It's over lads. Trump is going to be impeached in 2 weeks tops. It was a nice run

It's over lads. Trump is going to be impeached in 2 weeks tops. It was a nice run

Oh yeah?

Why? Canadafag here, he seems to be doing a pretty good job. At least he's doing shit, unless your previous president.

Uh huh

>doing shit

yeah, shit. lots and lots of shit. sometimes you don't need to do anything to be good at your job.

>russian and american tension is a new thing created by hillary clinton
dis nigga serious?

Hi kiddo.
I'm a grown ass adult, who was alive when the cold war fizzled, and the wall fell.
Russian-American tension has been dead for 30 years, and hasn't even been mentioned in any serious or notable way in close to 20.
To us adults, clintons sudden push to create tension with russia was a huge red flag that something very very peculiar and insidious was brewing from the left.
Russia and american haven't been notably at odds sine before you were born.
Read something sometime.

>im on the internet so i can act tough and wise
okay buddy, keep watching fox news and sucking putin's cum out of trump's ass

Didn't read this but if it has no mention of George Soros and his neocons its wrong. George Soros and his neocon buttbuddies like McCain want war with Russia. George Soros is pissed because hes wanted for crimes against humanity in Russia. McCain who is a puppet of Soros and except huge amounts of cash from Soros is leading his fellow neocons into antagonizing Russia. Hillary was suppose to be president so Soros could finally get his American/Russian war. He had to come up with a backup plan so he is using the Republican neocon establishment to do it since Hillary isn't in power.

trump wanted to revive that cold war tension and it has been going on from the Russian perspective or at least thats what i got from logging onto russian youtube

>I'm a grown ass adult
Perhaps you should grow up then.

hidefaggotshill threads
reportfaggotshill threads
sagefaggotshill threads

>boogeyman Soros is behind everything I don't like

Not arguments.
I also have 300 confirmed kills.
kys kids.

>Everyone still uses commie as a buzzword
>Relations audibly worsening after Reagan
>Entire fucking midwest xenophobic against everyone, including slavshits

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. Take your LARP back to your cuckshed.

>war that will kill millions, themselves included
>will not participate in the war or suffer aftermath

Probably more like months.

It was NOT a nice fucking run, the bastard is a worthless, piece of shit man child and fuck you for assuming otherwise. If only this impeachment/beheading thing was actually real. That would be amazing. Instead, he is literally going to kill us all.

You're an idiot if you don't understand that Obama did literally everything he was capable of doing while serving as President with a majority GOP senate filled with flaccid racist white old cocks determined to prevent him from doing ANYTHING at any fucking opportunity. George Bush Jr was actually able to accomplish more progressive reforms than Obama because he had a majority democratic senate.

Fuck you all.

In your dreams faggot

Unfortunately yes

fox news is a helluva drug

Probably more like years

How is he going to kill you all?

UK fags have no say

You must have been hit to hard during today's hockey game

>he is literally going to kill us all.
Fear monger some more

Fair enough, but so is CNN

>Clinton's push to suddenly create tensions
Nope. Tensions have been high since Crimea.

>US and Russia haven't been notably at odds for decades
Wrong... again. Putin is a crooked autocrat and relations certainly haven't been friendly since he took office. However, your point is stupid because Crimea was what raised tensions... not Clinton, you dumbfuck.

Lol, you guys are so smart, one of America's biggest economic enemies turns around quite suddenly and greets you guys with open arms (well, since Trump anyways) and that doesn't concern you idiots at all.

You honestly believe everything is "cool" between the USA and Russia, are you fucking blind or purposefully daft.

But I guess NATO is just a big fucking joke (it's only one of the few things which came out of the collective wisdom of your dead grandfathers, who fucking died fighting wars and fought to secure that which is no longer considered 'relevant' by Trumpets across the nation), andRussia should be able to do whatever thee fuck they want to whichever country they want. It's none of your guys' business, right? Lifts some sanctions, fill some pockets, you Americans are soft, because you never see the damage done. You're getting fucking clowned by a much smarter, more brilliant leader, Putin.

