I know you guys are fucking cancer, and I shouldn't be asking you, but fuck it

I know you guys are fucking cancer, and I shouldn't be asking you, but fuck it.
Writing a suicide note now. What should I include?

Little bit of info
I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to do it, that's not to say I'm scared, but there's an event in my life that can go either really well or really poorly. If it goes well, I scrap the letter, and forget this ever happened, if it goes poorly, boom goes the dynamite (to a lesser extent but you get the point).
The event has nothing to do with relationships, I won't be live streaming the event (but if I end up doing it, I might give you guys a heads up first, so you can try to find articles about it, it's not going to be front page shit, but it will be written about, I can almost guarantee it, I also know the home address of a pretty niche, kink pornstar, I guess I can throw that info in there for you guys as well). Also I'm not actually depressed, I'm just a psychopath with no strong regards for human/animal life, if I kill myself it'll just be a whatever thing to me, not a dramatic "Woe is me, why didn't people love me?" thing. I'm actually pretty content with my life right now, I have friends, and family who love me. My job isn't too shabby. I'm just a bit bored with life and if the event goes poorly, it'll drive me to ultimate apathy towards life.

I also plan on investing pretty much all of my money into a single stock (fuck charity) if it goes up, and I make bank, I guess I can put it off until some other time. But if it goes down, who gives a fuck? I'll be dead!

Also, if anyone knows the best way to shoot oneself in the head, that would be appreciated. I was thinking right temple, but IDK, I haven't exactly done this before.

inb4 attentionwhoring (I'm user you dip, IDGAF if you guys care or not)

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What's the event

summarized it in the second line...
"Writing a suicide note now, what should I include?"

I assumed I would get autistic responses, not ADD as fuck ones.

A military judicial punishment. It's not a huge deal, but w/e

"Hey, I was unsatisfied so I killed myself. Whoever finds my stuff may keep it, see you later!"

What kind of gun do you have?

back of the skull to sever the brainstem is the best place to shoot yourself

make sure that you tell people who might get depressed that it wasn't their fault, if you don't want them to feel shitty forever

if you do it make sure you donate all your stuff to charity so someone whos life matters will get something good out of it

I was thinking about doing an apathetic reply like that.
But I also figure I could actually make a change, like I said I'm in the military, and the military makes a huge deal about military suicides, if I say "I did this because XXX was harassing us non stop" they pretty much wouldn't even need that big of an investigation and I could seriously fuck over someone's career (I'm not usually a blue falcon, but I figure if I"m going to off myself, I might as well get a laugh before I do it)
standard Beretta M9... Not a big gun guy, I see something that shoots bullets, and I get it. Actually something that I wouldn't have thought about. Thanks for that

Stuff, I'll write out to being donated (after special case things go to friends and what not).

Money I'm totally gambling on the stocks though. That's like, not really up for question (I've been donating to St Jude's for years now anyway, that should cover me, right?)

So as I said before, I'm not a big gun guy, I shoot on the range when I'm required to, after that, I only see guns in games.

So does recoil affect you at all while the bullet is traveling through the barrel? I know it does with rifles, but I don't know if it has the same effect with shorter barrels.
If it does, how the fuck am I supposed to finagle that shot? I feel like I would just fuck it up and end as a vegetable.

The note is absolutely for those left behind. If you truly are a psychopath, take a moment to say some kind words to the people who love you. I still re-read my dads letter he wrote me a couple times a year. It means a lot to me. Just my opinion. Also, don't anhero Sup Forumsro . It's all lolz here, but it really really fucks up the people who care about you. Also just my opinion. I wish you peace regardless....lastly if using a gun use a 12 gauge shotgun either directly to the front of forehead, or directly into the heart. Just barely left of center of chest.

Im cancer but i will reply as a normal person if you are a psycopath the best way to end your life (If you are really decided if not dont do it) is to get rid of those you hate dont do a fucking eugene school shooting just get rid of some people who made you like shit and then donate your stuff to people who really need it after that leave a note of your reazons and all that shit before taking the shot (You dont want your parents or whoever that supports you to live with remorse on the inside whitout knowing why did they lost you)

Names. Include names. It will haunt those motherfuckers for the rest of their lives.

Unless no-one gives a fuck about you, which is pretty likely considering you're asking Sup Forums to help you with your suicide note. Be a bigger faggot.

It should also work if he puts the gun into his mouth The less painful one should be better for this guy

I suggested him to get rid of those bastards.

