Your country

>your country
>are you happy?

USA, and yes I'm very happy, thank you for asking.

>Holy and of rising sun.

>as happy as a socially retarded virgin fatass can be



>It can be worst, like some country of Africa

Im okay I guess, im leaving next year tho.

>United States
>Suicidally Depressed
>Hate my country more than any other on the planet


Spoiled ass kid

> Greatest place on planet earth

with the healthcare, education, income inequality, crime rate, and average intelligence of a 3rd world country unless you're born rich? fuck that shit, I hope this country gets nuked, and all the closet neonazis who love this fucking shithole.


moving to Uruguay tho

Canada. I endure but if a button was presented to me and I was guaranteed that if I pressed it I would be given the most painless and immediate death possible I would slam it as hard as I can.


Nope, Paysandu

I couldn't have said it better.

cool, my father was born in Artigas.

Have a business that makes 5K MXN pesos daily, and I'm about to finish my career.
I'm good. I've got more projects to make money with, once I graduate.

:-) my father born in Fray Bentos

America. No. My father was murdered by a 17 year old nigger over nothing, he wanted to steal from our family and my father would not bend his knee to it. Meanwhile my career was ruined by SJWs who did it simply because I was a white male in the way of them giving everything I had to someone who is not a white male and thus "actually needs it". Taking the red pill wasn't even my choice, I had to, in self-defense. I was a liberal for a long time and their failure to be the fair and just people they had always seemed to be sickens me to my core.

I want my dad back, I want my job back and I want SJW narcissist pig filth gangster apologists to be thrown into the goddamn sun.

>Made loli illegal
Fuck no!

Its like America if hillary won. Political correctness everywhere. Fucking sandniggers. Even had to get a gun. So no im not happy.

USA, no
but also Brasil...
also no...
If I stay home, it's pretty bad, tolerable but not ideal
if I go live with where my family is, it's an even bigger shit hole there.


Will go back to russia if shit is going to get worse

Hell yeah

>income inequality



Fucking young girl's ass every day, so yeah really happy !


It's pretty chill
I think people blow things out of proportion and go to the extreme right away, but that's probably because they're so connected to the news and media rather and disconnected from life.

Most people in the US need to calm down and stop over exaggerating everything and just focus on themselves personally rather than trying to indulge in their hero complexes and shit.

>5k MXN pesos

So, like $2?



I try to keep a realistic point of view on things.
I'm not the biggest fan of how the USA is right now, and is right about a few points. Health care isn't the greatest, and our education is pretty garbage, but it's tolerable, way better than Brazil right now at the very least

>fucking young girl
>young girl

You sure, m8?

I'm American. I'm very happy. There are a lot of unhappy people here right now. It's a lot of conditioning by the media though I think. I am worried for the future of my country. I have hope though.




all this countries problems could be solved by lining up all the christians and executing them.

Chill yourself edgelord

It's getting a bit too openly misandrist, and generally socio-politically retarded, for my liking.

>Also Ireland
Got a house out in the countryside, away from society, with a great view. Great place to escape to.

Nah, see to me is the left equivalent to the right. It's some person who thinks their "common" sense is way more valuable than everyone else in the world and inflates things that don't even effect them personally into catastrophe level disasters.

I agree healthcare could be better, but honestly I think healthcare could be better in the direction of people personally trying to take care of themselves rather than thinking the gov. should take care of them. (This is just general thought not exclusive to everything, before you try to put words in my mouth or assume something. But I'm sure someone will pick this one thing and go extreme with it)

Education, again, something that should be worked on, as education is the great equalizer. However, I think certain cultures in the US take away importance of education and that is where things need to begin being fixed at.

Income equality, see above.

Crime rate, see above.

Average intelligence, see above.

These are all things people explode out of proportion cause they have no valid arguments or inputs. So they just spout out general things and say they suck.

It's like if I said, racism has increased, debt has increased, the economy sucks, and the general populous is getting dumber since Obama has come to office.

>In short
>Stop whining like bitches over shit that doesn't even effect you
>Stop acting like everything is going to get nuked
>Nothing is going to change
>You are fine
>No one is going to deport you
>No one is going to kill you cause you're a liberal/black/white/conservative/muslim/christian
>No one cares about your insignificant life that plays no impact to anything
>No you aren't fighting a war
>No you aren't rebelling against the mainstream society
>You're all just losers who replace self-improvement with made up dramatics to make you feel important
>You aren't important
>Chill the fuck out
>Enjoy life
>The US is fine

18m, I'm earning $24 an hour and attending University, so yeah, it's pretty sweet I suppose.


Forever alone and just generally depressed. Every day I hope I have some kind of accident to free me from all this. I don't want to kill myself because I don't want to intentionally put my family through having to deal with it.

"fine" is a bit of an overstatement, more like "ok"

Im an american but I moved to the Mexican coast in the Baja California peninsula and life is pretty good. Cops are in your bag, the ocean is amazing, and you can by tons of land and cheap as fuck. Im very happy.