Fucking clown. GL with Cheetopope though.

-Joe Trudeau

>salty liberal

Can you stop being a pussy? We have too many of those in this country that can't even hold their own.

>obamas gonna be the end of america!
>obamas gonna be the end of america!
>obamas gonna be the end of america!
>obamas gonna be the end of america!
>death panels
>death panels
>trumps doing great stop fear mongering


hands too big, nice photoshop


Fix it or I'll never talk to you ever again.

I'm hoping he holds his rally here outside of London, hopefully Midlands or the north.
That city is a real mess now. Looks more like pikkistan.
Rally is going to be so cash! Be awesome if we can get a "you'll never walk alone" chant going for him. Would love to see his reaction.

It'll take longer than that for Republicans to build a case against him. He'd practically have to run out of the white house waving his dick around, shitting on the secret service, and yelling the nuclear codes in order for them to kick him out that fast. And even then, some of them would still be saying "that's just trump"

Don't hold your breath.

If anything, just tweet to him to tone it down and do things that make sense. Good policy doesn't make headlines, so the more boring he is, the better.

I personally don't give a fuck what crazy shit he says. Most of the world doesn't take him seriously anyway. We are, however, bound by his policies. Let's just make sure those make sense and we'll be fine.

When did b/ become pol/?


When we started having daily happenings because the Trump administration is incompetent and corrupt.

This is why I hate the left.

Lol op, you know noone gets off this ride early.

No one is that lucky.

Better invest in a portrait now in preparation for the Trump American Dynasty.

This is why our should stop focusing on the mental patients.

and this is why I hate the right.

You're all animals.

i was making fun of the right in that post

Well if the left wasn't literaly all mental patients and the right weren't all fucking animals you're country wouldn't be such a fucking dump.

Fuck America, you people are fucking up the planet.

Quit putting words in my mouth. I hated all those "impeach Obama!" inbred fuckwits during Obama's time, and I hate the left wing equivalent just as much now.

I hope it doesn't happen this soon because I'd lose $100

All this because Ukraine looked like a juicy steak.

>Quit putting words in my mouth
sorry, i know you prefer cock

obomo pushed a massive gmo bill allowing things to be used on our food that both canada and the UK rejected. (2008)

Then he campaigned for his famous Affordable Care Act.



I'm making fun of all of you.


Can't be impeached if you haven't committed a crime

I wish trump would go a little more to the right. Id love to be in a Trump personal prepared outfit seperate from any government.

Nevermind it being corrupt the previous administrations. Trump is when it got out of hand goy, it's all the white conservative's fault


Although people don't agree with his politics and god knows this guy is a fucking hypocrite and ignorant motherfucker, he still hasn't actually broken any laws to even allow the idea of impeachment. Honestly, we voted, democratically, for Trump. Unless he fucks up law-wise, this fucker is here to stay.

Of course killing him would end his reign as well.

NATO is so outdated and old. It's so behind the tines it's lost touch with the current times.

We need something new for the modern world we live in now, not something as regressive and backwards as NATO.

I know you Liberals like to stick to the status quo but we need something that's going to progress the changing world, not keep it old and stale like when it was useful in the 50's

Honestly, it's when Sup Forums became almost strinctly a board for Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and generally far-right Republicunts. Many anons who don't fit that mold use Sup Forums for politics now.

>Like the Status Quo
Pick one

impeachment doesnt even mean what most people think.
clinton was officially impeached for lying under oath, yet wasnt kicked out of office

Killing him would result in a Pence Pres. which would actually be a liberals worst nightmare
i hate trump, but killing him is not an option

please bet you life on it, and please kill you self if it doesn't happen, fuck NM kill your self no mater what

>Trump impeached
If that were true, which it isn't, you'd really enjoy President Pence, faggot ;)