Am I the only person who's specifically attracted to butterface girls?

Am I the only person who's specifically attracted to butterface girls?
Like I could take the same 10/10 body grille and swap a pretty face out for a bad one and I would be viscerally more attracted to the ugly one.
I'm trying to understand it, psychologically.
My working theory, is that girls with really slamming bodies that have weird looking faces, end up getting appeal of their bodies amplified just from the contrasted way our brains interpret seeing it.
Sort of like the hot chick standing next to the ugly friend but contained within one person's body.

Other urls found in this thread:

who is this???

I totally get you, OP. Women who others claim are beautiful don't really do much for me but girls like the one in your pic totally do.

Are you sure that it's not a subjective thing to do with your personal esteem level?
Attainability is fairly attractive in a female as well.
It's why some guys specifically get drawn to crazy or lazy chicks.

She's hot as fuck, I want sauce.

I'm also attracted to butterfaces a bit more than "pretty" girls. My theory is that I'm a forever alone piece of shit and I know it and butterfaces are likely the only way I'd ever be able to attain a girlfriend with a good body, so my mind makes them more attractive since it's what is in my league.

i must know!

you are a saint and a scholar


You know the old saying... If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, got to make an ugly women your wife...

The rationale behind your theory is sound user, but I don't think it is correct.
I'm a maximum Chad, and I still prefer these chicks.
One other thing I have considered is that subconsciously, I feel like these types of girls will never ever leave me, as they would likely never ever get with a guy as the same status as me, as they can't easily show them their physical assets in polite society.
Maybe that is what you're experiencing as well?

You do know that all OP needs is some dental work that's literally under $2000 to be perfect right?

I had almost forgotten what it is to have interesting read on Sup Forums.

This. I wouldn't say I'm a Chad, but compared to you sad boys probably.

I've found that they're also the most loyal and loving. Because they don't want you to leave.

you're close user, but you failed by placing yourself in a "status" that's above average.

Everyone here on Sup Forums knows no one here has a girlfriend, the rationale would be "if only I could meet an ugly face girl with a sweet body, she'd be an easy prey for me", it's the same with bestiality, "if they are willing to do a dog, why wouldn't they want to do me?"

In other words, you're ugly as fuck, don't have a girlfriend, and want someone just as ugly because hopefully they'll be desperate too.

I think I found the new thing that gets me off

The thing about butterface bitches with awesome bodies is that they are extremely attainable. they cant walk around at the bar naked so they know that all you can see is their awful face and some cleavage that may or may not be created by a VS pushup bra. They know as well as we do that they have an ugly face so that gives them shite self esteem. They spread em for the first decent looking dude that tells them (while smiling inside) that they are pretty. Telling an ugly girl that she is pretty with a straight face will get you laid faster than literally anything

The best thing is to find 9-10 with crippling social anxiety and low self esteem. And just go from there. Chances are you yourself are retarded so you can grow together. If meaningful relationship is what you seek. At Least this is what happened to me and I am really happy how my life turned out.

I'm not r9k-tier user, I swear.
Normally I post on Sup Forums 99% of the time but they would ban me for posting this.
Honestly I'm just trying to figure out why I have these impulses, because I want to get rid of them, because I don't want to have fugly children.
I'd rather talk to sage Sup Forumsacks than a psychiatrist.

Even if you're not ugly, it's all about how easy it is for you to get girls. You may be a chad, but can you get the girls? That's something you haven't mentioned

Im thinking the same, the girl is not my regular type, but she has a good body and not that bad of a face, only needs a full dental rework.

Not butterflies, but cute grills w/ some tragic flaw are more my thing.
>Used to hang out at bar with friends
>Grill in one of my friends classes at uni would come along from time to time
>Really cute face, petite body
>May have been in car wreck at some point because one eye socket appear like bone was crushed, eyeball missing. Skin not mangled, no scar tissue, but initially alarming nonetheless.
>Couldn't help but fantasize about sliding tip of penis into that empty eye socket.

That would be "not butterfaces..."

