Can we get a nigger only thread

Can we get a nigger only thread.
Then kill all the niggers

>Implying niggers can read
Medium kek, op

Then it would be an "op suicides" thread.


fuck you white bois

Kys op







killed your leader motherfucker.
how you feel white boi.





Q: How come there are no blacks in the game of "Clue"?

A: Because then it would always be obvious who the killer was.



Is this the thread people come to when they feel ashamed after jerking off to BBC cuck porn?

maximum lel my friend :^)


Glad you like it! :-)

Made me kek

Best ones yet

according to this meme black people are just prehistoric less evolved humans



At least he has a dad






This thread is so fucking edgy. Hating black people? Damn, hillbilly shots fired.

honestly the only shit that somewhat made me giggle here