Do you think you'll be able to fall in love again?

Do you think you'll be able to fall in love again?

>implying I've ever been in love

No and I don't want to because womyn are not worth it.

yes... it's called Vodka, and it's a wonderful thing

None cause it requires it happening for a first time.

Unfortunately, I think I will but the scary thing is when I will and if she will even love me back

you're lucky

I'd rather not risk it. Love promisses happiness but gives the opposite. Better search for happiness in other things in life.

Well then what should I do when it happens? IF it happens

Don't worry user. Next semester you'll be a junior and won't have to take gym anymore. Life will get better.

Nothing, if it's happens it's too late to do anything. All you can do is hope that the person loves you back. If they don't, say hallo to years of sadness that won't ever fully go away until you fall in love again. But then you're most likely back to the start.

Growing up, there were 4 girls who liked me. A lot. I was too scared, or ignorant, or selfish to do anything but ignore them. I have literally no idea how they must have felt, being constantly rejected by me. Not good, I would imagine.

yea probably hurt like hell

Hurts thinking about her, we're friends with benefits. Fucked her tonight but I want an emotional relationship.

been there

God I wish I could do that. I probably could too if I tried, but I'm afraid to be happy at times. I'm afraid that I'll look back and see that I might have been happy for the wrong reasons. But I'm also scared to see that I wasn't but able to share the good moments with anyone, how there could of been someone to also be there for the bad parts. It would just be nice to have someone that knows everything that's so shitty about you, everything that would cause the hesitation in your voice. But how she can also still see everything that's good with you and knows everything you can do. And at the end of the day she would like nothing more than to sleep in your arms, not worrying about tomorrow because as long as your together then it won't matter what could happen. I want to share moments with her, whether if we travel to the center of the Earth together or just stay home on a rainy day and see the raindrops fall.

I never had the self-esteem... throughout the school years, I would look at happy couples, and hear from guys who hooked up, and I would always think "good for them" but never considered I could be happy too. For some reason, I never really felt I was ...good enough.

Now, I'm 29, and I finally, it suddenly occurred to me that there was never any point when I couldn't have had a gf. I just consistently said no to every opportunity that fell into my lap. These poor girls, I liked them so much as friends, but had no idea a relationship could be anything more than just friends. All they wanted was to be my girlfriends, and all I felt was pressure and anxiety.
I never saw a functioning husband/wife relationship growing up. From what I saw, couples only grow to hate each other, then they want to be alone. I just wanted to skip the couple stuff and be alone.

I had to get that off my chest.

I've tried to fall in love after being heartbroken, but it only brought me more sadness. Now I'm stuck in a relationship that doesn't fulfill me and I feel even lonelier than before. It's hard for me to end it because I'm emotionally attached to this person that I'm not in love with. If only we could control it...It brings you pain when you do fall in love, and when you simply can't. I wish I could experience love that is right, just ONCE. That blissful feeling that everyone talks about but few actually experience...

I know what you mean, I'm yet to see a married couple that isn't constantly mad or annoyed at each other.

I've truly loved twice user. Its not worth it. It always ends in pain.

Me too, twice. Took years of my life. Now I feel like I won't be able to experience it again because I simply lost faith. Not that I would want to anyway, I'd probably just end up suffering again.

I think so, it'll be hard. Especially after 4 years with her. But there will be other "hers". I've been talking to some awkward cute girl as of late, took her to dinner and everything. But it still hurts time to time. Like days this, with so many damn memories invested in it.

That's the risk. We break down our walls for a stranger, for someone that you may have known before but could never predict what they will do. These walls are torn down so that they can hold such a fragile object in their hands and hopefully can make it stronger. But if they damage the object then we walk it up again. It won't heal but the wall will be stronger and much harder to break. Love is just terrifying but that's what makes it so great

Almost been 10 years and there are still days that I cry over us. True love happens so rarely and lasts for so long that it makes me feel hopeless that I'll ever experience it that way again. And if I do, what if it just costs me more years of misery? I'm tired of searching for love out of fear of being lonely and pretending that it's the real deal when it's not.

Probably. Love is pure chance, that's how I met my ex and we're still friends. So I wasn't put off it.

Love sucks. And even worse I've found out leaving me is the best move anyone can make. Every time someone leaves me their life becomes better. Best friend left the state, him and gf better than ever and hes now happily employed. Firat true live ex is now married and living in Japan. Most recent ex is now probably fucking that art major she was fucking behind my back. It doesn't take a genuis to figure out why your gf doesn't want you touching her or her touching you for three fucking months before you just end it to save some self-worth.

I've only really been in love once, user. It was the best part of my life, now I try (mainly out of fear of loneliness) to talk to more girls, try to be happy. But no person has made me feel even remotely close to what she did. I don't know why, maybe it is that first love bullshit. But I just want my best friend back, she promised we'd never stop talking but looks like she is okay with it no. Fuck, I need a drink.

Well, all is not lost. I can't live in the past (especially because it's really depressing) and since I can truthfully admit I know nothing about relationships, I plan to date older women this year.
But not right away. I still live in my mom's basement and only work 9 months of the year doing landscaping. I have no real job skills and have dropped out of college 3 times. The last time I went on a date was 7 years ago; which was also the last time I felt confident about myself and what I was doing with my life. So yeah if I didn't feel like a loser before, I sure do now. Things can only get better for me, at this point.

I feel it made me numb. I was in constant pain for so long, now I'm just lowkey sad and numb all the time. It became my natural state and I can't even complain because at least it's not as bad as it used to be. True deffinition of being broken.

Maybe one day. Maybe one day.