If you are pathetic enough to just leave this world in a human body, which is a fucking lottery win by all statistics, at least go out a hero and try to take out some isis members on live stream. Don't fucking kill ANYONE you may have been slighted by. Grow the fuck up. Unless someone raped you as a child, or raped anyone in your family, do not go fucking kill people who just might be cunts. Kill the true cancer of the world. But for fucks sake, think of the opportunities you have if you literally dip the fuck out and go to new a country and try something new. Go without money, doesn't matter. Go on a huge fucking adventure if you really feel like there's nothing left. You will be enlightened. Go be a bum in hawaii and smoke meth. Anything is better than leaving your atoms in the dirt when you could be experiencing the human vehicle you were awarded with by chance. Come on and at least try it. There's been millions of people who wanted to an hero, and thousands upon thousands who ran away and completely found happiness. You can't even understand how GOOD it can feel to be truly happy so why not give it a chance. Please, don't hurt anyone who has a family, even if they were dicks. I'd only give a pass on that like I said, if they raped you or worse.

I worked in emergency response for 20 years, ive seen the gun under the chin shit or gun in the mouth fail really horribly for the patient. Full blown potato mode and suffering. The problem is they flinch at the last moment and throw off the angle

Press the gun towards your nose, point it upwards towards the back of your head.

I read that a shotgun is better, however I don't believe the gun store nearby sells them (I won't get into too much detail, but I'm in a pretty liberal state, so I take what I can get) As far as the emotional letter stuff goes, I suppose I can shit something out as a last act. It'll be disingenuous as fuck, but the thing is, only like 3 people know I'm actually diagnosed with ASPD (the PC way of saying psychopath, I can't feel things like empathy, regret, or guilt) so even if it isn't honest, they won't fucking know.
The thing is that I'm torn, I could go in a shootout, however if I do, it completely negates any actual change I can make with my note (Not huge things, just like minor changes that I would fucking like to see happen around base, that pretty much require a suicide to get done).
I'm charismatic as fuck, the people I don't like, still like me, I just don't let them know I hate them (like a boss who thinks you're his best friend, yet you want that mother fucker to get hit by a bus). So I could do that haunting shit. It's not high on my to-do list, but it's on there.
I'm sure I could totally get away with it, and actually, as I'm typing this, that sounds like a more and more fun idea. But I do have a contractual obligation to stay in the military for about 16 more months, I doubt they would look very hard for me if I just decide to pick up and leave (I heard someone went AWOL for almost a year, and was only caught because he called someone from his leadership to brag) I have about 30k saved up with no debts. So I wouldn't have to go penniless. And I have been thinking about a trip to the Ukraine or something. I'll put it on the back burner. Yeah it's a major life decision, but so is fucking suicide so I guess it cancels out.
I was thinking right temple, or between eyes. But I'm still listening to suggestions. ( saw you too)

fuck man, maybe it's your trips, but I'm actually thinking about doing this regardless of the outcome now...

Fuck you and your good ideas.

>family who love me
It will fuck your whole family up no matter how you do it. My nephew did it 2 weeks ago so I know from experience.

Can you do a hero?

Like... kill JB or someone as annoying as him by jumping from a tower?

Or just jump into a feminist-crowd...


Look dude if you think he is unmature or anything is alright we are only trying to help him (HELP HIM¿¿¿) Yes help him he didnt asked if it was good to kill himself or not he has the decision in his hands we are only giving him some tips of what he could do before taking out himself something that at least could give him a sensation of being complete with himself.

Frontal lobe if you wanna go out quick also make sure you write DNR on you it means do not resuscitate also in tge letter donate your organs if youre not using them anymore let others use them my dood

Nice one clown.

I'm not exactly a big fan of my family. Don't get me wrong, I understand that there are going to be a ton of Sup Forumstards hating me for this, but they're good people. I objectively had good parents. But ASPD makes it kind of hard to form attachments, it's why I've never been able to stay in a romantic relationship for more than a couple months. They've really done nothing intentionally bad to me, they're just overly attached (as I'm sure most good parents are) and the attachment just doesn't sit well with me.

Let's think about this from a strategic standpoint. If I kill a feminist (i.e. Anita Sarkeesian), it would fuel their flames. It would justify what they do. JB or some non-political celeb, I could see doing. They don't have an agenda, it's those who actually are trying to make a point that I have to look out for.
Bruh, there's 7 bil people on Earth. Granted 1/3 of them are from shit holes like India and China, but the world OBJECTIVELY doesn't need more people. I get what you're trying to do, and as a social species, it makes sense, but from a numbers stand point, it doesn't matter. Plus, as I said before, I'm not depressed, I'm just bored of life. If I was depressed you could probably talk me out of it, but it's not, so honestly suggesting that I just disappear and travel the world is probably the most likely scenario to prevent a suicide.

Already have my ID saying to donate my organs, Plus, I knew DNR was a thing in combat, but I didn't know you could do it in the states. Doesn't that fall under assisted suicide or some shit?

You won't do it, you've got attention now.

