
Monday night edition

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Dizzy Gillespie

been enjoying this more than i feel i should

anyone here know what song this is?


I learnt a diminished is also a dom 7 flat 9 with no root
So it means... a diminished arpeggio will fit over the dom 7 that it can be substituted for


why? Jeff Watts and Dave Kikoski are both amazing

mfw OP is sam rivers disc

Sam is incredible

I assume most people are asleep but I'll give a bump anyway before I head to bed

Jazz sucks, listen to Kendrick instead. He's the only person who makes real music these days.


here ya go man :) --> (You)

>Favorite jazz record
>Favorite non-jazz record

>Charles Mingus - Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
>Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Town

I Watched Whiplash and now I want to listen to jazz what do I do

Start with Miles Davis - Kind of Blue and John Coltrane - A Love Supreme and go from there

This is good though

It's Johnny Hodges' solo in Duke's original recording of It Don't Mean a Thing. The recording on Youtube is pretty shite quality, bout you can hear what it is:

If you're looking for a recording of it or just good swing/big band in general, compilations like pic related have a better mastering and make these old recordings sound as good as they can.

>A Love Supreme
>Gergiev conducting The Rite of Spring


Anyone know where I can find a download for Verneri Pohjola's 'Bullhorn'? I heard about him in these threads, checked out pic related and really dug it.

David Holland Quartet - CotB
Luciano Cilio - Dialoghi Del Presente