Falling in love is pretty fucking easy. I dont think thats what you meant to say OP.

You could have meant a lot of things,
- mutual love
- in love with somebody who has X trait
- in love with somebody who you deem better than you
- in a love that is beneficial to you

Actually falling in love? Shit nigger, I could fall in love with anything. Staying in love and being in a successful relationship, those ones are rocket science

No, I can't even harbor emotions for my girlfriend anymore even though I know I love her. Something is wrong with me.

I know that's like you and that person have a special connection and it just has to be them. Can't be anyone else.

Certainly doesn't feel like it.

I meant it as deeply and unmistakeabely fall in love with someone. When you feel like they're detrimental for your happiness and there's nothing ou can do about it.

Yeah? i spend a few days with a female, and i feel that way about her. I have no friends or family or girlfriend and been isolated for nearly 10 years, falling in love is the easiest thing you could possibly do.

Do you still talk to her, man? I haven't spoken to her since it all fell apart

>Do you think you'll be able to fall in love again?


That's the thing, when you really fall for someone, you can spend time with a 100 other people and they won't be able to compare to that person. If it's so easy to fall in and out of it, then it's not especially deep, it's more of a crush. But everyone's different I guess so idk

I always had this idea, since I was young, that being in love made you weak. Like it's pathetic, that you can't go x amount of time "without that special someone". How fragile are you, that you really need another person to make you feel complete. I cringe every time I hear idiot couples say something like "I can't live without you" or "you complete me". You should be a complete person before you seek love.

We don't talk. I can't stay in touch with someone who deliberatly hurt me so much.

loving doesn't make you weak, constantl having to be in a relationship and not being capable of being alone is what makes you weak

Well has she tried to? And if she did, would you say something back? I know she hurt you, but you can't just turn off love. No easily at least.

Yeah, that's exactly it. Why does everyone have to constantly be in a relationship? I swear to god, there are NO single girls anymore. They go from one relationship to the next, like monkeys who won't let go of one branch until they have firm grip on the next. As a guy, you're almost forced to steal, or scoop 'em up right when they turn 18. I'm hoping it's less competitive, and less trouble, to date older women.

Might just be me being the optimistic fool that hasn't been beaten by the world yet. But you mustn't give in. I might not know how it feels to truely be broken, but if you can still feel the pain of loneliness then maybe you can feel the warmth of a relationship that can occur. Someone is out there looking at the moon with you. All you have to do is is continue looking. But if your eyes are tired and strained then you may close them and you can finally rest. You won't be alone as long as you continue looking. You can still find someone that can warm you. For what it's worth user, I hope you and anyone else that feels a numbness inside themselves can one day be relieved from it.

it's a he and I'm a femanon but I didn't wanna get "tits or GTFO" which I'll get now anyway.

Yeah, in many ways. Started mildly but escalated to threats, lies, cheating, toying with emotions, bringing up my insecurities, death of my father etc. At first I would just cry but then I turned hateful and started fighting back. But whenever I'd fight, the abuse would itensify and I'd end up even more hurt. First 2 years were normal, which was why I could fall in love with this person. Sadly, love didn't go away when the abuse started and it nearly estroyed me. The only solution was to completely remove myself from this person. It's confusing because I still can't understand how someone I loved and connect to so well, could at the same time wish me so much pain and feel nothing when they caused it.

I'd like to think so but at the same time I hope I don't. Falling in love with someone never works out well in the end for me.

beautiful words user, thank you

maybe, but in the meantime i'll take all the big tits i can get :D

Fuck, I'm sorry. After reading all of that it makes sense. I'm glad you don't talk to him, but you can't simply stop loving someone. Its fucked up, and you're a brother; we're all brothers here. I just want to not miss her so much.


After I cut contact, I stopped crying every day at least, but the emptiness didn't go away. I wish I could strongly connect to someone again. I hate that I stil miss him sometimes despite everything. Shows how profoundly lonely I am. I understand how you feel.

The worst is, you don't ever really move on. We just find somwthing to replace it. With that, it takes some of years to replace it. I did loose the person I fuck alot, but I lost the person I talked to 24/7 and knew everything about. It's just this basic, primal level of missing someone who was part of your life got so long. Damn, I just miss talking to her. She was my best friend.

Not a pretty much all out of love.
It's ok heroin is an almost good substitute.

He was my best friend too, we used to talk all the time :( I opened up myself to him completely and he only used it against me. I don't understand...It's true that you never fully get over it, you just replace it with something better for your well being. When you feel like someone gets you, trully get's's hard to let go of that person because they're the only one capable of making you feel less alone.

Fuck, I hate thinking about her. However, I hope you did as I did today and just fucking didn't even dare touch social media. I made sure not to see her, or anything resembling her today. I gotta say, bro, I heard she's dating someone other fucking nerdy redhead, he's like me. What the fuck. I mean, why does he have to be just like me? Oh well, i only make myself mad.

no worries, he's too much of a sociopath to have any kind of social media. and red hair is cool, only like 2% of the human population have it

I just learned TODAY that my wife is leaving me after ten years together, because she couldn't change my mind about having kids. She got into this knowing I didn't want any, and she thought she could chip away at me over time.

I'm equal parts livid at this cunt for her childishness (that and a lot of other behavior) and desperately sad that I'm going to now be alone and have no one. Only a tiny part of me is somewhat interested in future opportunity.

But no, I'm never going to marry again (Beetlejuice rules) and I'm going to get a vasectomy ASAP. Love is bullshit anyway.

Fucking exactly though. If it's so rare, why does the next guy have to have it too? It's just a freaky coincidence I guess

maybe she's into that