Recommend some stuff pls

I unironically love almost every album on this chart. Could you recommend me some more that would fit this "genre"?

kendrick lamar - damn.


Aham, AOTY, for sure.


Hounds Of Love belong on there

Why Debut and not Post when it's literally just a better album?

*The Dreaming


>TVU s/t
>Hunky Dory

does it look like i'm memeing?
well in fact i'm not, everything these guys did is great

No Metronomy?

Mercury Rev - Boces

Wire - Chairs Missing
Mission of Burma - Signals, Calls and Marches
Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup
AnCo - MPP (don't understand why this isn't on the OP chart)
The Beach Boys - Surf's Up (better than Pet Sounds imo)
David Bowie - "Heroes" (much better than Hunky Dory)
The Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea
The Olivia Tremor Control - Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume One
Pixies - Doolittle
Silver Apples - Silver Apples
Talking Heads - Fear of Music

Also, people ITT will complain it's not "patrician", but Mac DeMarco's 2 is a really catchy, well-written and unpretentious pop album

>>mfw it's not

>patrician pop

>essential pop
>No Dylan or Paul Simon

Came here to post this

I always thought of Discipline as more of a Newwave album. Great album, mind you. The Sheltering Sky is very feelsy shits.

How is Debut better than Post you stupid hipster?

David Bowie - Lodger (much better than "heroes")

Here's a better version

he doesnt produce his own music

This one seems nice. Will listen to some of these for the next couple days. thank you.