Haven't had sex for a little under 2 months

>Haven't had sex for a little under 2 months

Please, just kill me.

>actually having sex
stop bitching.

fuck you op

pussy is overrated get over it move on chill out and eat a sandwhich

2 months? Bitch please, I have been going on for 14 long fucking years and counting without any love. You do not see me complaining on /b about it.


lel you pussy, try 29 years keep talkin get on my level

Being underaged 14 year old doesn't count.

You haven't experienced it. It doesn't really count.
It's worse for people who had it but are not receiving it now.

you're on Sup Forums, not much sympathy for not having sex here.

Lel fuck you nigga try 37 years, get on my level

>bragging about being a cuck

I am 34 going to be 35. Those going on 29 and 37 years if you are for real I would be looking for a prostitute by then.

Try 24 years.

Can i get your mom's number?


Sure its 5634450272

i just hit 11 years no sex

fels batman

20 years over here


is that william birkin g5 pepe?

try 20 years OP

>2 months

I haven't had sex in my entire 29 years of life, that's why god invented porn

>Not knowing what a cuckold is

almost four years sometime around mothers day 2013

fuckin pleb, trying dying without getting laid, get on my level

Did you bang your mom?

Try not fucking for 2 years and not even being able to get off the last time that you did because you were too drunk and suffering from depression that made pleasure difficult to experience.