NZ thread

NZ thread

Also, why havent you posted a youtube comment on Max Key's latest video?

Why are IDs even gone?

I have posted and its fucking stupid video anyway.
Stupid bullshit.

in it to win it.

welly, drunk. watching buffy. bed soon.

not watching the vid unless its lols

Are you the devil?

nice trips, user.

it's lulzy if you're into cringe and nepotism

dubs and I...

yes. ama, i'll do readings until buffys done

gimme a question, colour and thought/feeling

eh buffy is better

>gimme a question, colour and thought/feeling
these feelings that we've grown, can we take them all the way?

i need to link to you egg otherwise how can i read. gimme a colour and then focus on that and your colour

is mayonnaise a colour?

top zozzle

Anyone got 420 hookup Auckland Central/Parnell areas?

"The old must be released so that the new can enter."

Let the past go you cuck, otherwise your new qt ain't ganna work out.

just found this from a Herald article dated 2 days ago:

"...when it comes to his career as a DJ, Max admits he might always struggle to emerge from the shadow of his high profile father. He hopes his music is judged on its merits.

"I always laugh because even if I put something out that was actually made by amazing DJs like Steve Aoki or the Chainsmokers, I reckon people would still say, 'Oh, it's Max Key - this sucks'."



Dunedin reporting.

Loving the timetable I have for Polytechnic this semester, mondays off!

over the cold weather though

This niggas music is generic as fuck.
nigga ain't got his own sound yet.

this nigga should just release shit as a ghost and see how far it goes without his name attached to it.
the only reason it is getting attention is because of his name.

fucking dumb cunt nigga needs to go do more lines and fuck bitches while his fathers name and money is still relevant.

Chch here

dat bitch lifts more than the dude.

I was going to purchase a tablet today for reasons but they have a shitty selection in physical stores these days.
Internet shopping is the future.

Anyone working in retail is about to be cucked out of a job in the following years.

looks like a fucking man ae

straight outta k road

she's like a pretty decent swimmer too


>implying he actually makes any of the music he's attached his name to

he's seems to be pretty Chad, tho

Max, pls go.

no I mean, he got busted last year for yelling "Real men ride women" at some cyclists on snapchat.

Like a fucking retarded fratboy

I see you know your woman's day well.
good one.

Dunners reporting.

Went and saw the Pork Pie remake. It was a bit shit, but Tim Shadbolt proved once again that he is our nations hero