What do you think of British girls, Sup Forums?

What do you think of British girls, Sup Forums?

The only decent one is on the far left, the rest are hog monsters

I mean, if you want people to say nice things, you should choose a different picture.


> implying that these aren't all 8-10 in your country.

Sorry I don't live in the boonies where all the hick manbeast girls live

they have the best schoolgirls

agreed, please post more



no nudes?



more far right?


she's gorgeous, dont stop

They're not all bad.



wow, more?

stroking to her




this is from some art project


don't have it

last one

Lol especially not those two, I dont think they'd pass for an 8-10 in any country, let alone planet. Keep in mind just how attractive an 8-10 has to be, in order to actually be in that top 20%. Those chicks look like the bottom of my feet

3 British girls

You Brits are some oddball mother fuckers

Moar of this, less of frying pan face having women



i have no source ;)

They're good for a few pounds