Never said I was definitely going to do it, I said there was a 50/50 chance. (10/10 reading comprehension)

If you are a psycopath do you actually have in mind burying some people ?

torn on the issue, I've mentioned it before, but there's a shit ton of text, so I'm not really blaming you for not seeing it (at least it wasn't something I mentioned in my original post, looking at you )

I could bury someone, but honestly, there's nobody I can think of who is bad enough to justify it. There are shit heads, don't get me wrong, but if I was going to ruin them, I feel like ruining their careers by mentioning them in the letter would be a stronger, more fulfilling way to go).

Plus if I kill people, my letter means nothing and I can't change anything with it.

kys faggot

I wish I could be as witty as you

Nice one eugene any more jokes you have from your mothers basement?

I am not totally sure mate, but I heard a cop told a news anchor that shooting yourself pressing the gun against the side of your head behind your ear is a good way to do it.

Trips here again. I'm glad to see a couple people entertaining my thoughts for a second. Didn't mean to say "grow up" that shit was stupid. Just rambling. But perspective man, perspective. it's everything. Imagine you weren't in the military right now, you never took that path. You were working for Tesla or some shit, and because of that path you found a true love for something completely outside of the regular military life you are living. You would probably be so happy. There are a million ways this could happen, and a million ways it could go the other way and you would be sad just like right now. But IT IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL AND YOU HAVE THE FUCKING POWER TO CHANGE IT! Dude you can do WHATEVER you want. Literally anything you want, and this depression, just like what I went thru, was the most valuable thing I was ever given. It gave me a chance to get so low that when I finally woke up and got out of it, nothing will ever look the same again. All the terror and fright and pain in the world is awful. But it's just a part of this crazy fucking reality we live in and I CHOOSE for it to not affect me. It's laughable. Not even a battle anymore. It's just this insane live on this insane timeline on a floating ball of water in zero gravity spinning around a fucking gargantuan fireball in a universe too large for us to understand. As I started to heal I always repeated to myself "zoom out.. zoom out", and it sounds really gay but I would look up pictures of space/solar system/our planet and just get the biggest relief ever. It's hilarious man. This life is hardly understood by any of us humans, yet we naturally get built to take it way too seriously from day 1. Don't be a victim of the computer behind your eyeballs making assumptions about everything automatically. it's a shitty computer but you control what theme you apply to the UI. Make it a fun one. Don't throw your money away either, people would do anything for $30k no debt.

Remember, zoom out. Life is insane and you are a healthy person driving the fucking dopest biological vehicle on earth. Also on the dopest planet with bright blue water thriving for billions of years. Fuck everything else, you are a miracle plain and simple. Zoom out, laugh. Life is fucking awesome bro.

It sounds like you're saying that from memory, so I doubt you'll have it, but if you have sauce that would be appreciated.
I'm in the military, I'm not going to get offended by something as small as "grow up", I literally didn't even register it the first time I read your post. I will once again state that I relationships don't really matter to me, I've held a couple, but casual sex is far more appealing. I should also mention that there's no pain, no battle, no fear. I know it's not the suicide story people are used to hearing, but that's because people like me usually don't talk about it, because it's not that big of a deal to us, whereas the depressed actually do want help.

And again, I agree. I've thought about it before, but it didn't occur to me recently that if you're going to commit suicide you get a golden ticket to do whatever you want. Like a serial killer in max security prison, there's only so many things that they can do to me.

I've honestly considered your recommendation, and now the paths are
Things go well and I don't take any action
things don't go well and I just disappear from everyone I know. Maybe leaving a courtesy letter behind or some shit, but yeah.
The hard part would be, getting 30k out. I can't imagine I just walk up to the bank and say "$30,000 please." and even less likely the odds that they'll let me through TSA without raising a few questions. I guess I could just put in leave to a foreign country, and when it gets accepted, go AWOL instead of just disappearing out of nowhere...

I'll cross that bridge if I get to it.


Due to the fact that I don't know if "the event" will turn out well or not, I still have to go to work tomorrow, i'll continue monitoring this thread for another 20 min or so, and then I'm off...

I'm actually pretty happy with how this thread turned out so far. Came here asking for suicide tips and how to write a note, now there's a chance I'm just going to disappear to some foreign country.

Explore. Do it. You got plenty of dough, $30k is like a million in some countries. Can't say you hate life until you've been to all the dope regions on this ball floating in zero gravity. Good luck my friend. I care about you too now, so don't let me down. I expect to see you opening the stock exchange in 8 years as an uber successful dude who found out some crazy shit while travelling.

Here you go amigo:

Do it in a school.

Eugene shit style is not the point here bro

I notice that you want to make your death mean something. You're looking at the bigger picture which I like. Although killing yourself is not the best plan of action it can really affect a lot.

What im trying to say is I think that you can make the taking of your life mean a little more if you put your mind to it.

Think of an ideal. After that think of killing yourself as the ultimate form of publicity. Do more than write a letter. that isnt enough to get real shit done. Make. A. Plan.

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