Fucking autocorrect, not knowing butterfaces is a thing.

this face is perfect and the fact they wouldn't want her as a miss of the world or to advertise anything changes literally nothing.Also, what really appeals to me here is lack of makeup, which I hate
tl;dr: not fugly, you simply care too much for other's opinion

Pure Sup Forumstard! Never change you hear!

I really don't think it's about any sort of insecurities.
I make around 137 grand a year and I have been lifting for the last 11 years.
I'm 31 and basically 10/10 for my age bracket.
I just legitimately want to fug these fugly brick shithouses more than the cheerleader Stacies.
The only thing I could think of in regards to self esteem is that I was DEFINITELY r9k tier when I was in high school 6'1" 140 lb lanklet ayy lmao.
It makes me wonder if I am subconsciously attracted to these women because I feel sorry for them due to white genetic altruism.

>Couldn't help but fantasize about sliding tip of penis into that empty eye socket.

her teeth are fucked up but the chick in op is pretty cute and body is prime like metroid

I'm with you op. There's something so charming about a girl with a rockin body but average face.

What job do you have where you earn that sort of $?

Interested, for reasons.

I think I'm in the same boat as you. Sure I can fap to 'sterotypical' hot girls who could be models, but I always seem to fuck the average looking ones with great bods.

Tbh, I didn't even know I was doing this for a while. It's like, I was just into them for being themselves. As lame as that sounds.

Then one day I did some self reflection and realised that I had exclusively only ever fucked average faced/butter faced women.

Weird, huh.


motherless G4EBA7D4




you make 137k, lift, and are a 10/10.
but you're still avoiding the question, how easy is it for you to get girls?

"It would be easy" is not a real answer, I want at least a "I fuck one every day/week" because any less than that you have problems.

I'm a lead field service engineer for a major pharmaceutical company.
The gist of the job is that you repair very expensive equipment that hospitals and medical facilities use.
You don't have to be a mechanical engineer or anything to get the job. The minimum requirement is any 4 year degree. Mine is in chemistry.
I lucked out by knowing a guy who worked there because of his dad who is a big shot there.
The only downside is that you are traveling almost constantly, like 70% of the time you are living in a hotel.


Not a butterface

>> The only downside is that you are traveling almost constantly, like 70% of the time you are living in a hotel.

boom. No decent looking girl would marry you and not cheat on you if you're constantly traveling. You need an ugly face girl with a good body

Dude that's just an averagely ugly girl.

A pussy and tits don't make you beautiful, or qualify you as having a good body

I think this is a shop job. and I base that on absolutely nothing. Other than its weird, that head on that body.

I think she is mate, not op here; she is really tom-boy ish in a no bueno sort of way.

I think this is my favorite pic so far. The only one im saving so far.

Im just dumping my folder, i might be scrapping the bottom of the barrel

ehh that's a fair point, user. I have been doing this job for the last 4 years.
Your point does resonate with me.

i'd bet she is into a lot of fun stuff

Shes pretty dude. TF?

An ugly girl is easier to fuck than a hot girl, Jesus fuck H Christ I want to beat your goddamn skull into the sidewalk stop fucking arguing you faggot fucking moron packet of fucking miserable dog shit. You've been told the cunting fucking reason why fifty times but you keep denying it because you're a fucking retard who looks for any dumb fuck reason why it's wrong. Christ sake you're a retard. Sober the fuck up man. Sober the fuck up. Stop arguing and listen instead of being a contrary bitch. Fucks fucking sake you cunt. I hope this turns into the next copy pasta, that's how fucking righteously furious I feel right now. I actually hope you get hit by a train in front of your family. I invite you to die on purpose you fucking miserable waste of oxygen. How dare you absorb resources that could be going to somebody less retarded than you. You should have an axe planted in your skull.

Last one I guess, the rest are not worth posting


also, sorry for the shoop

Pretty AF. I dont understand how you guys include some of these chicks. shes just making a weird face but you can tell shes pretty tho.

Thank you for making my day

kek. this ones funny

You got the original?

anyone have the video of her sucking dick?

ayy lmao im getting my Associates in BMET (prolly got 1 solid semester left to finish)

any tips for someone entering that workforce soon?

stay out of trouble or your career is rekd

dubs checkd

but that doesn't help when i refer to "advice"

Its because you don't think you could actually breed with hot girls.

