Hey Sup Forums. I have a problem. I've been dating this girl name Liz for about a year now...

Hey Sup Forums. I have a problem. I've been dating this girl name Liz for about a year now. She's really nice and pretty. A little on the chubby side but an all around good fuck and girl. But lately I've been hanging out with another girl named Liz. Who is very hot in just about everyway and I connect really well with. I want to dump my old girl for this one but I'm to much of a pussy to break her heart. What do? Pic is of first girl

Post second girl for opinion.

Show us Liz 2.0. I want to see this hardware upgrade. Then help may come.

ask the one you trust more what to do. just kidding...cheat like hell and lie.

This is the second Liz

That's the option I'm leaning to at this point. But if I get caught I'm afraid both will no longer provide there fuck holes

LIZ #1

Easy.. Be honest. Not lying, shes getting hurt either way.. but this way is much better, do it before you get into anything serious with the other.. or else.. crazy heart break mode, she might come after you or something.

>both are already providing their fuckholes
>asking what to do after you've already done it
>mfw I fucking called it you cockroach

Yeah but I feel guilty about it. I don't want to cheat anymore than I have but I'm a weak fucker and am bad at making decisions

Threesome... Then marry both with religious freedom rights. Checkmate.

well as long as you feel really bad.............................not.

Just ride the pony at this point toolbag. It can only go downhill so you may as well have fun. Liz 1 looks wifeable and loyal....but she has done this before. youre fucked. hope the squeaky mouse chick is worth it. she will ride you until youre available...then drop you like youre hot :)

I can tell you right now if you go with this chick you'll be single in a month.

What makes you say that?

he knows the same shit I do mr. only explore posts that aren't directly negative.

No. I agree with you completely

At this point I'm basically just trying to hold this shit together for as long as possible. But at the same time. Still feel like a total dickbag

nah you don't. you have no idea liz 1 is battered but strong and real and liz 2 is a practiced relationship killer. 2 knows what she is doing and 1 knows what youre doing.

youre the only one thinking you have a choice left.

>im willingly hurting myself

are not...you love it and have behavior problems

Behavior problems? Like. Autism or something?

So. I guess the third option is just give up and let them both go. I know Liz #2 really well and she's not that kinda girl. Though at the same time I've never been a good judge of character. I could just kill myself and let them figure it out

no like something you do becsuse you refuse to adjust that totally can't be pawned off on a physical abnormality or a chemical imbalance.

you're a roach

I want to adjust. I just legitimately care about both of them

no she isn't. great idea.

>i care about them so i have to fuck them

get castrated already

I might just do that actually. Not only because of this but the compounding issues in other areas of my life. Just turned 19. Parents are divorcing. Dropped out of highschool because of my weak ass social anxiety. Spend most of my day smoking weed and drawing. I know I'm a waste of space. Just afraid to die

How does that imply I have to fuck them. It just kinda happened organically.

christ go volunteer for the military you sack of shit. They'll mold you into something semi useful and youll know what its like to get fucked. win/win but if you kys make sure to act like I was what did it for you. and stream if you can.

exactly moron. fuck youre dumb too. don't shoot anyone wearing the same uniform as you....those are good guys.

Don't want to be part of a system that's cares more about profit that soldiers. If anything I'll just travel the world as a homeless nomad or some shit

Is that a 12 year old boy? Seriously, Liz 1 is hotter. Also doesn't have some fucking weird ears and drawn on stupid eyebrows.

I like that all you guys are so honest though Thanks for the input at least

Liz 1s personality is kinda dull.

you live in a first world country don't you pothead?? surprise! your deluded ass is already part of the system. might as well get something out of it. fuck outta here with your psuedo applicable morals.

>if anything ill just be welfare leeching gypsy scum

fucking kys. 10/10 if this is bait you win the internet.

Smoke weed eith both of them, then 3 some

you're pretty fukkin dull yourself friendo

Even better then. Not dull usually means a bunch of drama and shit too deal with once you're in a relationship with them. Give me someone who'll happily snuggle in silence and not demand shit.

if I had morals I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. And why give back to a system I was born into with no choice.

>I bet i can teach this guy the morals he doesn't have over the internet

and I'm harvey the rabbit

nevermind. now you're bluntly ignoring what I say. 10/10. you got me good


Nah man. Not trying to get you. Just a lost kid with nothing to gain or lose


Morals? I wasn't trying to teach him morals. A smidgen of common sense, but not morals.

why don't you give liz 1.0 to user. she will need

ya already fucked it. why would i want to talk to someone who is as non commital in a conversation as relationships. do you have friends? like actual friends?

Take her man. I don't deserve her

No. Not really. I used to. Fell into depression and pushed them all away

No. Not really

then replace "morals" with "common sense" in my post you argumentative queer...same damn message.

You're a pillock though. Go eat a dick.

Sorry for bothering you guys with my bullshit. Just wanted to talk to someone about things. Pic is me with the only real friend I have

You're a fucking dipshit OP

Attractive one in the friend pair. Major reason she's behaving this way is because in her head she's more attractive and you should be fawning over her.

As soon as she has you by the balls, she'll get bored unless there aren't other girls for her to feel jealous about.

Seeing that you are considering moving on to her, the "right" thing to do is to walk away from both.

If you want the optimal amount of pussy on your dick, start fucking her behind your gf's back and if the second brings up breaking up with your current gf, play along with drama. But I love you both, she's not doing well right now,she'll be devastated etc...

Meanwhile look for a girl who's attractive but more stable.

Break up with both of them, focus on yourself and get your shit together you degenerate

god i hope you get polio and your dog eats you

my fuck. name one person who chose to be born you sniveling snowflake

This. Get some help and stop being so pathetic.

post more pics of the lizs