What are good ways to kill myself without buying anything? I don't have a car to drive...

What are good ways to kill myself without buying anything? I don't have a car to drive. I was thinking of chugging a nyquil and going to bed with a plastic bag tied around my neck with a belt but I've been out of nyquil for weeks.

Nice try

Someone who wants to kill himself does not even have these freshness, Just fuck off.

cut ur dick off and u will bleed out. live stream it will be funny

Suicidal people are fucking pussies that can't face the hardships of life, being depressed is acceptable, it's something that happens to everyone, but anyone who has purposefully killed themselves out of fucking self pity deserves to be dead.

>everyone gets depressed

kek maybe briefly, because of grief or getting cucked or some other bullshit. If your entire childhood was shit and now as an adult you can't properly function, it isn't something you just "get over". You have no idea what real depression is.

Dumbass faggot.

>being depressed hoppens to everybody.

No it dosn't.

Depression occurs in everyones life to some degree, before you start giving shit to me keep in mind I did not bring up a specific scale of ''Depression'', It just happens.

These arguments make me laugh. What's the goal here, to show him how much better you are than him before he dies? This is sucha macho man absurd argument that seems to only be an embodiment of your cling to masculinity. If you were ever in so much pain for so long, you wouldn't be saying what you are now

Stop shitposting on Sup Forums and be a HERO!!

>sadness and depression happens! it's never enough to justify ending one's own life!

Ignorant faggot with no imagination or empathy. Plenty of reason to kill one's self. Life is like a movie. If you've sat through a big chunk of it and it's sucked the whole time, no one should hold it against you for walking out early.

>Thinking OP will actually kill himself

So basically you're saying suicide is justified? Alright, let's not keep in mind the people it will also effect and possibly also make suicidal or to some degree also depressed, especially if they feel they are responsible for it.

Jump off something. Big building. Unless you live in Kansas or some shit. Then I guess you should just slit your wrists.

Only cause no ones answering my fucking question. I know I'll be hurting my family short-term but saving myself shame and embarrassment in the long term. Haven't felt happy in ages, haven't even felt content in ages either cause I'm supposed to be studying from the second I get back from work. Even the weekends are just my parents barging into judge me.
Is slitting your wrists an effective way of doing it? Should I draw a bath and pour all the salt in my house into the wounds?

why waste oxygen and other resources? why continue to suffer?

i've been depressed for the last decade and will probably an hero this summer. i agree you shouldn't kill yourself after having a shitty month, but there comes a point where it makes no sense to go on.

Should an old woman with cancer not get voluntarily euthanized to end the suffering she's in so she can be alive a while longer for her family's sake? There comes a point where you have to worry about yourself and let others do the same.

Or just stick around wanting to die all the time just so your mom doesn't feel sad that you killed yourself for being the chronic loser piece of shit you always have been.

I'm 28 and I've been depressed since I was 14. I was never official diagnosed with it because I was able to hide it well enough where my family didn't think to get me help. I've only consistently thought about suicide in the last couple of years...it's freaking me out but it's literally all I think about everyday. I know I"m not normal, but I don't care enough to talk to someone about it. I mean, I just don't see how I'd feel better just because I'm talking about it to a stranger who is getting paid by the hour. Not sure what I can do.

You'll live from that you'll need to do better

There comes a point where life is simply suffering and pain. When you're convinced that nothing will change, then suicide is reasonable. Any other opinion perpetuates needless pain and is therefore evil.

I wonder why everyone on Sup Forums is fking suicidal. It's like a fking magnet.

y is this?

It is the random board. Not much of a trace you were even here. Plus it's tradition for people who know of Sup Forums but don't lurk here much or people who go on other boards to ask about it here.

Some of you niggas need reminding that if you truly are at the lowest you can be, it can be a very liberating position.

Think about it - if you are going to kill yourself anyway, you can try literally anything.

Start a business and run it into huge debts and live like a king for a year. You might find you're good at it and end up rich and happy.

Sell everything you own and fly to say Thailand and get a job teaching English. It's a paradise on Earth and you may find someone or something worth living for.

Spend the next 6 months doing daredevil shit. Or take a load of mind altering drugs.

You can do anything if you don't care about anything anymore.

Helped me to realise that. To truly realise that if I was suicidal then I was free of any worry or anything holding me back

>OP doesn't even have a car
Are you retarded?

Hm, maybe you're not as.important as you think you are? Maybe nobody likes you.