Its because you see yourself as more attractive or as attractive as butterfaces so you think they will be open for breeding and it gets you turned on.

Apply to Griffols positions as a Technical Account Specialist
After you get in, apply for Field Service Engineer positions.

Got any moar?

terrible tits, but the rest is just fantastic. Would still bang

My god, I would make her my slam-piggy and feed her cock daily.

lots of people go for probable low self esteem, the relationships are easier.

Has anyone stopped to think that they wouldn't fuck you? They could be the biggest turkey but there's still their opinion on your appearance.

thanks my dude

have a meme

Holy fuck! It's the fucking McPoyle sister!

>So damned pale!

Maybe it has to do with their facial expressions. They seem more human compared to when someone cakes their face and holds a facial pose like a doll. Their ego hasn't been inflated by horn guys.

TFW 6'6 Ft. Tall

Daily Reminder That Anyone Under 6'2 Is A Pleb


I'm 6"1' so I get all of those advantages but my good buddy from work is 6"6'
I keep telling him that he could clean house online won't do it because he is Mormon and a faggot.
There are boundless 5'11" tall QTs and yet my friend who is a homo faggot can't deal...

if the picture is what you view height as you need to tear your eyes out and give them to someone who could actually use them

I already fucked a butterface chick, worth 9/10 easily.

Okay, let's see how much this thread misses the mark (i.e. has idiots posting girls who are actually pretty).

Actually cute, but she's got fucked-up teeth.
Filename says it all.
That's jan-you-wine butter, right there.
Kind of on the fence here. She's bug-eyed, but actually not that bad-looking. The glasses might be exaggerating it too.
Like OP, she'd be cuter if not for the teeth.
Churnin' that shit.
If you think she's a butterface, you need to leave the house more often. Tits are WAY out of proportion to her body though.
Shoop, or just unfortunate? If real, butter AF.

Needs work, but I've seen much worse attempts at butterface/fuckable uggo threads.

she looks like luke skywalker in episode 6

girls like this & any girl get slippery goopy wet when stimulated appropriatley,they scream they will try anything,if she is estheticlly alright shit make the nips pointy make that butt pucker

Sorry, all I got from this post is lies, mind telling the truth you fucking cockjuggler.

After watching how much trouble she had with that little anal toy, I really want to fuck her in the ass now!

And thx for the link.

Yeah, just straight-up dudeface.
Considering the trap obsession that a lot of people here seem to have though, that's probably considered desirable.

She was a bit of a butterface, but can't find the rest of her set.

>butterface thread
>post no face

>I'm a maximum Chad,

is she meant to have a good body??

She really was.

Manlet detected.

>There are boundless 5'11" tall QTs
Post them. Sup Forums is usually full of midget chicks.






We need more, user.
Dont be a faggot


My guess?

1.You feel safe because most guys won't be attracted to her face and she'll do everything you want because she'll want to keep you ( the guy that gave her a chance)

2.The fact that her face is fucked up makes you feel better about yourself.Just like you could date a stupid chick because it makes you feel smarter seeing how fuckin dumb she is.

3.Easy prey given low self-esteem.

But, here's the catch.
1.Even ugly fuckin' chicks can, and most do, think that they deserve prince charming.How many fat chicks won't look at a guy in their own league but want the best looking guy around?
And let's face it, if drunk enough, most guys would slam a butterface.Forget that pride, you can't see her face when you're pounding a nice round ass.

2.Um... works for your self-esteem, but it would be even more helpful for you to do something about your issues.But the practice bang once in a while can't hurt.

3.Usually works, but as I said at no1 , even ugly chicks think that they deserve the best looking guy, because let's be honest, we get treated like the good looking purse, increase their status in their social circle.


My neighbour, the reason is taboo. You get a sensation of them maybe being less confident. You feel like it's naughtier because they don't look conventionally like the sex cat their face would otherwise suggest. You get off on it because that slamming body, as you put it, is otherwise hidden away, like finding treasure or a briefcase full of cash, you can't believe what was beneath the surface.

Do I have low standards or something? Her face looks cute if not average.

When you say butterface, I'm expecting a Mr bean faced pornstar.