Who thinks trump is Putins bitch?

Who thinks trump is Putins bitch?

You're a retarded sheep following exactly what the elites and the media tell you all whilst being a liberal who claims to hate the rich and powerful elites. You're an idiot.


go back to your trump hating circle jerk at reddit OP


The trump tards are on this like flies on shit

The Russian people want the same thing as us...to be left alone and without fear of a Muslim hoard.

Trump is not in Putins pocket.

I actually want to see our nations get along.

When Obama was president, I had 1000x more respect for Putin than I did Obama. What a piece of shit that fucker was.

You are 14, stfu.

Talk about butthurt, amirite

Nobody in their right mind.

Pretty obvious he is

Of course he is

I don't like Putin since I am Finnish and actually sorta scared of Russia.

But him being Putin's bitch is retarded

If he is why hasn't he lifted the sanctions? In fact they got strengthened after he took office. Just because he doesn't want an all out war with Russia like you neocons do doesn't make him Putin's bitch.

Unwittingly, yes.

This. CNN literally thought "Since Alex Jones is making shit up and having people listen, so can we!" and then rushed out this "RUSSIA THO" narrative.


>be trump
>at moscow ritz carlton
>presidential suite
>melania's in manhattan
>bored of watching tv
>try to fap, can't get it up
>call room service for food and champagne
>also have them send four pubescent hookers
>they make you lay on the bed fully clothed
>they're drinking champagne from the bottle
>ridiculing how badly your suit fits
>jumping on the bed like it's a trampoline
>throwing food all over the room
>dancing to shitty russian dubstep
>one of them steps on your crotch
>dick twitches
>they're each on their second bottle now
>russian girls can really hold their liquor
>you tell them obama slept in this very bed
>they talk about how much they hate him
>dick twitches again
>they want to defile the bed so it'll be destroyed
>you love it when a plan comes together
>they're pissing all over you and the bed
>it's soaking through your suit
>so warm
>a stream hits your face
>dick is titanium
>they notice your tiny bulge and mock it
>one of them has to shit
>squats over your lap and lets loose
>it's runny but there are big chunks
>smells fucking horrible
>you grab a chunk and taste it
>dick is diamonds
>beg them to let you fap
>they make you use the shit as lube
>furiously rubbing micropenis
>they take turns pissing in your face
>unintelligible moans emanate from your mouth
>they're laughing at you
>they laugh even harder
>cum buckets and eat it with all the shit
>Putin calls later to say he got it on tape
>tells you he already fapped to it twice
>blackmails you into being president
>arranges psyop to steer american election
>you do it so your family can cash in

Pretty much an established fact. The thing to find out now is if putin is fucking melania, ivanka and the other one. I'm pretty sure they are not getting satisfied at all. I know this, you know this, everybody knows this.

I do

Who still thinks obama is a worthless nigger?

Even the trumpfags know it

capped this

All of us mere mortals are Putin's little bitches

True, but irrelevant to the thread

Anyone who thinks otherwise is only deluding themselves.

I don't think that, but I do think putin will take advantage of their relationship in the future. Trump should be cautious.

Repost in good health, user.

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Who thinks OP is a bitch


Pretty sure before it's over, Trump will exchange places with Chelsea Manning for the past few years, only Trump will certainly face the death penalty for treason. Hillary will have the last laugh, spending her millions after all.

>You're a retarded sheep following exactly what the elites and the media tell you
>Elites: Trump and Goldman Sachs admin
>Media: Breitbart, Fox

Top fucking kek

I love these conservecuck tears! Sounds like you need to go back to your safe space

God I wish I agreed with you

fucking why you're like the same people?

putin looks a bit finish tbh, sort of an asian thing going on in the eyes


ding ding ding