And the outspokenly atheist, and the muslims (before we become another France), and the Libs/Dems, and the blacks, and the women...

Well, maybe not all the women, but at least all the ugly and activist types.

I was with you until you started to green text, you're just as bad as just on the other side
chill man

>Total decadence. More than in the future Trum murricah

where to?


Do you realize that instead of swinging from left to right you can stay centered and fight the SJW?

I'm quite anti-conservative but I also hate people who yell injustice everytime they don't get preferent treatment?

How old?

more like 240 dollars daily aproximately

Same here. I distribute crystal meth too.

>Not Really

And me, still huffin that methane

But he's right.

As long as the jews and freemasons behind the scenes keep controlling the country, the nation will keep sinking into a deep pile of shit. Kick them out just like the Great Adolf Hitler did back before WWII and the counry will prosper once more. Hitler did it. Germany was a piece of shit pile of rubbish after the firt world war and the Versailles Treaty, but did Hitler cry in a corner and stayed put? No! Hitler kicked out the jews controlling Germany, he created jobs, he changed the jew-controlled banking system and created his own way of paying for jobs, and Germany went from being a heap of shit to the first world power. The jews in the US and UK didnt like that, so what did they do? They manipulated hoaxes and lied about shit, and triggered WWII by making Germany, Hitler and the germans look like evil racist people who killed 6 million jews. SIX MILLIONS JEWS. A fucking stupid-ass number the kikes controlling the US and UK pulled out of their asses.

Anyways, the way things are going the US is heading for the same direction. Jews control almost everything, government, banks, and media. If Donald and his people do something, like repeat history, the US might have a chance of "Being great again".

see but my education in brazil, a 2nd world country was way better, and most if not all of the (eastern) european countries are way better, our friendly neighbors up north are also better

the same countries also have better healthcare
it's not something blown out of proportion, we're pretty bad at those two things, things that are quite important if you ask me

USA yeee

I'm just telling you man, you aren't fighting a war, you aren't being actively oppressed by political correctness that seeks to dehumanize you, you aren't being enslaved by a new power that has risen up.

doing what and where?
$39/hr no uni though

and I don't feel at all that I am, first time anyone's ever been racist to me ever was when I turned 21, and I shrugged it off as just a random thing like it really didn't matter

America isn't the greatest country in the world, it's just okay

>inb4 nigger
Pic of my hand

> No, I've lost hope in everything. I hate humanity and especially me.

Mexico Jalisco State

No, even with a degree and experience the pay here is 0.6USD/h and i am considered lucky, other folks earn even less...

help me anons

>better healthcare

Free (aka taxes paid) =/= better. Not when you have a years-long waiting list.

Well, the right is changing. The media wants us to believe "alt-right" is "white supremacy" but it's pretty obvious that the alt-right is just everything on the right which is not the GOP establishment. Sorting out real racism or whatever other undesirable quality from trolling is going to be impossible and that's sort of the point, it's fundamentally a reaction to the authoritarian overtone of the "new left". Our parents were concerned with determined with determining what is righteous, millenials know what is righteous but fundamentally disagree about how to get there. Honestly I've come to view it in terms of an "optimist vs pessimist" dichotomy in which the left are the pessimists, people who believe we're only free because there's an ideological guard tower every 10 feet. That's the GOP, but it's also the new left which is just...different, not repeated history but genuinely something new.

I'm not racist, I'm not sexist, I'm a bisexual atheist who only cares about science. Yet I also believe western culture is more valuable than it is flawed, I mean, who else gave us science at all? Western culture is the only culture to completely embrace rational thought, that doesn't mean "only white people are good at science" just that if it weren't for them there really wouldn't be any. Watching academia turn into a Maoist circlejerk has been just as disturbing as watching someone beat a baby seal to death, emotion will always defeat any kind of system of objective evaluation and said objectivity was supposed to be protected as an end unto itself.

I really think "the right is le bad desu" is just political book, literally just the human species infighting because we're half chimp instead of all bonobo. I mean, my dude, I'm an evolutionary biologist...or I WAS anyway. That the left is losing people like me is really pretty scary. I mean, what do these people expect, whites to become a sugar daddy servant race because of our Original Sin?

I'd rather hafta pay higher taxes and have the economy based around that, versus having to pay an arm and a leg just to get my other arm fixed


Economy Sucks
My life is circling the toilet
No girlfriend


>Both happy and terribly bitter but that is what Love does I guess, I'm kinda new to these kind of things tbh fam

>united states
> wouldnt mind dying if i could pay back my family first

I feel like I should note the Ivy League. 8 world-class universities while each of these other nations have how many of their own?

