Continuing the previous thread, you know what to do

Continuing the previous thread, you know what to do.

i lie in these threads for the lulz.

i am also a woman.

sometimes when i jerk off i clean my cum on the sheets, and i've spent months and months with the same sheets with multiple layers on them, sleeping with my gf on it too.

i am op.

I have a cumrag that I use at least 10+ times a day it's really crusty and hard. God what the hell is wrong with me.

I work at a funeral home as a mortician's assistant. I lick dead girls' feet.

I Want to fuck the shit out of every curry and towelhead i see tbh senpai got them
C O L O N I Z E Genetics

I caught my brother messaging my cousin that we just met (big family) and he wanted to fuck her. She didn't want to and I haven't told anyone

Both of you must have no sense of smell.

God Damn


my home board is

>i am also a woman.
mee too

Tits or gtfo

>I lick dead girls' feet.


personalities or gtfo

my moms friend tried to fonger me in the back of my moms car

I failed/dropped out of college and never told my folks. I now have a week and half to make two bogus degrees and a transcript, or it was nice knowing me guys

I have hidradenitis suppurativa.

I missed the last thread, what happened

Been cheating on my girlfriend of 8 years with a co-worker who has been in a relationship for about 15 years. It's been about 4-5 months now. We haven't had sex. Mainly we just make out in my car. On a few occasions she's blown me and I've fingered her but, that's only been 3 times.

ive never beten ftl in anything more than easy

When I was a teen I felt like no one would ever sexually desire me so I would go on omegle and do cam shows for old pervy gay guys. I did them for free just cause they made me feel like someone wanted me. I've never told anyone this and I don't plan on it.

Yeah I've done some weird Omegle stuff, I always thought one day I'd find someone who I could tell everything to - but as time goes on it feels like there are more things that I'll never be able to speak about

I want to rape, or fuck little girls

The only thing that made me stop was I got uglier. I've always wanted to talk to someone one about it but also I just don't like thinking about it.

whats the most fucked up thing u did on omegle?

Nothing too weird, but it was when I was underage. I suppose weirdest was when I played a game of truth or dare and I had to wear my bra like a hat
that's my cue to gtfo, cy@
ps, I thought I was ugly too but you just gotta go outside, you'll find someone so chin up bro

I fantasize about hotdogging a stallion's fat ass

I was a sugar baby for an older gay man who wanted to buy my shoes, worship my feet, and have me tell him about all the times I fucked girls.

I miss getting free money.

>but as time goes on it feels like there are more things that I'll never be able to speak about

yeah. I hit 30, and I've realised there's very little chance I'll find somebody who I Can open up to completely about all the fucked up shit I did when younger. And all the fucked up shit I did more recently.

That's what these threads are for, though. I get some release.

did u ever put things in your ass?

I fuck my wife's best friend every time my wife goes out of town.

i actually do want to see whitflaps AND whittits


I am the batman

I faked my degree to get a job

is she married? is the friend better? ever fuck them both in one day?

I hate everything that isn't white

Everyone who uses Sup Forums is on food stamps and government insurance

Your mothers a woman

Why the fuck are you so old and still playing with computers

its my job user
I am being paid $30/hr right now and spending it shitposting on Sup Forums

I bought a new router from my provider and it's ip address dress was already banned from Sup Forums from its previous owner

I plan to kill myself within the next week.

can i see

I'm eating a donut

Get me a referral? No expierence necessary?

She isn't married. I once fucked my wife on a Friday night and then fucked her friend the following Saturday afternoon. I think my wife is better fucking but her friend gives way better blowjobs

i am pretty sure my dad is addicted to 2c/pink cocaine.

I'm fucking a doughnut

nah I don't need an assistant right now, there's only enough shitposting for one here

I'm an atheist in a Christian family and I have 3 more years till I'm an adult Soo

I think I have cancer, but I'm not going to get it checked because I really want to die. I've thought about suicide for awhile so this is my way out.

Addicted to jerking off to a friend's sisters. Im a family friend and known them for years and years and over the time seen and caught them doing things naked some just accidental nudity things and some full blown out sexual. So after seeing more and more over the years it just drives me crazy and i ended up jerking off to them daily now im addicted to it and babe to get off to them at least a few times a day. I feel bad about it but i can't stop

I am god

I've been here so long (12 years) that I can't communicate normally in the real world anymore. Everyone is either a fag or a bitch and they're either spewing autism or spreading cancer.

