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boy he bout to do it


idk you tell me

Post it motherfucker I double fucking dare you

whats going on in here?

whats at the bottom?

Do it, op.
Or be faggot forever


do it

It is a grown child star nude covered by a screencap of her performance as a child star.

you know whats happening... we all know
lets hope op delivers

i actualy didnt at first but i think ive come to a realization


Anyone know her name?

chance op has original picture ~0%

Do it fag


whats the story?



Apparently OP has the noots.

Krischelle Delgado



boi post that shit already

this is now an eliza thread

Nice job, you increased your the chance of the thread being deleted




hes right so take control of your fate and do it now op

Hurry op


If OP had the balls to do it, it'd be done already.

Punk ass bitch.

where did u get??

do it OP, here is your chance to prove you are not a faggot

ok op whats the catch or do you just want to play a game?

please tho

i dont even know what it is that i need but i fuckin NEED this now


OP still won't do it even if he had the pic. He's too much of a pussy to do it

He wants the (You)s.

Fake and gay. Her arms aren't that long.

>2016+2 months
>expecting op to deliver in a cp thread

find me on omegle with her name

post it fag

is this cp? will i get arrested or something for looking at this


i thought this was a test thread.

what the fuck is her name?

you will be teleported to prison the millisecond you see it

>+ 2 months



"+2 months"

Are you actually illiterate or just a tryhard?

Why are you all so excited? Its not like cheese is hard to come by.

not him but its still 2017 + 2 months at this point

i'm being 100% serious. i'm curious but i really don't want the fbi at my door or something, i'm not even gonna jerk it im doing nofap

Post it then.

what where how

not the same girl... asian lookalike

it's not like cheese is hard to come *to*

newfags tend to get excited easily.

Just look at all the fake roll threads that get hundreds of replies

2 months ago was still 2016. Fuck sake m8

Sup Forums has formed its own sheild against the FBI using shitpost power

You'll be fine

well, this is the worst bubble I've ever seen.

nsa honeypot detected

Join this Sup Forums discord



im here and waiting user

So what's the deal about posting

exactly and the start of 2017 was also 2 months ago. It is currently 2017 so 2017 + 2 months

you guys are stupid
i use incognito mode

FBI is probably monitoring every ip and Mac address that's looked at this thread for more than a few seconds. And definitely logged anyone who has posted in it. I'd stay off the computer for a few months and look out for any suspicious cars in front of your house.

You're using a VPN right?


Its not illegal to look. Its kinda illegal but not gonna be dangerous if you save. And its pretty illegal to distribute.
Tbhq think drugs.

Don't have the one you're looking for sorry pedoanon

Bad b8 m8

"friendship charms bracelet"
user has a friend
wh-whats it like?


Do it op u won't

dude it 1 1/2 months at best

Gtfo, with that lame fairy tale shit


Keep em coming pl0x

February isn't done yet. It would be 1/2 at best.

Also, do you really want to continue such a pointless fucking discussion? You know this is gonna lead nowhere.

true but the main point was 2016 vs 2017

ruh roh

wait what? theres no way it's not illegal to look at cp. I'm pretty uneducated about this so please explain. Not a pedo btw i still in my teens

Fukkin post this boii

>Underage newfag detected


soooooo....... we are just waiting for OP to post CP or JB?...... roll trips and ill post some JB

If only the FBI was as clever as you americans think.

Don't take it up the butt, FBI

They don't usually go after you if you look. They might go after you if you save. They will definitely after you if you start distributing.


waiting for OP
rolling for some JB while we wait

We're not waiting for anything, because nothing is gonna happen.

Every JB/CP thread turns into a roundtable 10 minutes after its creation.

So you're the "if she's 12, i'm 12" kinda guy?
also don't worry newfag
the fbi has too much shit on their hands

Fuck off. This site is legal. There are plenty of places to go mining for perps than a legal site. How can you justify spending tax dollars on investigating a site where you have a bunch of kids who may get exposed to the occasional gray material, vs other places online where there is no question everything is illegal. Wouldnt those places be better fishing holes? You are a faggot.


If its on a site and the site isn't regularly posting it why would you be incriminated just for viewing? Also you're underestimating how much cheese manages to get onto the uppernet. Dw if its posted you're fine. Hell, worst case Sup Forums itself will be in trouble, not you.

All OP's who dont deliver dont deserve to be here