My IQ is 175. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence

My IQ is 175. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence.

I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people.

While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia Band's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week and Love Ire & Song.

All this and I'm an 18 year old still in high school.

Ask me anything.

Nobody gives a shit.

Your copy pasta is stale. Sage

Oh my god just shut the fuck up with this stupid thread already. It's just pathetic.

fuck off, faggot
the original poster never use that pic for this thread.

Copypasta is a little stale.

Had a girl friend just like you a while back. Except she was in her twenties and thought her IQ was around 300 (literally). She was a crazy bitch. And a whale.

>Referring to an Intelligence Quotient as "genius-level".

Whoops got to the party late. Looks like pasta. I'm out.

FAKE!! She can't be a female dog AND a whale at the same time!!!!

You aint never heard of no chimera? read a book

The only chimera I ever heard of is a girl+dog breed

you again? Fuck off

You would have to be pretty fucking lazy to have such a high IQ and still be in high school at age 18. You pleb

but can you speak in other language OP? if not then you are just a retard.


This is bait chaps, stale copypasta too. Don't forget to sage

1 - stale copypasta
2 - nobody cares
3 - i'm more intelligent than you and as a result i am unhappy and try to kill my brain cells with booze and alcohol, nobody cares about straight A's in life and they are not going to bring you happiness
4 - i also look good suck it bitch

>IQ equals how smart you are
>my music tastes aren't mainstream so i'm better
>all this

this isn't even a funny pasta

All that intellectual ability and you don't have any actual achievements to brag about

how big a fucking loser are you

I checked that music and it sucks. Sorry, you're no genius.
And I'm sorry for my english. I don't speak it.

Pick one

I bet you probably support hillary and black lives matter lmao

A high IQ just means you're good at IQ tests.

Send me an IQ test you think is a good one. Also What are some of your future life goals?

Why does it go up by 3 every time you post?

most iq tests are ez. i actually have 143 iq but i dont go pastaing it on the interweebs

you know what to do

Then why the fuck are you are on Sup Forums

>be a genius
>too stupid to understand that nobody cares
>too stupid to understand that it wont make you feel good
>too stupid to understand you are just a hipster with your weird music
>too stupid to understand you are brainwashed by the mainstream media
>too stupid to understand school system is fucked abd getting straight A's dont matter in life
>too stupid to understand that making this post is pathetic
>too stupid to understand that we know this is a copypasta
>too stupid to find a better picture
>too stupid to get dubs

I could go on and on

Thinking the same. Go build a sentient robot already.

If you were really a "genius", you wouldn't be wasting your time mingling with all these Sup Forums tards

No one is stupid enough to take this b8 Not even on Sup Forums