ITT: shit normies say about music

ITT: shit normies say about music

"this is what they use to torture criminals"
"it's just noise"

Other urls found in this thread:

>shows someone Two Headed Boy Pt.2
"I don't like it, I'm not into kpop"

"Where's the drop?"

>too white
>too black

"people actually listen to this?"
"i was born in the wrong generation."
"it has no melody."

"Why do you care so much?"

The worst part is, compared to a lot of the passionate folks here, I really don't care.

"so when does the actual song start?"
"when do the lyrics start"
"does it have to be this long"
"why is it so long"
"oh I actually don't really/ usually listen to long songs"

"oh yeah BoC are great, MORE COWBELL! hahaha"

i just like music that sounds good, i dont need to think so hard about it

just playing blues based pop music
"it's too weird"

>does this even have singing in it? ugh
>wtf language is this? i cant understand what they're saying turn it off

"When do they stop tuning their instruments and play the music?"

"it's album of the decade"

>this is boring
>What were they smoking when they made this?
>It's lit

The fact that

>it's like, I listen to stuff you don't normally hear on the radio
>*H A L S E Y I N T E N S I F I E S*

"they should learn to sing instead of using autotune"

holy shit this

>This is a toon.
>That's not singing, it's screaming.
>This is shit audio quality.

>"is he singing off-key on purpose?"

"Can't we put something more energetic ? " ?

>how do you know what the song is about of there's no lyrics?

>i like this
>this sounds really good
>i'd love to hear more from this artist
>can't wait to see these guys live

>"Is all of the music you listen to like this?"

Well screaming isn't singing

But they weren't just screaming on the song I was playing.

>sorry, I don't like screamo

Sorry for enjoying music.

"how many drugs were they on when they wrote this"

i accidently showed my mum their take on me cover and this was her exact reaction

>user, this is fucking terrible

Every. Fucking. Time
>Friends play some shitty soundcloud trap rap
>"What a banger"
>I don't really like it
>"Its just too black for you I guess"
>Everyone is white but me

This album is G.O.A.T.

You probably give off Steph Curry vibes.

>This intro is long

what if they're right

>implying normies listen to BoC

"this isn't good hip hop user" followed by switching the music to Russ or Hoodie Allen, by people who claim to know everything about rap because they listened to a 2Pac song in its entirety once

it hurts

>Play any shoegaze
"I can't hear the singing."
>play any mellow song
"Why do you listen to such sad music?"
>explain why a song is shit
"How can it be bad? It's in the charts and loads of people listen to it."
>play "old" music
Why are you listening to that granny music?

These are just a few things people have said to me.

> play some orthodox metal
"That's pretty lit senpai"

"What a twist!"

>Now THIS is the real music we used to listen to.
Literally any YouTube music video of an old song will have a comment just like this, I swear.

These threads make me cringe

>I listen to everything except rap and country


>"this isn't even music"
Oh wait people here say that as well

>inb4 someone thinks I'm only referring to harsh noise

>What are you listening to user?
>Why do you like listening to elevator music?

top kek

But the song's literally called "Tuning Up," how could people not think it's just instruments tuning?

>"Oh I love that album! It's really nice to put on shuffle in the background."
>"Ya idk I don't really listen to albums just my fav singles"
>"oh I love the harmonies"

The elevator music thing pisses me the fuck off

Those are boring homogenous genres though user.

What's the most mundane thing anyone has ever "That's not even music"ed?

For me it was Death Grips and early NMH

>I never knew you were gay
Can a nigga listen to female musicans? God damn

I swear, I've seen this posted before.

"he sounds like a very angry young man"

>when do the lyrics start
fucking this kills me

>"Why is he screaming?"

>Everything posted on Sup Forums

every. fucking. time.

>*insert modern MC singing about trending social topics here* is the voice of our generation

>"I was born in the wrong generation."
Fucking hate it when people say this

when people say this they typically mean country pop. AKA what you would hear on the radio. Most probably have never heard country music that isn't made just to top charts

rap is completely irredeemable, though

>Now THIS is the real music we used to listen to.
>I was born in the wrong generation
>I'm [insert age] and people in [age group] don't understand how good this stuff is
>This is better than that rap and pop stuff people listen to nowadays

What's the name of this album again? I've seen it so much on Sup Forums that I've finally decided to check it out.


David Gilmour has more emotion in one note than this guitar player (I have never heard of but somehow feel threatened about his technique)

>"user what the hell are you listening to?"
>"I don't like this it's too noisy turn it off"

>"Oh I love that album! It's really nice to put on shuffle in the background."
I'm dying internally

>"Ya idk I don't really listen to albums just my fav singles"
>"oh I love the harmonies"
No one says 'singles' or 'harmonies'

It's gay to appreciate art from the opposite sex.

>rap is completely irredeemable, though
Explain why you think this

>plays anything besides top 40
>"lol user you listen to weird music XD"

like id get it if i just whipped out sunn o))) or something but if i remember right the last time i got this i was listening to david bowie

I know,
>Kanye's old stuff
How exactly is it irredeemable?

>I have more knowledge of country music, hence rap music is shit
>I'm too much of a lazy fuck to try and find decent rap music

Does the concept of 'normie' not worry anyone?

Like they're trained to expect certain things, and if they're not there, they're quick to judge and call it out.

'something NEEDS to be [x]'

kinda worrying desu

that's the point of popculture

Muse, by my mother.

>show my friend my new huey lewis and the news cd
>"too black sounding"

fuck you too then

In the aeroplane over the sea
>protip: search using the image next time ya dingus

Talking to my extremely normies ex gf who thinks she's super into music (only things i ever heard her listening to while we were together were Blonde, Coloring Book, The Front Bottoms, Brand New, and Drake)

This popped up while talking about the new Kendrick.
Basically normies can't defend their opinions. They just "disagree" with no reason


Naming it IDM was a mistake tho

>"this is what they use to torture criminals"
someone once said this when I played this

I don't understand. It was the most accessible normie music I had on my phone at the moment.

>Slightly weirder but pretty accessible song
>wtf are we listening to.


> listening to beware
> why cant he stop talking?

Well, you souldn't play fucking Death Grips to a normie.
They wouldn't understand

Thanks, I guess.

>Death Grips isn't for normies
found the normie

is it hard to have friends like this?

Death Grips is essential "i think my taste is better than normies but i'm actually a normie too"-core

Most of my friends aren't like this but no
I just realize they aren't into music as much as they think they are

"If it's not made with real instruments it's not real music"

but they must be very bad communicators in general. and not very self-aware, while still being opinionated. is it not a frustrating combo?

>yeah i like this song, but idk if id listen to the whole album

>you're listening to korean disco polo
A man can't even listen to his eurobeat now

now this is just fucking ignorant

>i don't like this music


i wish all music was like that

the world would be a better place

>be listening to blanck mass
>normie friend approaches
>"what are you listening to, user?"
>'oh I really don't think you'd like it'
>"what? I like everything."
>doubt but why not
>rhesus negative
>"this isn't even music, this is some weird edgelord shit."