My sister in law send pics of her shit in a toilet to my wife, I want to stab the shit out of her
>no pun intended

I am the real moot

This fat spic looking thing lives in my neighborhood his dad is a cop I want to kill them both

About a week or 2 (or in between) I fucked a cheap hooker in a cheap hotel. I was on X, coke, and alcohol. Best ebony booty I've had...and first milf I've had.

A few days ago, at night, I got this tingling feeling at the tip of my dick.
>pain scale 1-10
Like a 2 or 3
Only lasted less than 15 minutes.
But got me thinking did I catch something from this bitch?

(I only feel that tingling feeling after I take a piss or fap [but don't ejaculate]
But I also think it might have something to do with me taking X these last few days.

I have killed four men so far. Three were rapists, unconvicted, but they admitted what they did to me. Openly. Bragged about it, even. One was a criminal whose crimes don't warrant a mention. He hurt others, that's all that matters. And again, he bragged about what he did.

I am not a serial killer. I do not do what I do because I get a kick out of it, or because I need to, or because I want to feel smarter than others. I don't target people because of a certain appearance or behavior. And I don't pick a single method of killing and make it a ritual (they'll never link the four murders because of this). The odds of me needing to kill again are slim to nil.

And that feels good, bro. It feels real good.

You sir are a serial 'serial killer.'

Maybe you're doing society's hard work.

KEK i smoked a bunch of my friends pot and stole his gas money

Pro tip you faggot
>all Bros are rapiests welcome to Sup Forums


Same here except I didn't kill theach rapiest I just left him 100% handicapped now he can't even scratch himself when he has an itch I created his own personal hell


I some times think of other women when i fuck my gf

I thought so.
Are you talking from experience? If so, what did your doc prescribe you?

I want to impregnate my friends sisters husband

how long y'all been together?

I'm not wearing socks

When I was on a valentines date in 2012 when I was 18, and shit myself and skipped out on her and climbed out the window and got my pants stuck on the fence and ripped a whole in then and shit when ever there, then I was convicted on petit theft and had to sit in a holding cell overnight in shitty pants

I think my girl friend is a slut and I wanted to test this by putting her snapchat on Sup Forums to see if Sup Forumsros can get pics out of her but she knows this website and would know something is up if she isn't doing anything wrong anyways and I'd get in trouble for nothing.

Antivirus LGBT laws are being created as trump is in office, I came a massive load at the sheer thought of it
>I came alot

Who is your girlfriend? Hire someone to get with her in person

I'm not wearing any underwear

>am gril
if a guys ecosystem is anything like ours, sometimes shit just gets imbalanced. thats why we drink cranberry juice all the fucking time. its the home remedy that works best. concentrate works ok but raw juice is ideal. you can even take cranberry pills, they sell them at walgreens.

A girl who lives in the states

i once faked getting robbed to rip off like a grand from a dude who ripped me out of a grand like a year and a half before

>cranberry juice

holy shit

currently messaging a guy I met on Craigslist and talking about giving me my first blowjob he's just a street a way an the thought of getting a blowjob that easy tempts me Should I do it b?

My dad has cancer.. he's so proud of me for being the first one of his kids to go to university, don't have the heart to tell him i'm struggling badly.

also it goes without saying but this infection happens because some kind of particulate made its way into your urethra (semen, sweat, grime, etc). with that in mind, your goal is to pee AND WASH as often as possible until it rights itself. good luck.

im a tranny and i let a friends dog fuck me several times

Underage... On Sup Forums... MOOOOOOOOOOODS

I always grope my friends' butts when we're out drinking and ttey've never seemed to notice

>also a woman

they notice

No, don't do it.

this is bad

Why say that

I'm an entirely different person for every group of people I know
Fake interests, fake personality, even fake names, really just because it's fun for me to play people like that
Something about peoples attitudes and reactions about me being based on who they think I am, and them being wrong, gets me off

Why? They clearly aren't saying anything and they keep inviting you out.

I hope you live a lonely life without any pets.


You don't deserve either, and since one of them is also a cheating bitch that devalues your stock quite a bit.
