What are the best albums for cucks?

What are the best albums for cucks?

your favorite album

Sup Forums core

1000 hurts

Every rap album made by a black person

Wait, scratch that. That album has songs about wishing death upon the woman and man who cucked you, which a true cuck would claim is toxic masculinity.

Anything where the music consists of political rhetoric with no artistic justification.

P.S. I just typed in feminist music to google, all I can say is there is a lot to unpack there.


why does art need justification

This is so embarassing regardless of if it's real or not


Political music should be good music before it's a dumb propaganda.

This whole "anything can be art" postmodernist bullshit needs to come to an end.


Stop picking on 15 year olds, they don't know better


This is what i meant thank you for clarifying.

Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.

Nu-male music


Leave Sufjan out of this user

Why do ruskies always fall for shit tier ideologies?

Is it really nu-male if it's over 10 years old? I associate Gen X with Nirvana than I do Millennials. Or does the definition of nu-male apply to people of all ages?