*deletes Heresy*

*deletes Heresy*

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I honestly don't get how people actually listen to this album, I always see shit about nin here and how they are industrial and whatnot so I decided to give it a listen today. Honestly just sounded like industrial pop

*deletes album*

Well, that is exactly what it is.

All songs in this album have their place and all of them are fucking great.

that's a funny way of spelling "I Do Not Want This"

then go back to listening to Kendrick Lamar

>don't like nin
>therefore I like kendrick lamar
I like calling out kendrick posters too user but I honestly have no idea where you got that assumption. I don't listen to rap of any kind

>not Big Man with a Gun

Not that lad but spiral is just awesome for me, its not industrial, even trent said it, but its great. What kinds of music do you enjoy?

lots but lately Scandinavian folk

Post some sounds interesting

>not piggy


I used to think the same thing...
...then I became patrician.

Trent Reznor has never described himself as an industrial musician, only inspired by the scene. It was retarded music journalists that labeled him as such.

Every sons is perfect on this album.
Mr self destruct is the best.

Why heresy? Songs hot fire

>wants to remove I Do Not Want This

But why.

>deletes THREAD

album is perfect as is.

This album has no bad songs. Don't delete a thing you jellyfish

Why is this album so good and why is The Fragile so laughably bad?


>Why is this album so good
Each song is perfectly done, has its place and offers something new.
>why is The Fragile so laughably bad?
Because it's not and you're a fag.

*deletes shitty crystal japan rip-off*
*includes just do it and sex dwarf*

But The Fragile is really weak, it has a couple of great songs, but most of the songs has the same exact buildup and format. To be honest, I don't think you could've made a throughout good album even if you removed the weak tracks.

lol, it's indeed industrial pop. Takes the typical song structure of a pop song and then take elements of industrial like sampling, loops, noise and dissonance. That doesn't make it bad.


even though kendrick samples NIN. idiot bitch

What are these weak tracks you speak of anyway?

This is my only 10/10 album. Anyone else?

Embarrassing lyrics aside, this album is really great

The Fragile and TDS are two completely different beasts though. TF relied mostly on a clean atmosphere, textures, complex programming (see Starfuckers, Inc.) and heavy use of (distorted) guitars. TDS it's more mechanical, cold and harsh. Both have great song structures and the production was very ahead of its time. I chosse The Fragile over TDS anyday.

It's a 10/10 for me, but I'm really generous when it comes to 10/10s.


I'm not a big fan of Big Man With A Gun desu

this is coming from someone who saw every nin show on a tour once in north america

boi, you better take that back

how do you not like tracks like this


Heresy is the weakest link on the album. I love the album so much, but I will always skip Heresy.

I like the synth line on heresy though

It's mixed very well too

Now, I'm not a huge fan of the lyrics or tremolo vocals

how the fuck do you not like the only fantastic song on the album ya cuck

>He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
>He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
>He got the answers to ease my curiosity
>He dreamed up a god and called it Christianity

I don't see what's wrong, it's told from an edge lord who has depression and he is offered Christianity as means to get help.

The protagonist being an edge lord is against God, seeing him as an all powerful tyrant whom he wishes to take down.

You guys realize that in the album the protagonist takes down God? Heresy is super important part of the album.

It's not terrible and I say this as a Catholic

>the only fantastic song on the album
You're a cock if you didn't find these songs fantastic

>Mr.Self Destruct
>March of the Pigs
>The Becoming

>inb4 the "HM is a sequel to TDS" shit gets dragged up to prove some autistic point about the protagonist being or not being Tront

>unironically dislike Hurt the most
I don't give a fuck

nothing can stop you now, I guess

Kek, I'm the guy who made that claim and the one you called an idiot, yes, it wasn't the smartest thing on my part.

The Downward Spiral is definetelly not about Trent, there is some inspirations from his real self (He did say that for example Annie in The Becoming was his real-life crush) but it isn't as personal as say The Fragile or With_Teeth.

Hesitation Marks being a sequel to the album's story is just my autistic theory

Antichrist Superstar is the actual sequal to TDS, it's about the protagonist getting redpilled and becoming alt right, gassing all his bullies

The Fragile is the actual sequel to The Downward Spiral, Trent even himself said it.