Public education in the US looks like shit for three reasons: Our government is really bad at figuring out how to prioritize our budget, spending it on backwards shit like giving thousands of illegal border-crossers a free fucking pass (this costs money), women's shelters (which they say are privately funded but are typically sponsored by the state, which pulls that money from the federal budget/we already have homeless shelters, women don't need their own entirely separate hugbox all to themselves), a myriad of bullshit projects that are really just covers for senators and lobbyists to pull from the budget, a number of other completely unnecessary items that I can't be bothered to list right now. The population disparity between public schools in densely populated cities and suburbs, where the denser population in those cities comes from slums and generally piss-poor neighborhoods (where all the dumbest people breed like rabbits and perpetuate their intelligence-crushing cultures). Primary education is mandatory by law.

>implying i'm talking about universties
>what is Cambridge university

nah, Public schools from grades K-11, and 12 if you're in USA

I can't blame you for being disappointed with so much liberal hysteria. Even I have problems trying to defend real equality against new age feminists. However, there are several things keeping me from joining the conservatist parties. The first that I'm not a consevatist.

Here in Spain, our conservatist parties are fascist that barely try to hide it (our democracy was created and tweaked by our last dictator's ministers), not only that, they clearly participate in corrupt schemes all across the country, like the former (and now decadent) socialist party. And not only that, they, along the former socialists, are helping our companies to rip off the entire country and not being punished when they ignore the law. The reason is crystal clear: they receive tons of money when they join those companies once they retire from politics.

All in all, the conservatives here are easy to hate unless you try to ignore the reality. The alternative is still chaotic and somewhat scary if they finally become crazy pro-minorities liberals. As a left wing supporter, I never liked the idea that even though we want more equality, we also have to defend crazy women's privileges. Other women, fortunately, want real equality, without unfair advantages and obvioulsy no disadvantafes either.

In any case, I'm not against somebody who pretends being a magical ponny or shit like that. As long as they don't make me treat somebody like they are special for being weirdos, or be thrilled about it, I can ignore the way they are and treat them normally if they do the same for me.

Lastly, seeing people pollute and destroy our ecosystem just because it's convenient, and hoping to die before suffering the consequences, just gives me a very gloomy picture of the future of mankind. It's like seeing everybody go full retard. Like if they couldn't understand science and acted like if it was irrelevant.

We are being actively oppressed by political correctness that seeks to dehumanize us.

Have you not been paying attention to all of the business owners being forced to omit their belief structures from their own businesses' policies? What about surgeons being forced to perform abortions despite their conscience? Wedding planners being able to refuse service to straight, white couples all they want but the moment they refuse a minority couple they can be fired and/or their businesses shut down? Being fired legally if a woman or minority so little as suggests you used a pejorative while they can shout all the nastiest things they want at you but firing them would be considered discrimination?

Seems pretty active to me.

That's what insurance is for. A cast or pins for a broken bones for me is about $300 out of pocket. I pay roughly $200/mo in health insurance.

Get better coverage.

>8 world-class universities
>what about this one?

>didn't read the second part

Bad economy but I do not give a shit!

>blue cross blue shield
it's pretty good if you ask me, I'm just talking about even with insurance my father has to pay a ridiculous amount for an epipen, but say, canada it's like $25 for one

$9 for me.


and you're right, USA is awful at budgeting, we have a department of education in DC, with a huge building, a bunch of people working there but.. education is a state by state thing, 14 states still teach creationism as fact, instead of evolution to give you an idea of a bunch of money we're spending on something that is pretty much moot
USA everyone



There's also the second part "of" the second part.

The budgeting is bad but the real kicker is that population disparity between the lazy, dumbass slumrats and everyone else. You'll notice most of the US' successful (outside of the music industry) attended either private school or public schools outside of those slumrat trash camps. If you factor out those retard daycare centres, our education ratings would skyrocket. The thing is, it has less to do with funding and more to do with how incredibly self-entitled and lazy the vast majority of those kids are due to their incredibly lazy and self-entitled parents who live off of welfare or feel somehow "held down by the man".

> Sweden
> I am working my ass off, i think am not happy..




>America, moving (potentially permanently) to Japan this year

I love America, and I love Japan. Very happy with my life so far, and excited for my future. I do believe, however, that I have been lucky in what I've experienced in both countries. I can understand why somebody would be unhappy with America or Japan.

>Fuck no


26 years old male, i got my magister in accounting and financial institution last year, no job now I realize that I studied for nothing cause of corruption third world country with trash economy.
i speak french & english, intend to learn spanish this summer.
live with parents arabe education & culture
still a virgin wait for marriage (no problem still can masturbate) I save the least piece for the marriage so fucking expensive.

No, worst place to accomplish your dreams.

Don't wanna pop your bubble about Spain but we barely qualify as 1st world country

aiming for Canada dont worry



Not really. Even if I was I'm too mentally unstable to claim to be in a general state of happiness that I could realistically expect to last, but generally I guess I've been through worse phases in my life.

Everyone are fucking onions and stealers

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
And death's my destination.