You now command an army of 10,000 rats

You now command an army of 10,000 rats.

What do you do?

Fuck you

Jack off probably

Lead a revolution. Rat-ify current word leaders.

use 1 magma


invade poland

Set them loose in a muslim neighbourhood to feast upon all the pakis and indians that have taken over the surrounding area

Make them eat my sworn enemy - bradley

Ill laugh at his gay screens as they rip his flesh and insides with their heterosexual teeth

Fucking bradley

Create rat related threads in Sup Forums

one by one, destroy all pest control businesses then create a larger army and give equip my rats with metal fangs

Send them to Israel so they can live in a supporting ethnocommunity

Kill the geese

Strap wristwatches rigged with C4 onto the rats and let them loose in my enemies fortresses with a garbage truck

Feed my hungry minions cheese.

Train the rats to fetch money coins and bills and send them out into the city to collect fallen change

Now I never have to go back to work

send them back to inda

Get the black plague started over again and have my rats spread it to each and every normie

id rather command one stick

your move, kiddo

>Recreate Bubonic Plague
>Stow rats in ship to Africa and Syria

Get a cat from a local rescue, mix, film, post on Sup Forums.
> Legend status attained.

command each of them to find me a quarter every day.

and fuck it?

Command them to eat Nancy Pelosi and Rosie O'Donnel.

Then mourn their untimely, painful deaths from eating all that unfiltered, high-cholesterol stupid in one meal

That too.

Try not to get ratted out.

You have to get rats to do it, no one else is going to.

>Immediatly start reproducing them
>inject with steroids
>take them all to my fortress
>tell them get ready to take back jerusalem
>Tell them it is finally time to reclaim holy land
>Open the door
>Walk the dinosaur

I get them to recruit more rats. Then we shall lead a revolution.

train the rats to be autopiloted murder machines

I approve of this thread


Trump tower is going to have a bad day

King Rat by Clavell is a great fucking read. If one user reads it, this shity post was worth it. Dubbz.



Get roight into the news of course

Selectively breed them bigger and bigger
Have dog sized rats
Make them addiced to heroin while training them to recognize objects and bring them to me

Make them go out and get me the shit i want

They dont kill me because i soothe their withdrawls

They also learned how to fetch me anything i show them

>Split the Red Sea
>Lead them to the Holyland

Fight Ninja Turtles of course!

Make them do stupid tricks and dress up for youtube videos.

Call my fans a stupid nickname and create stupid memes.

Make millions from youtube, then get sponsored by stupid ass companies that think I'm a brand.

Then have the white rats kill the black rats and rant about niggers.

Then say it was taken out of context.

force all the males to do this

I shall call myself Ratboy and rule the world with my minions by my side. My loyal servants will adore me as I train them for the ultimate war against those who will not bow down before The Ratboy. My minions will breed and breed until my army is 100,000,000 Rats Strong! I will train my minions in the most sophisticated warfare techniques. They will be absolute killing machines hell bent on obeying my every command. Together, we will rid the world of those who would try to destroy us.


fight 100 trained marines