How do I get a Brazilian native girlfriend?

How do I get a Brazilian native girlfriend?
>I live in New York city.
>and I'm 50 years old
>I have no money

Hang yourself

>off yourself
>be reincarnated
>keep offing yourself into you're reincarnated as a brazillian native
>give two chickens two her dad
>the most important thing though is to off yourself

Time to get realistic old man

You'd better be one charming mofo

Depends are you Jeffrey Dean Morgan 50 years old or Denidevito?

You're old as fuck. Time to leave your autistic fantasies behind and get off of Sup Forums in order to try and leave your mark on this world. Not much time left now.

OP here
look how fucking hot she is

or get munny

find the social network platform they use and start spamming

natives are hard, you'd have to go there since they dont use tech


>just be charming
>don't share a language
>don't share similar attitudes to courtship

>don't share a language
>don't share similar attitudes to courtship

One can learn those. You cannot learn to be charming

literally post anything on Twitter

>I'm 50 years old
>I have no money
>How do I get a Brazilian native girlfriend?
You dont

oh yeah sure tell me how you're going to learn a language from a tribe that has like 30 people in the middle of the rain forest

She probably has aids.

You simply won't, my friend. No money, no pussy. That's how every single Brazilian girl is, with few exceptions.
Trust me, I live in this hellhole.

go to brazil, wander trough the rainforest butnaked for 2 months looking for a native tribe, get high on spitjuice and rip your own cock off to prove your manliness to the village elder and maybe.. just maybe

>culture so secluded from outside infection that she'd probably die if you breathe near her
>probably has aids

Let me explain this strange post.

OP knows a 50 year old guy, who has no money, and who talks out of his ass about wanting a brazilian native girlfriend.

OP is trying to get us to make fun of the guy through this proxy.

Hey OP, just leave the sad old man alone, those dreams are probably all he has.

she surely don't have aids. and if she's a hunter-gatherer she might never have even tooth decay. she will never know what is a flue or a headache. but if a civilized man like op dates her, she'll die. germs, man. three huge native american empires have been crushed this way, many a million indians died of trivial germs from the spanish and portuguese. might warrios, big and savage man. now, op, i ask you: what would happen to your girl if you came to date her? if you date her you kill her. so you'd better fuck her hard and mighty for she won't last much time and you'll resume your daily masturbation sessions right way

Watch Jungle 2 Jungle .
Will teach you the ways of bringing natives to america you old Fuck!