Favorite Album, last full album listen, what you did today. Guess personalities

>Favorite album
Heaven or Las Vegas
>last album listen
>what I did today
went to class, am now trying to procrastinate an economics assignment as long as I can before it's due tomorrow



Chet Baker

General lying around the corner of the fairies

>favorite album
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
>last album
Simon Finn - Pass the Distance
>what I did today
visited my psychiatrist, studied for final exam. Pretty lame day overall.

Even though it's cliché, you feel you were born in the wrong era.

New age trendy slightly ocd quiet and ordered

>Fav album
Black Sabbath - Master Of Reality
>Last album
Buffalo - Volcanic Rock
>What I did today
Went to my parents for my birthday, bought a new bass with birthday money, good day

Don't have one
>Last full listen
New Acoustic Swing Duo - Han Bennink, Willem Breuker
>What you do

wears the same leather jacket for a few years

has problems reconciling what he wants to do with life

tends to ignore his problems, let life fly by

i have no read

>born in wrong era
not really, see if i was in a different era there would be no internet and less good music
>new age trendy slightly ocd quiet and ordered
im pretty messy but I have to organize things alphabetically or by year or it fucking triggers me. im quiet in social situations i dont want to be in but with friends im loud and brash

My favorite album for a long time was my war by black flag, now that I'm starting to listen to more music I'm kind of having an identity crisis but I'll still list it as my fave
Last album I listened to was brown book by death in june
Today I played earthbound then went on a walk with my mom and her dog and that's about all

Mount Eerie

>Last Full Listen
Deakin - Sleep Cycle

Today I went to class and enjoyed some nice weather!

>Favorite Album
Age of Adz
>Last Full Album Listen
Hop Along - Painted Shut
>What I did today
Stressed out about everything, had a breakdown, started planning out another suicide attempt.

is typically quiet, but when listening to music mouth screams the music

>Sleep Cycle
love that album. I'm a big Elverum fan but I've never taken to the Mount Eerie album too much

please don't kill yourself OP, it may seem worth it but it isn't

Do you literally know me in real life you nailed it I'm gonna go to sleep now so goodnight but it is actually wild how accurate you are you're like a psychic or something

We Cool? (Jeff Rosenstock)

Can't Maintain (Andrew Jackson Jihad)

Attended college courses, working on becoming a Paramedic.

>Favorite Album
I Love You, Honeybear
>Last Album Listen
>What I did today
Long day of work, fucking boring

>Favorite Album
Nightfall In Middle Earth - Blind Guardian
>Last album I listen
Sorni Nai - Kauan
>What I did today
Fed my poultry, try to take care of my sick mother, and took a long walk listening to Sorni Nai, and then cried because everything is slowly falling apart around me.

>favorite album
My Bloody Valentine - You Made Me Realise
>last full album
Bruno Pronsato - Why Can't We Be Like Us
>what I did today
cooked breakfast, did laundry, had a drink with an old friend, about to go have dinner with another friend and help her quit hard drugs

>people aint guessing personalities

jaded romantic, internalized sadness

long, greasy hair. can be a bit standoffish but opens up with time

kind of obnoxious, but driven and motivated for things he cares about

drinks copious amounts of cheap alcohol, but gets shit done. can be a normie but a fun one

Pretty accurate, can't lie.

>kind of obnoxious, but driven and motivated for things he cares about

not at all accurate
quiet and largely not obnoxious

I've got short hair and a bath regularly, but other then that you're correct.
Personally I think you're a good person.
Hard worker and good friend, but a bit pushy and arrogant.
Upbeat personality and friendly, but you look like a hipster.

>Favorite Album
>Last Album Listen
Discipline - King Crimson
>What I Did Today
Played CSGO. Fucking lost my rankup game twice.
is >tfw no gf
You miss your ex sorely.

>favourite album
Unknown Pleasures

>Last album
The Sound - Jeopardy

>What I Did today
Didn't do the work I told myself I was gonna do to prepare for incoming exams, played video games with some friends, worked out

that's the best movie scene of any movie that came out whatever year that was hands down

You're a quiet virgin, who is kind and means we'll, got a few close friends but not the most popular though you're not sure you want to be, more of beer than spirit guy, don't know what to do in the future

Andrew Jackson Jihad - Knife Man

Weezer - Pinkerton

Went to my psychologist in the morning, slept, ate, did homework, worked on getting my driver's license, played tf2

>Favorite album
>Last Album
Black One by Sunn O)))
>What I Did Today
Went to my classes, played basketball with my friends

Never talks but wishes he was the popular one

I love Can't Maintain and We Cool?

Melting Sun by LantlĂ´s
The Shape of Jazz To Come by Ornette Coleman
Flew out to Minnesota to rent out a portion of Paisley Park to record music

Is probably fucking cool but needs to work out and get some sun so he can get a girlfriend

I don't really want to feel better. Nothing will make me feel better anyways.

Right now: Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
Blur Magic Whip
Go to the gym and a marathon of redlettermedia

>What's Going On
>The Byrds - Younger Than Yesterday
>Went to class, worked, met with friends, typical Monday shit

>favorite album
ween - quebec
>last full album listen
sufjan stevens - carrie and lowell
>what I did today
went to classes, then took a run, procrastinated from 6:30 till now

>favorite album
Boris - Flood
>most recent album listen
O - Metri
>what I did today
I'm on a cruise until Tuesday, it's pretty fun. My sister cried so much about wanting WiFi that my parents bought it and now I can shitpost on Sup Forums.

>Favorite Album
Pic related.
>last full album listen
Del's Deltron 3030
>what you did today
Worked on some sheet music for a song of mine and chatted with a friend about his vocal range and part in said song.
>Guess personalities
My gues is your fagggot.

Why do I always forget the pic?

>pic related

Content with where you are in life. You wish it wasn't quite so mundane tho.
Depressed but dealing with it fine. Too busy listening about guys with girl problems to go out and get a qt 3.14 gf
cool dude because Blind Guardian is cool

>Favorite Album
Stevie Nicks - In Your Dreams
>last full album listen
Samantha Fox - s/t
>what you did today
only woke up 20 minutes ago but yesterday was pretty boring, just watched tv and a film, played skyrim and ate junk food

enjoy your cruise
you generally find it easy to talk to others and make friends

you need more sleep than most people

>Favorite Album
Tough, but probably "Forget and Not Slow Down" by Relient K
>Last full album listen
"Flood" by They Might Be Giants
>What you did today
Stuck in air travel. Then I had to work on a paper

Townes - live at the old quarter
>what i did
calculus all day pretty much

regular guy. would hang with. either mulatto black or skinny and white

you sound exhausting

was edgy in high school, not so much now.

>nonagon infinity
>smoked 2 backwoods, walked my dog, Netflix

*ding ding ding*