Sup Sup Forums Transfag here. MtF. Inb4 tits or GTFO. That's part of the problem...

Sup Sup Forums Transfag here. MtF. Inb4 tits or GTFO. That's part of the problem. i don't have substantial tits and can't get the hormones and shit necessary to grow them. Hell, I can't even get the care necessary to make the surgery medically necessary. I know most of Sup Forums's oldfags are neolibertarian assholes who either use Sup Forums as an outlet for their normally restrained and repressed cynicism and crassness. Most don't believe in giving actual fags or traps rights, so rather than coming to debate with you or demand compliance, I have come to do you a favour. I want to die and be one less impoverished trap and one more statistic for the trans suicide rate. I cannot live as a male and cannot become the female I feel I was supposed to be. So, tell me, Sup Forums, what's the quickest and most painless way to die? I have determined that asphyxiation is the best way, but the question is, by what means? Carbon Monoxide? Nitrogen? Helium? Any cheap, fast, and painless death methods in mind with certainty of no survivability?

Try either going back to being a dude or killing yourself

Just wait a little longer, it'll get better trust me.

But how do I kill myself, cheaply, quickly, and painlessly? That's the entire point of this thread. Help an aberration of Humanity end their life and be one less aberration.

why not just be a dude like a normal person, if youre a gay dude whatever just stop being a waste of societies time

and that statement does not give you a free pass to shove a .357 in your mouth you worthless fuck

how long have you been on HRT?

tbh i think the cheapest and best way is to hang yourself,

I mean, shit. you got the president most of you wanted. You have Trump and you got the biggest opponent of LGBT rights, Mike Pence, for Veep. You're getting a whole slew of people who are going to swiftly and systematically privatise 80% of the government, mostly for profit, and end up with a toothless government that only really handles the military... until a big enough defense contractors wants to buy that and PMC it.

tits or gtfo fag

I'm not a gay dude. I am attracted to women. I'd become a gay woman. I can't jsut be a dude, because I deeply and sincerely do not identify as a dude. It isn't a choice for me. It seriously is causing me to want to kill myself to end the suffering. it doens't help that the government is fixing to become so small and everything we actually need in life is going to be completely privatised as luxury products for those who can afford them. I dont' want to live with the suffering I feel now, emotionally, and I don't want to live in a corporate oligarchy that returns to feudalism. Living in Shadowrun, sans elves and magic, isn't cool.

Dude (no pun intended), I'm sure there's some rich (okay moneyed) user who'd happily shell out teh jew golds to turn you into their personal buttslut.

I'm not on HRT. I cannot afford the doctor visits necessary AND my family doens't approve. If i do this, I will have to live with disowning them.

Come on, Sup Forums... this is what you're best at. Gimme a fast, cheap, and painless way to die. I'm an object of hatred for you. You're also anonymous here, so my blood ain't on your hands.

>AND my family doens't approve
So you are afraid that your parents get mad... But you are okay with making them sad by killing yourself?
How old are you??

Human are limited. but yet incredibily potent. your plea is a nice hobby while waiting to get to work.

And no. guns aren't the way to go. it will take too long and it costs more monies than I have to spend on this kind of thing.

It's must be painfull for the brain to fight for a balance but you are not the only one.

I'm perfectly fine hurting them with my death. They wouldn't disown me or anything. Worse, They won't acknowledge the gender change, use my new name, nor use the right pronouns, which will hurt worse than separation ever could. My age is irrelevent.

>My age is irrelevent.
you sound like some stupid tumblr teen.
So nothing of value was lost. Go ahead.

>I'm an object of hatred for you
>implying Sup Forums doesn't have trap threads on page 1 24/7

If you were supposed to be female, you'd be female. And I don't mean just feeling like one. I mean 2 X chromosomes and a pussy.

Go join an African tribe where you have to worry about things that matter (like not getting eaten, hunting, and making your own home) and you won't have time to indulge fantasies

You actually sound schizophrenic with a touch of paranoia

You're also a fucking attention whore. If you want to die, you'll find a way and won't whine about it online

Let's go with that. It's incorrect, but I'll roll with it.. Either way, nothing of value will be lost anyway.

Caught between being *helpful* and being *unhelpful* which way do you think a Sup Forumstard is going to go?

I don't think you know what user hates: user hates everything in roughly equal measure, except furries.

trap threads are for fetishists and trolls. it's not advocacy.

then nothing of value is lost when I'm dead. So, how do you suggest I kick the bucket, tard?

Oh gawd! They don't acknowledge my made up bullshit! Why literally everyone but me wrong?

You are right, you really should kill yourself.

I mean make an issue out of literaly nothing plus fail to comprehend how you could possibly take your life in a day and age where suicide is not only quite popular, but also prominently discussed.

You really are a true retard in a completely non-insulting way.
Take a rope, learn how to tie it.
Then stop being a pussy for as much as a single moment.

You had me until, Well played user, well played.

meh. I tired. I think I'll just burn some charcoal in a metal bucket in my car and just breathe... reading a book. There, like a good little libertariantard, I have helped myself and solved my own problem without a handout from the taxpayers. How's that for advancing your agenda while ending my own existence? At least when I'm dead, I won't care anymore, right? That gives me some solace.

Narcissa?? Is that you??

Nope. i was quite serious. Anons only want traps to fap to or to piss others off who don't like traps. Ergo, it's for fetishists and trolls. It isn't advocacy, as Sup Forums has no soul and no incentive to back up a minority group for any reason save to exploit them. You know that as well as i do.

> I know most of Sup Forums's oldfags

There are no "Oldfags" on Sup Forums. It's just a myth.


Well, g'night Sup Forums. I'm taking the big sleep... and by the stars, i hope some asshole cop doesn't see it and call EMTs to wake me up.

u r 2 yung to kill self

Problem, user?

English? No habla espaniol


Opiates are supposed to be very painless. See if you can get your hands on a script of at least 300-500mg of shit, avoiding acetominophen because that will tear your stomach lining up and will feel like you're being stabbed. If you want to asphyxiate, Party City has Helium tanks. Get a gas mask, tape up the valve with a tube, and plier/rubber band pinch the nozzle until it flows freely. Do this all laying down, and it will be like falling asleep.