Anyone saved?

Anyone saved?

what the...

wat is this? im in

bumping for interest

is that a man?

Bumb for curiosity


can anyone explain this shit?

what is this?

looks fucked up. bump


girl from "kids" react fucked one of the finebros. shit got leaked

"I'm a pedo cunt, some one give me a .onion link"

actually im just curious as to who that is and why user shared it. no pedo hear you cant trust me



I'm interested in the story, not the pics. Which faggot did this? And was it consensual or was she forced to do sexual acts?

One of the fine bros that's what user said

pretty sure they're all of age now.

No Way Jose!

It would be all over TMZ by now if that happened.

Please please someone!!!


too many pedo faggots on Sup Forums tonight

why is this pedo?!? what happened to that girl


>too many pedo faggots on Sup Forums tonight

I'll take "Words Never Posted On Sup Forums Before" for a thousand, Alex.


Hmm. I'd assume the other was filming it. Oh well I'll delve deeper into it tomorrow

>It would be all over TMZ by now if that happened.
Just like how Dan Schneider is all over TMZ for molesting so many young starlets auditioning for Disney roles?

If you're rich enough or making other people rich enough, a lot of shit will unfortunately be covered up.

Where was it posted?


Fake and gay. Different girl. The chins don't match, no pun intended


the man looks like a pedo, i wouldnt go near him in fear of him trying to give me one of his famous "hugs"

OP didn't want this to get shared so just showed people who know her name and typed in interests on omegle.
i really hope someone got some screen

My spidersense are tinkling

This is now a honeypot thread



Was this recent? because I heard that story a while ago.




Fuck that must suck
Having sand in your fucking pussy
My bag still has sand in it and I haven't gone to the beach for 2 years

What in tarnation.

Im convinced this is the FBI. no doubt

Moods! Please get the pedos out of here

it's like....just minutes ago stuff got leaked.
i saw this similar threads several times but never saw something beeing posted

i was there nothing happened

Hello there! I'm very invested in this discussion. Tell me more




FBI rarely goes on Sup Forums now thanks to these faggot mods and newfags being too much of bitches to do anything other than post kahoot threads, shitty tier YLYL, and fap threads

deal with it, faggot

le fucking new fag

What do you mean?

She's not underage...

It's legal you dumb cuck

Yeah, no underage gril would have those tits

Where daa mods at tho

Hey anons, nice thread we're having. Please leave your devices connected to the internet for a minimum of 40 minutes. Thanks!

So is the pic of the girl actually her or fake ?

Yeah well ledditors arent aware what bait is

Are you honey potting me. cause it really feels like your honey potting me

after someone said "chance op has original picture ~0%" op posted

I'm not gonna lie, that picture used to be posted here all the fucking time.

it's sad to see how low this shitty site went after the reddit invasion.

In Pakistan she is

Doesn't even look like her though

Fuck off cuck boy
2006 mode activated?

>Sounds like an experienced honeypotter to meh


America's age of consent varies by state. Some are as low as 16.

It really does

The chins match, watch the video on Youtube.

Is there any risk of opening pictures posted on Sup Forums? I have seen too many fucking pedo threads tonight and I bet most of the pictures are fake thankfully but what if some aren't? Not sure why its so popular on Sup Forums. I guess everyone is lonely on Valentine's Day.

That's the only one I ever saw of her. She's not even underage ffs.

Not on Sup Forums, jpgs cant have embedded code here.


FBI at it again

Don't take any risks if you are not willing to deal with any of the possible consequences for doing so. That's all I can say to you.

when did this story break out? Any more details about it?

I'm a journalist for a pretty large newspaper and I could try to push an article for it if I get some decent sources

is this now a pedo thread?

The story is that someone had sex with her and took pics. Nothing to do with the fine bros.

And probably the whole story is fake anyway.

Is the picture legit cuz if it is fuck them finebros

All in Sup Forums is a pedo thread

Thats not even the same person...

>getting their info from Sup Forums
No wonder the media is all fucked.

Sounds like youre trying to shift this awesome story away from what it is, huh Mr Finebro?

There are no sources or proof that she had sex with the finebros. That is however most likely her, just not the same age. Google says her name is Jayka Noelle and she's 14? She also did modeling and music I guess.

lol whats going on here? has anyone here ever watched cp?

The image of the video is her from three years ago. She's been working with the Finebros since she was 10.

tbh if you only knew where my colleagues and I sometimes get our info from, you'd think Sup Forums is Edward Snowden.

This my bigga

google. Some guy bragged about having sex with her in a hotel and having a few pics. Then he proceded to share pics on Omegle.

no proof the guy is one of the fine brothers, but proof she is fucking older dude exist

Was this ever reported on?


why is this thread still here? most disgusting sht ive ever seen

Years ago i was here almost everyday, now i'm back and see anons calling mods instead of fight them. What happened here?

Liberal takeover

beta invasion