in touch with someone who like the same thing, plus I could give you some tips

I don't have a kik. I could set one up. But, do you have any other means of communication or is lol your preferred use?


Also, if anyone is interested I have access to some clients istagram accounts as well.

Don't listen to him, it wasn't me. Well KiK is ly only non personnal to talk with people from Sup Forums, I have a google hangout if you want too

I'm interested

gather the info. sell it on the darknet as 'fullz' make around 1000$ per 30-40 cards.

not op, what's "fullz"?

Also, you kids are retarded for thinking kik and google are safe communications for trading stolen CCs... I hope you noobs get v&

A full dox on someone. Including CC numbers, SIN, address, name, ect. Anything you can use to steal an identity

Me again, if not kik, what app do you want to use?

Always Lurk more

OP here. Sorry guys, currently at work as we speak. I will try to get on a computer as soon as possible. If this thread dies, I will make sure to start another one later tonight so we may continue.

Just had two sexy latinas walk in for their massage. I will attempt to take some pictures for your enjoyment.

I'm not here a lot tho, give me your fav app and I'll message you there with proof it's me