When I cum I press my taint and it feels like 10x better and I can sorta pump my cum out extra hard with each squirt

When I cum I press my taint and it feels like 10x better and I can sorta pump my cum out extra hard with each squirt.

Is this normal? idc if it's not it feels fucking great

bumpin' with grills

Its normal brah... enjoy

Will try using this pic

That's your prostate

kek youre gay

have fun getting aids


when you're ready for an even bigger and better orgasm try a vibrating butt plug or prostate stimulator. All the virgins here will tell you it's gay but they jerk off to trap threads. That's gay. Stimulating the male g spot with a toy is not. It's gay if you use a cock in your ass. Then you're a fag. Otherwise you're just a dude that likes awesome orgasms.

Confirmed. Tried the 3rd attempt I finally understood why people do it. Feeling is insane


no. The prostate is inside you. It's the perineum aka the area between your balls and asshole. Pressing on it will put pressure on the prostate and increase orgasm sensation.

>i-it's not gay
>I just like having my ass pounded with phallic objects

let me try....

That's obviously what he meant, cockmunch

yeah it's a nice change. I don't do it often because it's kind of a longer process but once in a while when I really want to blow out all the cum in my balls with a big orgasm I'll go for the butt play. Any adult woman with any knowledge of sex will be all for it. I've had several girlfriends that wanted me to let them play with my ass. A simple finger to massage the prostate while she blows you can be mind blowing.


shit, that sounds great

1996 called, they want their insult back. Cockmunch lol. Who the fuck says that but old retards and eastern euro fags who are still watching miami vice? Wrong is wrong cockmunch.

>stationary plug
Keep your fag fantasies to yourself. Go find a trap thread. Everyone who has ever had actual sex with a woman knows that guys who think prostate stimulation is gay are actually closet fags themselves.

> is this normal? idc if it's not...

then why the fuck are you asking?

You're gay, accept it

To see if it's seriously odd. Maybe it was something I shouldn't bring up with my friends. General knowledge.

Think before you post, assface.


Yea it's something you can't do every time that's for sure. Prolly once a month

You're a virgin who likes shitty pathetic fapping and watching your small cum shot dribble down your hand before you lick it. Accept it.

If you're a girl you don't have a taint but you do what you do sweetie-

If you're a guy you're a gay faggot and KYS.

Yeah that's probably at most. Sometimes I don't for months and then after I do I think why did I wait so long. Cock rings can be interesting too. I'm kind of thick dicked but I think they are just naturally really tight. You can keep a hard on for hours wearing one and fuck for an hour or so without blowing your wad. Nice for fucking a new chick that you know will make you cum early. It's a weird but fun sensation when you do cum. It's like it's a bomb waiting to explode but can't and then it kind of forces it's way out harder. Have to use a lot of lube if you're doing that solo. Dry dick and a cock ring is a recipe for pain.

Nice assumptions, but you've told everyone in this thread that you put things in your ass for pleasure and somehow that's not gay?
>he fucks his ass with toys
>in denial about sexuality
>gets mad and has the spine to call other guys gay
What is your life?

I agree
^this guy is a fag

lol keep that pussy up on that pedestal, virgin fag

lol virgin detected. Women don't have taints? Fuck. I must've been with some freaks because every woman I've fucked has an area between her cunt and asshole. I guess pregnant women who need taint massages don't exist either? Stupid basement dwellers everywhere.

I use a vibrating massager from embrace. Works really well

a life of hot kinky women and wonderful orgasms.

I won't ask your's. I already know. 13-17, virgin, closet fag that loves the trap threads, calls everything gay that makes him remember all of this about himself.

Living the faggot dream huh?

My ex told me about this male vibrator that is like an egg shaped thing you stick your cock in. Was from the UK and like a hundred bucks. So I get it and she's lost interest...of course. Once I spend money. I didn't lose interest. If you can stay soft it will still make you cum with the vibrations alone after a few minutes.

her and her cousin

>goes to room in basement
>yells for some hot pockets
>goes back to world of warcraft
>can't stop thinking about putting a finger in his ass and jerking off
>calls everyone on his game a nigger fag
>cries later

Living the virgin dream.

>I don't have any legitimate points to make against the person I'm arguing with so I just get angry and start spewing autistic shit
Once again, you're gay, and in denial

>enjoying a physical sensation in an area with many nerve endings, not dissimilar to those in the penis
I suppose you think jerking off is gay because its a handjob too? If you manage to wrangle your flailing sexuality you might enjoy yourself user.

>All the virgins here will tell you it's gay
Yeah that's because it is retard
Has your anus prolapsed yet faggot?

>otherwise you're just a dude who likes awesome orgasms
Yeah keep telling yourself that homo

>talks about "legitimate" points
>doesn't realize he just described himself
>can't explain why he even opened this thread if it's gay and he ain't gay!
Definition of denial, virgin boy

It's normal and feels amazing, but I wouldn't bring it up with friends. As you can see by some of the more stubborn, ignorant folks in this thread you could catch some shit for it

>I suppose you think jerking off is gay because its a handjob
What lmfao?
You gays are really delusional

if it had you'd be the first homo to ask for a pic or it didn't happen lol. You fag trolls really are stupid.

you're a guy. You jerked a cock off with your bare hand. You're a fag, bro. Deal with it.

I opened the thread because I saw your post.
Did your dad tell you that putting things up your ass for pleasure wasn't gay?
I guess he does it too huh?
Or are you just the ONLY one delusional enough to think its not gay?

its the exact same principle my dude. whats the difference in tugging on a dick and massaging your prostate? probably your sexual insecurities user

>my taint

be more precise pls