Hesitation Marks has defenitive connections to The Downward Spiral, in what ways is very questionable.

I wasn't aware Big Papi was a NiN fan

The title track would make a better ending for the album.

was I really that big of an asshole? you're defo not an idiot or autistic, sorry man

alright, fucking stop.

the real TDS sequel was supposed to be Bleedthrough and it incorporated the protag's suicide in a mental institution, but you all missed the "bleeding through" line's real meaning on EDIETS

>Hesitation Marks being a sequel to the album's story is just my autistic theory
>"I felt very aware that it's 20 years later, and I'm still that guy. I know that guy, and I feel for him. I don't resent him, I don't miss him. But how would things feel on the other side of that now, in a much more stable life place, mentally and physically, and with a new family? The incentive has changed. It's not about, 'I'm going to kill myself if I don't get this out of my head.' But the excavation and the architecture behind it, the motivation behind it, is similar."

>"For some reason, when I started working more on Hesitation Marks, I started thinking back romantically about who I was when I was writing The Downward Spiral. I was looking back on who I was then and who I am now and how things have turned out, for better or worse. That was the air the new record was born in. I was looking at the other side of how I was not always honest about who I was in the '90s โ€” and I knew I wasn't being honest โ€” and if you sprinkle those negative feelings with some drugs and alcohol, it's usually not a recipe for success."

>"Now in terms of making that connection more literal to Downward Spiral, the choice of reaching out to Russell Mills, later in the process, to actually provide the artwork was certainly a conscious trail of breadcrumbs. The choice of using the same font โ€” we were making the connection here."

Nah, Not The Actual Events is the actual sequel now.

right on cue,

>"who I was when I was writing TDS"

simplified to

>"dr. press, I'm TDS"

I am still autistic though. None of these point to it being a literal sequel.

In "Conversation With" Trent literally says that when making Hesitation Marks he was thinking of The Downward Spiral, but he speccified that he was not thinking of these things

>How it sounded
>What it was about
Then again, Hesitation Marks can be so easily seen as a consistant story that picks up after TDS that it is something worth looking into. It seems perfect.

The first half of the album would be the protagonist coming back after his suicide, surviving it, trying to build himself back up and become a functioning member of society.

Then the "voice" comes back and he is in a fight throughout with it the entirety of the album. The album concludes with him realizing there is no significant difference between him and the voice, so he apparently dies at the end of While I'm Still Here and Black Noise.

Since it was mentioned.

Hesitation Marks is a fucking amazing album.

>50 year old man angrily whispers to his drum machine
>fucking amazing

to be completely honest, I don't even disagree

Yeah but most of the time it sounds ok in the context of the song. Like written out it's a bit cringey but in the song when it's being sung I don't think much of it

even tront says big man is the worst song on the album and shouldn't be there

>hates Kinda I Want To
>thinks Big Man shouldn't be on TDS
>3 awesome HM demos are wasted on an iTunes exclusive interview, one gets ruined on a shitty Todd Rundgren collaboration
>releases Everything
>STILL no album version of Now I'm Nothing

sometimes tront is a fucking pleb when it comes to NIN tbqhwy farn

>Kinda I Want To is bland
>Everything is genuinelly a good song
>Now I'm Nothing manages to be more generic than Getting Smaller.

Besides, Trent probably said he hates Big Man to avoid controversy, he did play it live when he was doing TDS in its entirety, so I doubt he hates it or that it doesn'T belong.

Oh shit, I confused "Now I'm Nothing" with "Not So Pretty Now"

fuck me.

Tell me your top 5 industrial records of all time.

How come millennials always want to delete songs off albums?
I keep seeing those threads and I don't understand how them can't enjoy a work of art as-it-is.

To start an active thread.

What are some other industrial albums that sound like this?

give personal ratings
A Warm Place > The Downward Spiral > Reptile > Eraser > The Becoming > Ruiner > Piggy >
Hurt > March of the Pigs > I Do Not Want This > Mr. Self Destruct > Big Man With a Gun > Closer > Heresy

hi jesse