What does Sup Forums think of Slint?


i want to get my gf into slit

They are well liked here

I know a girl who is into Slint, what do?

Get into her slit

In my top 10 Favorite albums. A perfect album, the best of the 90`s.

Spiderland is a masterpiece, without a doubt my favourite album
Tweez is a fun listen, first five tracks are all killer then it loses steam a bit
EP is great and the unreleased tracks are fantastic even in an unfinished state
Overall a top-tier band

2 notes and whispering.

My music taste only comprises of Sup Forumscore too hey friend!

Fuck slint.

If you don't like them you're a massive pleb

They formed near where I live.

They're also literally the only good band from Kentucky, I checked.

just kinda quiet.. lyrics are great when i can hear them

....meaning you are still live at home and have never kissed a girl...right? Fuck slint.

this. i get that spiderland is Sup Forumscore and was discussed to death a while ago here but i do love this band

I've never actually heard a single valid criticism from people who supposedly have listened to and dislike the album other than "I didn't enjoy it"

i showed my girlfriend slint and she did not like. I also showed her GY!BE (actually good) and Swans (just for shits because I don't even love them yet) and she said gybe made her anxious and she hated swans (not a bad opinion though). Anyways i guess its still beyonce and la la land when she picks the music. She likes jazz and indie music fine enough when i play music though. No idea why i typed all this who else has a not Sup Forums gf

Steve Albini is still crying to this day that he didn't get to record it.

thank god he didn't though. Tweez would be far better without him. Not that I dislike Steve but Slint really was better off without him

Why is it you need a six paragraph explanation as to why people don't like this pile of meme shit? I don't need to be a chef to know when something tastes like shit. How hard is that to understand?

>GY!BE (actually good)
People tuning their instruments for 12 minutes followed by SKREEEE isn't particularly more or less interesting than some guy mumbling over a couple of notes.

Remember that Steve doesn't say no to what the bands want. Therefore it was Slint's fault that Tweez sounded like shit. Steve just hits record when they're ready.

holy fuck imagine being this mad, maybe I would be too if I knew I was a brainlet

Is that the best you got? Mad? Ha!

You sound a lot more mad since you can't take a couple negative comments about a band you like

>haha u mad bro? lelelel

I like slint but it's really difficult to get others into them. In my experience I don't even think I even paid attention to most of the lyrics when I first heard it because of the way it was mixed. You have to listen to this album in a very specific environment (probably with headphones) otherwise something gets lost. When I play music for my friends, they don't listen that way, and usually end up just talking over the music because they don't want to listen that closely.

Watch Breadcrumb Trail. Steve definitely influenced the band and even the bassist didn't like how it sounded and left. I won't exempt the band from some blame tho.

Good Morning Captain is a good track

>3/4 of them replied
What did they mean by this?

Anti-Slintposters are brigading any thread related to Slint and harassing users who enjoy their music. When questioned as to why they dislike their music, they reply something along the lines of "it's Sup Forumscore and therefore bad" or "shut up virgin". Clearly they are too stupid to appreciate Slint's complexity and probably listen to Animal Collective, Fleet Foxes, Frankie Cosmos, or whatever dull teenagers listen to these days.

more like Stink

holy fuck imagine being this mad, maybe I would be too if I knew I was a brainlet

Holy fuck, you mad! You really mad! Imagine being that mad. Just imagine it. Go ahead. Imagine it. Brainlet.

lmao imagine ACTUALLY being THIS mad

Brainlet. You forgot that part.

holy fuck imagine being this mad, maybe I would be too if I knew I was a brainlet

Explain why Slint is bad, I guarantee none of you play an instrument (or at best play shoegaze)

I do play an instrument. Guitar. Over 20 years. No shoegaze. Try me, brainlet.

Then enlighten me with your genius criticism, then

Fuck slint, brainlet. That suffice? I can no more convince you they suck than you can convince me they are great. Imagine that.

yeesh, must be difficult. one of my gf's favorite albums was loveless before i met her (so i knew she was no normie), and she absolutely adored spiderland from the first time i showed it to her.

honest question, no offense intended, but is it difficult being in a relationship with someone whose taste it outrageously normie? i've always searched for someone with taste close to mine, since music is quite literally the only thing i talk about.

Remember when you called out other people for being mad? Kek

Initially Spiderland sold only 1000 copies, but everyone who bought one of those copies went on to become a school shooter.

>their understanding of music is so weak that they won't even bother trying

>(not a bad opinion though)
Oh bother

>then convince me it's a great album, brainlet

Kek just quit man


Loveless is a normie album, dumbfuck. Go to Loveless' shoutbox: most people posting in there listen to shit like Beyoncé and the Beach Boys.

Anyone have the Spiderland box set?

would sell my soul for it

Best band from my State.

You mad.

I never told you to convince me it was a bad album, I simply would like to know what makes it so horrible in your opinion

Emarosa would like a word with you.

So basically you're saying you're not a musician and have no idea how to make music?

It's one of the only Sup Forumscore albums that lives up to the hype. The other being Loveless.

This. My mother listens to MBV.


If you don't know patrician bands that an average music listener would like, you're not a real patrician.

I mean seriously, you actually get an extra advantage with your girlfriend, as opposed to a random friend who asks for music recs. Since they have feelings for you, they'll associate the music you show them with these feelings.

The only thing is you have to make an effort to get into the music they like too. That's pretty easy, but some people have such a stick up their ass that they have trouble doing so.

your mother wasn't a normie last night in bed

Emerosa were much better as Corsets Are Cages before they got rid of the best guys in the band and left KY. As soon as Jonny Craig was in the band it was over for them.

Sup Forums needs to stop thinking about Slint. It's practically a daily for one album.

I'm listening to Spiderland for the first time right now.
It's good.

Emarosa* whatever.

see you in tomorrow's thread about it

No. I am saying I can simply not like something because I don't like it. Convince me they are good musicians. Go ahead.

marry her

Oh, I'll be there.

Your eye will then have a slight glint
But it will only be a short stint
Gettin' bodied by a nigga named Clint

Don't drink the water in Flint

>liking flint
mama mia

>Not Rodan

Not sure how to convince a non-musician

Depends on what your definition of a musician is. Are you a musician?

Spiderland is amazing, Tweez I listened to once and haven't since. I listened to their other work like Todd's Song, and it seems they were taking cues from Rodan. The EP is amazing in its own way.

Good morning captain is literally beginner level guitar wise. I can play circles around David Pajo. Guarantee it. Not mad.

But do you like it?

girls aren't allowed to like slint

I gave it a fair shot but couldn't get into it. Not the worst thing I've ever heard but I have to disagree with everyone saying it's a classic.

6/10 imo

>hated swans
>gybe made her anxious

are you aware that you're dating a complete roastie

>I can play circles around David Pajo
I'd like to see you play Nosferatu Man with the same laser precision he does

There's a girl in my server who thinks she's patrician for listening to Slint and My Bloody Valentine, she gets annoying.

Not even a little bit.



I am inclined to agree, and take pride that my state bore such a great band. That said, their is a few good folk bands from apalachia, including kentucky. the mood of spiderland matches the autumn atmosphere in northern kentucky/lower indiana perfectly; driving down a long and barren road surrounded by the orange leaves swirling in the wind. listening to the album while sitting next to the quarry on the cover is a bucket list item of mine, that quarry is only an hours drive away from me.
